Could it be said that these Lu brothers are not in seclusion outside the city?

The two of them temporarily landed on a towering rock. The autumn wind was bleak, rolling up the withered yellow leaves.

There are no years in cultivating immortality, and there are no alternations of seasons!

Mo Xun didn't know how long it had been since he had quietly appreciated the autumn mood of the world.

Qin Sirong smoothed the hair blowing by his ears.

The two lonely figures looked so small in the sky.

"Senior, have you ever had someone you liked?"

Mo Xun followed Qin Sirong's gaze and saw two unknown flying beasts perched on a pine branch between the cliffs in the distance.

After a while, Mo Xuncai said calmly: "You and I, as cultivators, should abandon distracting thoughts. If we are obsessed with our children's personal affairs all day long, when will we be able to find the great path?"

Qin Sirong gave a rare calm smile.

"Although I am a cultivator of immortality, I have never had the heart of the Dao. As I said before, from the beginning, I just wanted to fill my stomach. The so-called Dao of immortality is of no importance to me. Maybe I The only way to live a happy life is to live happily. If you don’t live as you wish, no matter how long you live, you will be nothing more than a lonely soul without emotions!”

Mo Xun did not answer, not wanting to continue this topic.

If he wanted to talk about his insights, he could say a lot, but now, he didn't have much thought on what to say.

As the saying goes, everyone has different aspirations and desires!

But speaking of Lonely Soul, it reminded him of something.

"Miss Qin, do you really have no idea why the Lu family has been collecting souls all these years?"

If it hadn't been for the previous soul search, Mo Xun would never have believed that Qin Sirong didn't know anything about it.

But the fact is that it is indeed the case!

"I have also secretly inquired about this matter, but I still have no clues."

Mo Xun suddenly changed the topic and asked, "Are there any places with strong Yin energy near Mengtian City?"

Qin Sirong raised his eyebrows and asked: "Senior, do you mean that their retreat this time is related to the souls they collected?"

"What do you think?"

Afterwards, Mo Xun briefly explained his analysis. Because Qin Sirong has been under house arrest, most of what happened in the outside world is still one or two years old. Even the Lu family has suspended the collection of souls. Know.

Mo Xun probably had two guesses in his mind.

One is related to the treasure of the Ye family.

After Lu Xian got this thing back then, he probably wouldn't be able to use it for a while.

Later, he got a way to open it with the soul, but after decades, it still had no effect. Until Ye Ping appeared this time, Lu Xian didn't know what method he used to get the real method to open this treasure from Ye Ping. At such a coincidental time, I chose to retreat.

At the moment, I can only hold on to some luck, hoping that the souls collected by the Lu family over the past few decades will have a certain connection with the method to unlock the treasure.

The other one is widely circulated by the outside world.

These Lu brothers, because they practice certain evil arts or refine ghost treasures, need a lot of soul sacrifices!

But no matter which one it is, it seems to be related to the ghost.

The land of Yin Sheng is the perfect choice to maximize the power of the Yin Soul.

After Qin Sirong pondered for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and said, "There is a place!"


"Gloomy Wind Valley!"


After half a stick of incense, the escaping light soared into the sky again.

Due to Qin Sirong's decline in realm, he had even lost his consciousness at this moment, so he was carried by Mo Xun all the way.

This Valley of the Wind is about tens of thousands of miles north of Mengtian City.

This place is actually no longer within the sphere of influence of Mengtian City, but belongs to a six-star sect called "Tianhan Sect".

Due to the high terrain of the Tianhan Mountains, nearly 90% of the mountains are covered with snow.

This Quiet Wind Valley was frozen on an inaccessible mountainside.

It is rumored that there is a large-scale Yin vein below this place, and the surroundings of the canyon are shrouded in natural formations. Any creature that enters it, if it is shallow, will be bound by the formation. Under the erosion of Yin Qi, Slowly losing vitality.

As time went by, more and more humans and beasts died inside.

And as the Yin Qi became stronger, this place attracted all the evil spirits and ghosts from all directions. Over thousands of years, it slowly evolved into a holy place where ghosts gathered.

It is said that more than a thousand years ago, a Yin Tide broke out. The Yin Qi in the valley suddenly burst out for unknown reasons, covering almost half of the Tianhan Mountain. The Tianhan Sect based here almost destroyed its foundation.

Fortunately, at that time, Tianhan Sect was still a Seven Star Sect.

Several Nascent Soul Ancestors in the sect joined forces to drive back the Yin Qi, and sealed the entire Youfeng Valley with a formation.

It was precisely because of that incident that the disciples of Tianhan Sect suffered heavy casualties. Within a few hundred years, they fell into the six-star sect. Now, there is only one Yuanying monk in the sect, and he is only in the early stage of Yuanying.

If a few hundred more years pass, when the Nascent Soul elder is enthroned and there are no new monks in the sect, the star will probably fall again. At that time, facing the big sects from all directions who are eyeing them eagerly, this little Cold Wind Sect, Whether it can maintain its thousand-year legacy is probably still unknown.

The wind is freezing and the snow is capped!

At a glance, there is only a vast expanse of sky and earth, and the steep and undulating mountains seem to be covered with a layer of silver.

Occasionally, you can see some monsters, and they are all white, blending in with the world.

This place is called Tianhan, which is quite appropriate!

At this point, Qin Sirong is needed to lead the way.

It took the two of them most of the day to find the seal array set up by the Tianhan Sect.

At the entrance of the canyon, there was a team of more than ten disciples from the sect guarding.

Fortunately, the one with the highest cultivation level inside was only in the late stage of foundation building.

For a large array of this level, even with Mo Xun's current attainments in the art of formation, it would be difficult to force his way through, but fortunately, after the Tianhan Sect sealed this place, it actually used it as an income-generating industry, providing a place for those cultivators who are good at evil ghost arts to practice.

Anyone who enters it only needs to pay some spirit stones.

Since it can be solved with spirit stones, Mo Xun will naturally not waste energy to break the array.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he first suppressed his cultivation to the peak of foundation building, and then paid two thousand spirit stones, and stepped into the teleportation array with Qin Sirong.

After a dizzy spell, the two of them landed at the same time.

When the eyes gradually recovered, they were both stunned.

It was still daytime when I was outside, but it was already dusk when I arrived here. The teleportation was like two different worlds.

Besides the ice still covering my feet, there was a layer of dim fog in my vision.

Under this fog, my vision was only about ten feet away, and it was hazy a little further away.

Even my consciousness seemed to be restricted by some strange power.

The air was full of bone-piercing coldness, and in this coldness, there was a chill that penetrated the soul.

In my ears, there was a faint ghostly sound.

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