Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 613 Don’t resist

Qin Sirong fell silent, and his eyes once again fell on the zigzag-shaped magic weapon not far away.

It wasn't until he took a few breaths that he suddenly raised his head as if he had made up his mind. His expression changed even more, as if he was a different person. His eyes were no longer as empty and lifeless as before, but with a tinge of emotion. With a farewell-like perseverance.

"Can I take this junior with me?"

Before Mo Xun showed his doubts, Qin Sirong added another sentence.

"I want to avenge him with my own hands!"

Mo Xun somewhat didn't believe these words. You must know that many years ago, the other party destroyed the Ye family with his own hands under Lu Xian's instructions, and now, he would choose to betray the Lu family for an old lover whom he had not seen for decades. ?

To say that this was a sudden awakening, he was a little doubtful!

Of course, everything is not so absolute. Maybe this woman really has a conscience, or maybe she has been unsatisfactory in recent years and has a grudge against the Lu family. That's not sure!

Mo Xun did not answer directly, but looked at the jagged disc aside.

"I think you should have guessed that your husband is no longer alive, and I was the one who killed him. Don't you want to take revenge first?"

Qin Sirong's face was obviously a little sad, but it took only a moment for him to recover.

"Senior, don't worry. The relationship between Lu Ming and I has long since ceased. If it weren't for senior's intervention, I probably wouldn't have survived for long. Therefore, senior is not an enemy to me, but a benefactor."

Mo Xun was unconvinced, but what he said was quite reasonable.

"Lu Xian was indeed kind to me in the past, but for what I have done for the Lu family over the years, it is not an exaggeration to say that I have repaid it tenfold. Now that the Lu family treats me like this, if I don't know how to choose, I will really It’s better to just die!”

Qin Sirong smiled sadly, sad and bitter!

"I know that senior won't believe it easily, but with senior's magical power, you don't have to worry about what tricks I will play..."

Mo Xun snorted coldly.

"You don't have to provoke me. It's not impossible to let me take you with me. Moreover, if I can catch the Lu family brothers, I can let you kill them yourself. But before that, I need to search for your soul. You Are you willing?"

Mo Xun originally thought that the other party would prevaricate and refuse, but Qin Sirong didn't seem to even think about it and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

This is a bit unexpected!

You must know that even if you actively cooperate with the caster to search for the soul, there is still a huge risk. One mistake will cause permanent damage to the soul.

"Do you know how Lu Ming died?"

Qin Sirong asked in surprise: "Didn't he die at the hands of his seniors?"

"It's true that I was the one who did it, but the real cause of his death was that I forcibly searched for his soul and triggered the self-destruction restriction in his sea of ​​consciousness."

Mo Xun said this very calmly, but Qin Sirong's heart was filled with shock.

But after only a brief moment of surprise, Qin Sirong still said resolutely: "Junior is willing!"

"So, you are not subject to this kind of restriction?"

Qin Sirong could not hide his loneliness and shook his head.

She naturally knows that the purpose of this self-destruction ban is to prevent family secrets from being leaked. But the irony is that after staying in the Lu family for so many years, even if she knows some things, she is still not at a level that would warrant a ban. .

In other words, she is just a foreigner after all!

At this moment, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad!

"In that case, just relax and I will try my best to cooperate during the casting process. Don't resist!"

While speaking, Mo Xun stretched out a hand to Qin Sirong's eyebrows.

Qin Sirong was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, slowly closing his eyes, and inadvertently shed tears at the corners of his eyes!

She knew that in just a moment or three, all the secrets in her heart would be completely exposed to the man in front of her without reservation. This feeling was tantamount to taking off her clothes and letting him touch and appreciate every inch of her skin. !

After a cup of tea, Mo Xun took back his palm.

There was relief and disappointment in his expression!

To his relief, what Qin Sirong said before was almost exactly what the other party had experienced. However, this soul-searching technique could only peek into the memory, but could not judge the heart. In this way, it only offset some of Mo Xun's previous doubts. That’s all.

To his disappointment, there was no information about the rare treasure.

In other words, except for a few people from the Lu family, even Qin Sirong didn't know much about it.

"You can go, do you need to prepare?" Mo Xun asked calmly after thinking deeply.

Qin Sirong stood up slowly, perhaps because of the spell cast just now, his face looked a little pale.

"Need not!"

Mo Xun originally thought that she would put away the sawtooth magic weapon on the ground and leave some thoughts, but he didn't know that the other party didn't even look at it.

Thinking about it, he must have completely given up on Lu Ming!

Qin Sirong was still restrained and restrained by Lu Ming secretly, and the small building where she was was surrounded by formations. However, Mo Xun couldn't be bothered by this method.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared.

From the searched memories, Mo Xun already knew several places where Lu Xian might be hiding, so there was no need for Qin Sirong to lead the way. After leaving the city, a rainbow light suddenly cut through the night sky and headed straight in a certain direction.

In mid-air, the two silent people were thinking about their own thoughts.

Mo Xun's thoughts at this moment have changed slightly compared to the beginning.

This time he came to Mengtian City with the purpose of finding out Ye Ping's whereabouts. As for revenge, it was only after he learned that the two Lu brothers were not in the city that he suddenly decided to do it.

If the two were still in the city, with his personality, he would probably not kill them so ostentatiously.

He could only blame the two brothers for not choosing a good place for retreat.

Another point is that he was somewhat lucky that Ye Ping was still alive.

As for Qin Sirong, her thoughts were much more complicated.

Now she has lost everything.

Even in the near future, she will lose all her cultivation and become a mortal in her twilight years.

In a barren mountain thousands of miles away from Mengtian City, when the two arrived, the sky was already bright, and the morning sun penetrated the thin mist, illuminating a dim area.

But not long after, the two flew out of the mountain again and headed in another direction.

Seven or eight days passed quickly. Mo Xun took Qin Sirong and ran back and forth several times, with Mengtian City as the center, but they all came up empty-handed.

"Miss Qin, can you think of other places?"

Qin Sirong bit her teeth lightly, and went through all the industries and secret places related to the Lu family that she could think of, and finally shook her head.

"That's all!"

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