Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 617 Frost Soul Grass

"Frost Soul Grass!"

Mo Xun just glanced at it and immediately recognized the object.

This is good stuff!

It is said that this thing is second only to the soul-nourishing tree in terms of soul-nourishing effect, and it is an extremely strange feminine spiritual thing.

In terms of value, it is comparable to many long-lost spiritual flowers and herbs.

It's a pity that the growth environment of this plant is really harsh. It can only grow in cold places and extremely shady places, and it will take at least hundreds of years for one plant to grow.

Mo Xun looked at the bright green spiritual grass growing in the ice crystals, as if frozen. On the one hand, he was sighing at the ghosts of the world, and on the other hand, his heart was slightly hot.

I really didn’t expect that there would be an unexpected harvest!

While he was overjoyed, several light blades flew out from his hands, directly splitting the entire ice covering the Frost Soul Grass from the rock wall.

Once this thing leaves the ice soil where it grows, it will quickly wither. The best way is to take the entire piece of ice away with it.

But even so, if it leaves this place, this thing cannot be preserved for a long time.

But this is naturally not a problem for Mo Xun. Others may not be able to support him, but with the black soil that defies the sky, it is different!

With a thought in his mind, he put away the entire piece of ice.

Then he searched around carefully for half an hour, and found five more plants.

This trip was really worth it!

He may not have any use for this thing yet, but if it is placed outside, it will definitely sell for a good price, or it can be exchanged for some rare treasures from people who urgently need it.

When I thought of this, all the shadows caused by Ye Ping's incident in recent days became less.

If Gong Yang knew about this, he would definitely be overjoyed.

If I remember correctly, this frost soul grass is also a spiritual thing that the ram needs to transform his soul.

Back at the original place, Qin Sirong had calmed down and just stared blankly at Xuanzang Tianhuo in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and took the red beetle back into his palm.

"Let's go!"

Qin Sirong said softly "Ah" before he realized what he was doing and quickly stood up to follow.

With her knowledge, she naturally recognized the extraordinary nature of the flame, but what she found strange was that there was still a trace of electric arc flowing on the real fire.

She was about to ask, but when the words reached her lips, she swallowed them again.

In fact, this mysterious senior had a weird temper. She was afraid that she might accidentally touch Mo Xun's brow and leave her alone.

The two of them continued to move forward slowly in silence.

With the Buddha's bone relics in his possession, the road ahead would be smooth, and even if there were scattered ghosts, they would stay far away.

But he didn't go very far when he ran into trouble again.

But what I encountered this time was not a ghost, but a few blue-eyed snow foxes.

As its name suggests, this beast is completely white, with strange green eyes. Under the night, it looks extremely eerie.

This thing is said to be a spiritual body with an extremely powerful spirit and is not afraid of ghosts and gods.

Without warning, both of them almost got hit.

Qin Sirong's face was almost disfigured because of a long gash on his face because he reacted too slowly.

Fortunately, Mo Xun took action in time, and there was no danger in the end.

Mo Xun originally wanted to catch one and study it, but unexpectedly, the beast came and went like the wind, with extremely fast speed, and being good at hiding, it escaped from the range of his consciousness in almost the blink of an eye.

After this experience, the two of them became more cautious.

Although this place is not a dangerous place, it is still full of dangers.

After climbing over a snow hill, the first thing they came to was a cave condensed with ice. Without a map to guide them, they felt a strong evil wind from far away.

The outside of the cave is covered by thick ice.

Through those layers of ice, one could vaguely see that there were countless human monsters sealed inside. Some were dry bones and corpses, while others were extremely alive, as if they had just died.

The dark cave was like a bottomless abyss, with wisps of sinister wind constantly blowing out, and incessant screams coming from inside, as if it were a ghostly passage leading to hell.

Those shrill ghost screams made people's scalp numb and at the same time shook their minds to the point of trance.

Mo Xun's spiritual consciousness was powerful and his magic power was profound. He could resist one or two with just a little movement.

But Qin Sirong obviously does not have such strength.

Mo Xun patted the Pure Heart Talisman on her body, then separated out several Buddha bone relics and handed them to her.

"Miss Qin, please wait outside for a moment while I go inside to take a look."

This was the first place with strong Yin energy shown on the map, and he naturally wanted to go in and take a look.

Qin Sirong was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that he had no problem, but when he saw Mo Xun's unyielding gaze, he finally nodded lightly.

She also knows that with her current level of magic power, even if she follows him, it will only add chaos!

After Mo Xun made some preparations at the entrance of the cave, he walked in without looking back.

It was strange to say that as soon as he stepped into the dark ghost mist, his figure immediately disappeared, as if he was teleported away.

The moment Mo Xun entered the cave, he frowned unconsciously.

There seemed to be some kind of shielding restriction at the entrance of the cave. When he was outside, he felt that it was difficult for his spiritual consciousness to enter. Once he stepped inside, he found that his spiritual consciousness could not extend to the outside world either. It was as if the inside and outside of the cave were completely two worlds. .

For a moment, he actually had the idea of ​​quitting.

But when he turned around, he saw Qin Sirong still standing there nervously, which made him feel relieved.

After forcibly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he still chose to continue moving forward.

From the outside, the cave entrance was not very big, about two or three feet square, but inside, it was a different world, like a natural karst cave.

However, the front was still shrouded in black fog, and it was much thicker than the outside.

If you rely on your eyesight, you may not be able to see even a few feet.

It was also cold and gloomy inside, and various frozen corpses could be seen everywhere. Because Mo Xun wore a relic, he would stay away from wandering ghosts whenever he encountered them.

Just after he went deeper than ten feet, he suddenly slapped his waist, and a pretty little girl appeared beside him in the flash of white light.

It was Bai Ze!

The little girl stretched her waist lazily, and seemed to be a little sleepy. She was about to say something with some dissatisfaction, but after seeing the surrounding environment, she immediately changed into a different person, like a puppy, sniffing around with her nose, and suddenly became extremely excited, as if she saw delicious food, and her saliva was almost flowing out.

At this time, a headless ghost happened to float by from a distance, and the little girl rushed over.

A cherry mouth, before it came to the front, turned into a bloody mouth, and then sucked hard.

The ghost disappeared before it could react!

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