Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 616 Black and White World

In just a few breaths, the golden light annihilated all the ferocious ghosts that rushed towards them.

The remaining few, either injured or seriously injured, all fled madly to the distance.

The screams disappeared instantly!

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. When he was in the secret realm of the God's Tomb, even the ghosts in the Jindan realm did not dare to confront this treasure head-on, let alone a group of rabble!

"What treasure is this?"

Qin Sirong was shocked by this scene before she recovered from the panic.

Over the years, in order to collect souls for the Lu family, she has dealt with ghosts many times, but when did these ghosts become so vulnerable?

No wonder this senior did not show any hesitation when he said he wanted to come to Youfeng Valley.

She thought that the other party did not know the dangers of this place, but now it seems that he is completely skilled and daring!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad!

She was thinking that if Ye Ping hadn't died and Lu Ming hadn't changed his mind, it would take less than a hundred years for her to form a golden elixir with her late foundation-building state!

At this moment, even her bitter smile seemed a little ironic!

She wanted too much, but in the end, she lost everything.

Mo Xun didn't notice the change in Qin Sirong's mood. After putting the string of relics on his wrist, he walked straight forward, as if the thrilling scene just now had never happened.

To be honest, when it comes to Yin Qi, what he encountered in the secret realm of the God's Tomb is no less than here.

The two didn't walk far when crystal snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky.

Then, it seemed as if they had stepped into a world of ice and snow, which made the canyon, which was originally only black fog and ice crystals, more strange and holy.

This combination of white and black is rare!

Passing by several ice sculptures covered with snow, the two suddenly stopped.

Blowing away the ice and snow, in the ice sculpture, there are several frozen bodies of monks. Under the dim light, through the thick ice layer, everyone's stature and appearance can be seen clearly.

But what is weird is that there is no obvious external injury on their bodies!

Everyone's face still maintains the appearance of the last moment before his death.

Among them, there is fear, pain, unwillingness and confusion!

It seems that even they don't know why they died inexplicably.

But Mo Xun knows that this is probably because the Yin Qi entered the body and corroded the soul.

This place is icy cold, and the Yin Qi is extremely heavy. Once you lose your vitality and have no spiritual power to protect your body, you will probably be frozen into an ice sculpture in just a few breaths.

Mo Xun looked around for a few times and didn't find any storage magic tools.

I think it should have been taken away by the latecomers!

He touched his chin and thought for a moment.

Logically speaking, even if there are corpses left in this kind of ghost place, they should be mummies. After all, for ghosts, in addition to the cultivator's soul, blood, skin and flesh are also great tonics. How can they give up?

From this point of view, the death time of these people should not be too long, even within one or two days.

The two continued to move forward. Mo Xun left behind the spiritual mark while referring to the map to correct the direction.

On the map, there are several places with the heaviest yin energy, which are also the places he will go first.

Although this place is a canyon, it is shrouded in black fog and covered with ice and snow. It is difficult to distinguish the direction from the terrain alone.

Every time he walks a section, he needs to explore carefully before he can roughly identify it.

As they go deeper into the valley, the feeling of coldness becomes stronger, and the number of corpses they encounter increases.

Most of those who can enter here are ghost cultivators, or those who practice ghost skills.

The reputation of ghost cultivators has always been bad in the entire Xihezhou. Although it is not to the extent that everyone wants to kill them, they are mostly despised by famous and upright sects.

Frightening ghosts is essentially the same as killing people.

If it were in the past, seeing such a tragic death, Mo Xun might have set fire to help their bodies return to the dust, but facing this group of people, he could not muster much sympathy.

On the way, the two encountered several waves of ghosts who actively attacked, either alone or in groups, but they were killed by the golden light of the relics before they got close.

Until later, the two walked among them, as if they were in an empty space.

For ghosts, even if they are at the Qi Refining level, as long as they are not controlled by people, they have some intelligence. Even if they are still cruel and brainless, they can distinguish between strong and weak.

The creatures in this world, whether human, demon, ghost or god, will instinctively fear death.

I dare not say that there are no such people as moths, but there are definitely not many.

As they got closer to the depths of the valley, the icy cold that could freeze even the soul made people tremble more and more.

Even Mo Xun had to use his magic power to resist.

As for Qin Sirong, she could only follow closely behind him, hiding in Mo Xun's protective light shield, and above her head, there was a fire-attributed defensive magic weapon.

Even so, the whole person was trembling all over, his lips were purple, and he had to take a recovery pill from time to time.

Mo Xun suddenly said "Huh" lightly and stopped immediately.

Qin Sirong was caught off guard and bumped into Mo Xun's back.

Poor girl, already weakened by the cold and icy weather, coupled with Mo Xun's physical training, this collision was like hitting a stone, and she was directly bounced to the ground, with a big bump on her head, dizzy and almost fainted.

Fortunately, Mo Xun was quick-witted and injected a stream of spiritual power into her body, and she recovered.

Without saying anything, Mo Xun flipped his palm and Xuantian True Fire gushed out.

The blazing fire phoenix immediately turned into a circle of flames, surrounding Qin Sirong in the middle.

Seeing the fierce flames coming like a tide, Qin Sirong screamed instinctively and was about to retreat in fear.

But at this time, Mo Xun spoke.

"You stay here first, I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, without waiting for Qin Sirong to react, Mo Xun's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already a hundred feet away.

Mo Xun threw the Buddha bone relic casually, and it floated in the air. The golden light was like a golden giant hand, which cleared away all the black fog within a few feet.

The scene in front of him suddenly became bright.

He was standing on a steep cliff covered with ice and snow. There was nothing unusual except for the white snow all around.

Mo Xun's spiritual power was running, and he swung his sleeves hard, rolling up a gust of wind, like autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, sweeping away all the snow in front of him.

When the snow was cleared, a smooth and transparent ice crystal wall was revealed.

And in the ice, there was actually a very green spiritual grass growing!

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