Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 610: Destroying Three Views

But soon, a new question appeared in Mo Xun's mind.

According to Lu Ming's memory fragments, his father seems to belong to the forbidden family of the owner of Chiyue Manor. If this is the case, how can this man absorb the woman's Yuan Yin?

Could it be that it is for both men and women?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly, and then put this disgusting speculation away from his thoughts.

"Lu Xian brought me back to his mansion and accidentally discovered my spiritual root qualifications. He temporarily changed his mind and started teaching me how to practice."

Qin Sirong's eyes suddenly fell on the jagged disc at his feet, and softened at the same time.

"That period was also the happiest time I lived since my mother left."

Having said this, Qin Sirong bent down to pick up the disc-shaped magic weapon, put it in his hand and rubbed it gently.

"That happiness was not because I could practice or no longer have to go hungry, but because I met him."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that it was Lu Ming that this woman had secretly promised, which was different from what he had guessed.

"It wasn't until I met him that I truly realized that life can have many colors besides being gloomy. Even though every day is about practicing, it's really interesting. It's the kind of life you hope to be free from every day. There will be a sunset mood..."

Mo Xun waved his hand: "My time is limited!"

To be honest, it was hard for him to imagine that the woman in front of him was nearly a hundred years old at least. How could she still say such obsessive words of love at such an age? Do women always have the heart of a girl no matter what age they are?

Qin Sirong didn't seem to hear Mo Xun's interruption and was still talking intoxicatedly.

"I originally thought that he and I should live a peaceful life like that. I don't expect immortality, and I have no interest in those great supernatural powers that reach the heavens and the earth. I practice so hard just because I don't want to be left too far behind by him. That’s all!”

Qin Sirong put down the jagged disc in his hand and stood up slowly.

"But God played a big joke on me at this time, allowing me to meet another man. The appearance of this third person is destined to be a disaster that I will never be able to escape in my life! Still remember that At that time, due to a bottleneck in my cultivation, I was unable to enter the later stage of Qi refining. At Lu Xian's suggestion, I decided to go out to practice, and it happened that I met him in the process. "

Although Qin Sirong didn't say it clearly, Mo Xun had already guessed that the sudden third person was probably Ye Ping.

"He is very shy and doesn't know how to talk. Although he can't make me happy like the first man, he always protects me every time I encounter danger. It's ridiculous to say that he is such a man who likes to do things for me. The man I stood up to was actually weaker than me. Sometimes, he would even fight someone because of their teasing words. "

The corners of Qin Sirong's mouth raised, revealing a charming smile.

This smile, different from the soft one just now, seemed to have a bit of doting and naughtiness.

"I remember that once in a secret realm, he could have escaped by himself, but he turned back just to find me. When I asked him why, he told me that he didn't know!"

Qin Sirong smiled and shook his head.

"What a stupid guy!"

Mo Xun didn't expect that the development of things would take a turn here, which was really beyond his expectation.

It seemed that after thinking about it for a while, the smile on Qin Sirong's face gradually faded away.

"It was at this time that I suddenly discovered to my surprise that I seemed to have fallen in love with two men at the same time... I must have guessed it from my seniors. One is my current husband Lu Ming, and the other is... Senior's disciple, Ye Ping."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, this was truly unprecedented, the first time he heard such nonsense.

But if you think about it from their perspective, if you swap their male and female identities, it seems that you can figure it out.

But in Mo Xun's heart, it was obvious that he would not put himself in his shoes. He was even thinking that if this kind of woman were placed in the mortal world, she would definitely end up in a pig cage!

One woman loving two husbands is simply a provocation to secular ethics!

Qin Sirong smiled bitterly.

"In this situation, no matter how I choose, no matter who I give myself to, I can't bear the pain of tearing my heart apart, and no matter who I choose, it is a kind of blasphemy to the other party. I have even said many times, They all thought about dying!"

Mo Xun felt that his three views were about to be insulted!

This is a typical example of trying to be a bitch and building a memorial at the same time!

People will always find excuses for their philandering, and sometimes this kind of excuse can even impress me.

This is to regard one's liking for others as a kind of gift, and give it to the first person. I am afraid that the second person will be sad, so I give it to the second person, and I am afraid that it will be unfair to the first person.

Mo Xun originally thought that fraternity would only be reserved for men, but he never thought that women could be so narcissistic!

"But at this time, someone made the choice for me, and that person was Lu Xian!"

Mo Xun was speechless. After talking for a long time, he finally got to the point.

"Lu Xian is the one who took me out of the sea of ​​suffering and taught me the techniques of cultivating immortals. In a sense, he gave me a new life, so it's hard for me to refuse his order! He asked me to have a relationship with Lu Ming Separated, made good friends with Ye Ping, and even betrothed me to Ye Ping as an adopted daughter, making the Lu and Ye families become friends of Qin and Jin. "

Qin Sirong stared blankly into the distance, tears flashing from the corners of his eyes again.

"I naively thought at first that he was worried about my inner turmoil, so he decisively made a decision for me. But in fact, he just took me into the Lu Mansion just to take advantage of me, but now, he has become a substitute. He's just a pawn to spy on the news!"

Qin Sirong slowly closed his eyes, his body trembling slightly, as if he didn't want to continue to remember.

On Mo Xun's side, a question suddenly arose.

According to what Ye Ping said that day, his parents were only building foundations, but Lu Xian at that time should have already formed elixirs.

If a pill-forming monk really covets the foundation-building treasure, does he need to use this kind of conspiracy?

After a long time, Qin Sirong slowly recovered.

"The irony is that I clearly knew that Lu Xian was going to do something wrong with the Ye family, but I still followed his orders..."

Speaking of this, Qin Sirong's mood suddenly became excited, as if he had a belly full of bitterness that he could not pour out.

"But you know, if I don't do that, he will kill Ye Ping and Lu Ming. Even if Lu Ming is his son, he will show no mercy. No one knows how cruel he is. He is a The big devil who can brutally kill his wife and sister for the sake of cultivation, and no one knows that he originally had a son, but he raised him alive and turned into a corpse! "

After this roar, Qin Sirong seemed to have been drained of all his strength and collapsed directly on the ground.

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