"You know, I have no choice at all. All I can do is to ask him to spare Ye Ping's life after he succeeds!"

Mo Xun's heart was really trembling beyond measure!

This really echoes the saying that if you don’t belong to the same family, you won’t enter the same family!

There is not a single normal person in the entire Lu Mansion!

But at the same time, he finally understood that there was another reason behind Ye Ping's lucky escape.

"After I reached an agreement with him, I completely embarked on the path that I regret for the rest of my life!"

At this moment, Mo Xun felt that his two hundred years had been in vain.

It turns out that life can be so wonderful!

A father who threatens others with his son, and a woman who likes two men at the same time and still feels wronged.

It seems that compared to these two, the eldest young master of the Lu family, Lu Ming, although a bit more lecherous and domineering, his behavior is still within the understandable range.

Could it be said that in order to cultivate immortality, even the most basic human nature can be abandoned?

And is the so-called love really so crazy?

"I learned everything Lu Xian needed to know from the Ye family, and according to the plan, I destroyed the Ye family's life-saving trump card, which gave Lu Xian an opportunity to take advantage of it. But it was precisely because of this that Ye Ping sent me I hate it to the core of my being!”

Mo Xun immediately grasped the key point of the words.

"What kind of life-saving trump card?"

Qin Sirong just sat listlessly on the ground, with no sparkle in his eyes.

"It is said that the Ye family once enshrined an eighth-level spiritual beast. After the beast's contract ended, this beast left a trace of its soul. It was relying on this to keep the Ye family in this chaotic Mengtian City. , can survive for hundreds of years without falling.”

An eighth-level spirit beast?

That was equivalent to the existence of a Nascent Soul cultivator. Mo Xun didn't expect that his little disciple's family still had such a background.

The divided soul of an eighth-level spirit beast can indeed be regarded as a life-saving weapon in a place where there are no Nascent Soul monks. Without knowing the root cause, even him might have to be a little wary.

No wonder Lu Xian didn't take action directly, the root cause is here!

"Senior must already know what happens next."

Qin Sirong smiled miserably, with bitterness and self-mockery in that smile.

No matter who hears this kind of thing, I'm afraid they will think it's ridiculous and sigh.

His original intention was to save people, but he ended up killing a whole family of people. From this point of view, it would be better not to save them!

Perhaps Qin Sirong could only use such an excuse to offset the guilt in his heart these years.

Mo Xun then thought of something and asked, "Have your hands been stained with the blood of the Ye family?"

"I understand what senior means. Senior wants to ask whether the death of Ye Ping's parents is directly related to me... But even if I didn't take action, the entire Ye family died because of me. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to define me as a murderer.”

Mo Xun nodded slightly, that was indeed the truth.

No matter how you look at it, Qin Sirong cannot escape this responsibility.

Mo Xun slowly stood up, holding his chest with one hand and supporting his chin with the other. After thinking for a moment, he asked again: "Are you sure that Lu Xian didn't kill Ye Ping back then because of the agreement between you two?"

Qin Sirong raised his head in confusion.

"Senior, what does this mean?"

Mo Xun did not answer her and asked again: "Lu Xian sent you to break into the Ye family that day. Apart from destroying the split soul, the main purpose was probably for the Ye family's treasure, right?"

Qin Sirong is not surprised at all that Mo Xun knows about this matter. After all, the other party is Ye Ping's master.

What she was worried about was what Mo Xun said before.

Over the years, she had not doubted this. After all, with Lu Xian's nature, how could he do such a thing to cut the grass without eradicating the roots just for a little promise?

But every time she thought about this matter, she would always deliberately avoid it in her heart, so she didn't think deeply about it.

Mo Xun continued: "Is there a possibility that after Lu Xian obtained the treasure, he temporarily spared Ye Ping's life because he was unable to understand its use or how to open it, but before he could think about it? No matter how you do it, Ye Ping will leave this place with me."

Qin Sirong's body suddenly trembled, and his face instantly turned pale.

She almost didn't need to think about it, and felt that what Mo Xun said was more in line with Lu Xian's style of doing things.

Mo Xuneng's guess was based on his previous judgment. After all, the timing of Ye Ping's disappearance and the two pill-forming retreats of the Lu family were too coincidental.

Seeing that Qin Sirong was stunned and speechless, Mo Xun did not continue the topic.

"Do you know what that treasure is?"

Qin Sirong shook his head numbly. At this moment, the whole person looked like a walking corpse.

This answer made Mo Xun a little suspicious. Not to mention that the other party had stayed in the Lu family for so many years. During the time he broke into the Ye family, since he could find the Ye family's life-saving trump cards, how could he not know that? Where's the treasure?

Moreover, Lu Xian must deal with this matter as a top priority in his mission.

But when he saw Qin Sirong's devastated look, he felt that this woman didn't seem to be lying, and since she could tell him so many things honestly, there was obviously no need to lie on this issue.

After a while, Mo Xun sat back on the chair.

"Tell me what happened to Ye Ping this time."

The silence in the room lasted for most of the incense stick, before Qin Sirong slowly came back to his senses from his trance.

"After that incident, I married Lu Ming, but I still couldn't get over the self-blame in my heart. So over the years, Lu Ming and I didn't live happily at all. In order to avoid thinking too much, I just Being able to focus all my energy on cultivation every day, my qualifications were only average at first, but perhaps because I was not distracted, my cultivation journey went extremely smoothly. It didn't take long for me to successfully build the foundation, and later on, In terms of realm, I actually surpassed Lu Ming and reached the late stage of foundation building. But sadly, because of the neglect of the relationship between husband and wife, he and I became more and more unfamiliar. Later, he seemed to have changed. Man...or, that's what he is, but I didn't see it through before."

After Qin Sirong paused for a moment, he continued: "He became more and more taciturn, irritable, and cruel, and became more and more indifferent to me, so that I gradually discovered that he had women outside, from one, two, five I can’t remember how many there are until now. Maybe this is God’s punishment for me!”

Qin Sirong laughed at himself again.

"What's even more ironic is that part of the reason why I chose to do that thing was for him, but now he wants to kill me!"

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