Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 615 Ghosts and Spirits

"Is this the Valley of the Wind?"

Mo Xun murmured to himself, and at the same time flicked his sleeves, trying to dispel the faint fog in front of him, but in a moment, new fog gathered.

This mist is like substance. It adheres to the body and quickly condenses into frost.

Due to his lack of cultivation, Qin Sirong's face was slightly pale at the moment, and his body was trembling slightly.

And the ghostly sound waves shocked her mind.

But soon, a faint protective shield suddenly appeared around her body, and the cold and chilly feeling suddenly dissipated, and her whole body felt like she had jumped directly into a comfortable hot spring from the dog days of summer. , extremely comfortable!

When she came to her senses, she realized that it was Mo Xun's hand.

"Miss Qin, do you have any way to identify the direction?"

This is a very peculiar place. The surface of the land shows uneven rock formations, but it is covered by a thick layer of ice crystals. The weak light is reflected by the ice layer, glowing with a faint light.

The surrounding space was filled with a large amount of black fog.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a pair of colorful ink, with the night sky above and the blue sea below, split into two by the dim light.

After Qin Sirong calmed down a little, he nodded lightly.

Entering this place in her current state, if no one takes care of her, is almost the same as sending her to death.

Not to mention those terrifying ghosts and evil spirits, just the cold aura was a bit overwhelming for her.

While Qin Sirong was grateful, he also had a general understanding of Mo Xun's cultivation.

Although she didn't know the specific realm of Mo Xun, she must have formed pills, and judging from the easy attack just now, this person's cultivation level was not even lower than that of Lu Xian.

This naturally made her look forward to the next revenge!

I saw Qin Sirong patting the storage bag, first taking out a jade slip, and then a handful of talismans.

"This is a map of Ghost Wind Valley that I once got. As for this talisman, after being used, it can sense the direction within a certain range."

Mo Xun first took the jade slip and browsed it quickly, and then placed his eyes on the talisman in the opponent's hand.

The moment he saw this object clearly, Mo Xun couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Isn't this thing the locator he used when practicing Qi?

Although the rune descriptions are slightly different, the functions should be similar.

When he was practicing qi, he had no spiritual consciousness, so he could only use this object to simply locate the direction. Since the foundation was established, he could place spiritual consciousness marks, so he never used it again. He didn't expect that a hundred years later, , can I see this thing again.

Seeing this locator reminded him of Xiao Qian.

There is also the Wuji Sanren. Thinking about it, he almost died at the hands of this person twice.

If he could return to Southern Xinjiang one day and this person happened to be alive, he would eventually have to settle this account.

But thinking about it, with the old thief's method of seizing a body and rebuilding it, not to mention building a foundation, even forming a pill should not be difficult.

Seeing Mo Xun in a daze, Qin Sirong thought something had happened and quickly asked: "Senior, what's wrong?"

To be honest, if it were in the past, Qin Sirong would not bother to use this low-level talisman.

It's just that she has no consciousness now, and she can't use many magic powers, so she can only use these external objects.

"It's nothing. Just put the talisman away and follow me."

After that, Mo Xun took the lead and took the lead.

Qin Sirong quickly followed. In this environment, once she left Mo Xun, in her current state, she would have no choice but to wait for death.

The two of them walked in tandem and soon disappeared into the mist.

In order to identify the direction, Mo Xun had to drop a spiritual mark every time he walked. This was the stupidest method and the safest method.

Their goal is simple, to find the place where the Yin Qi is strongest.

Fortunately, this Quiet Wind Valley is only about a thousand miles away. Even if you walk slower, you can probably search it all in a few days at most.

But as the two of them got closer to the depths of the valley, the fog became thicker, and the soul-stirring ghostly screams continued to echo.

Mo Xun was doing better, but Qin Sirong was a bit overwhelmed.

Mo Xun could only help her resist from time to time, which relieved the cold pressure.

About half an hour later, the two of them encountered a ghost attack for the first time.

And there were not just one or two who came, but a rough count, there were hundreds!

When he saw the overwhelming shadows shrouded in fog, emitting all kinds of shrill and piercing screams, rushing towards the two of them like a tide, flying from all directions, Qin Sirong's pretty face had already turned pale. one slice.

Although she has lost her cultivation, it can be seen that her knowledge is still there.

The strength of most of these ghosts is similar to that of Qi Refining monks, but there are seven or eight powerful auras inside them. It is definitely not impossible for them to be above the level of Foundation Establishment, or even in the later stages of Foundation Establishment.

Not to mention that her realm had fallen at this moment, even before she was poisoned, she did not dare to fight head-on.

Seen from a distance, these ghosts also have different shapes.

There are human forms, beasts!

The human form is okay to say the least, with a ferocious face and a ghastly figure at best, but the beasts that fill the sky can't help but make people tremble when they look at it.

Because some monsters are just too big!

A giant-tailed lizard that is more than ten feet long, a white-haired ape that is two feet tall, and a group of human and animal ghosts that only seem to number a hundred or so. Maybe they are not many in number, but they rush at them together, but they give people a feeling of covering the sky. The feeling of being blinded by the sun.

In addition to the visual impact, the most deadly thing is the ghost sound waves that shake people's hearts and minds.

Just when Qin Sirong subconsciously wanted to retreat, a circle of dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the area where the two were.

Those golden lights were like golden arrows flying out.

Wherever they passed, they directly passed through the bodies of dozens of ghosts and spirits, and continued to penetrate other ghosts that were besieging from behind.

The moment those ghosts came into contact with the golden light, they let out a more shrill and creepy scream than before.

For a moment, it was like going down to the Shura Hell where skins were peeled and tongues were pulled out. Their body shadows seemed to fall into the hot magma, and they began to dissipate and dissolve in an instant, turning into wisps of black mist.

At the same time, in the noisy ghost sound, the sound of Buddhist Sanskrit echoed faintly, which was extremely weak, but seemed to completely suppress the ghosts' cries and howls.

This sudden change was naturally caused by Mo Xun.

At this moment, he was holding a colorful bracelet made of colorful jade beads.

This thing was the Buddha bone relic he got in the secret realm of the God's Tomb!

It is said that dealing with this level of ghosts, even without this Buddhist treasure, is easy with Mo Xun's late Jindan method.

However, in the face of the unknown dangers ahead, he instinctively chose to preserve his strength.

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