Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 620: Don’t Eat Toast

Yin Lingxuan snorted coldly.

"Misunderstanding? So you did kill my ghost soldiers?"

As soon as the words fell, a strong and extremely cold feeling swept towards Mo Xun like a dark cloud.

This coldness is filled with an icy coldness that makes your soul tremble.

While Mo Xun was shocked, he stamped his foot and moved his body several feet in an instant. When he reappeared, he had almost retreated to the edge of the cave.

At the same time, his palms were like lightning, and he shot out several light blades from his sleeves, hitting the ice wall behind him firmly.

A metallic sound rang through his ears, and Mo Xun's heart sank.

The surrounding ice walls are like copper walls and iron walls.

However, what pleased him was that the strong pressure just now seemed to be menacing, but it did not make him feel much power.

This is a bit strange. The aura on the opponent's body is obviously similar to that of the Nascent Soul monk, or according to the realm of the monster, it is at least the eighth level, but the strength is at most the same as the peak of the core formation.

In an instant, Mo Xun figured out the key points.

This ugly monster is injured!

It seems that the training the other party mentioned before is probably healing!

Mo Xun dodged so easily, which was somewhat beyond Yin Linghuan's expectation. After seeing it say "Hey", it did not make any move.

"It seems that I underestimate you!"

Mo Xun said calmly: "Junior, please forgive me for trespassing here. As for the ghosts killed earlier, they were all for self-protection. If I had known that this place was the retreat of my seniors, I would not have rashly disturbed it. "

After finding out the opponent's strength, Mo Xun was no longer as frightened as before.

Since he has not yet reached Nascent Soul, with his current state and the many treasures on his body, he is not without the strength to fight.

Of course, he would not be so arrogant as to look for trouble.

After all, it is a strange beast at the Nascent Soul level. Even if its realm falls, as the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so there is no guarantee that it will not resort to any fatal means.

Seeing that the Yin Spirit Beast was silent, Mo Xun then added: "As long as the senior is willing to let us go, the junior is willing to pay some price."

He could clearly feel that the other party must be weighing.

Obviously, this beast did not have the confidence to win in a fight with him.

Since conflicts can be avoided, Mo Xunzi is happy to see the results, even if there is some blood, it is not beyond negotiation.

"Oh? What price can you pay?"

Mo Xun felt a little relieved, he seemed to have something to talk about.

"This junior has a few newly obtained Frost Soul Grasses in his hands. I wonder if my senior is satisfied with them?"

To be honest, to him, this thing is nothing more than more valuable. In terms of use, it really has no use at the moment.

And he has a green gourd. As long as he keeps one, it is enough.

This object is a yin-attributed spiritual object, so Yin Linghuan, who practices by absorbing yin energy, would not reject it.

Yin Linghuan fell into silence again. In the cave, it was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop!

But what no one noticed was that the soul in the corner opened and closed its lips as if it said something.

A moment later, Yin Linghuan's harsh and dry voice echoed in Mo Xun's ears again.

"Do you have Buddha bone relics?"

When Mo Xun heard this, he frowned, then turned his head slightly and looked towards the darkness in the distance.

Because Bai Ze had opened the way, he had collected the relics.

And the only one who knows that he has this thing is obviously the soul that he has fought with.

But what made him feel strange was, what did the other party mean?

Could this Yin Linghuan have taken a fancy to his Buddha bone relics?

Ordinarily it shouldn't be. This kind of Buddhist treasure can restrain all yin things in the world. What use is it to the Yin Linghuan, which mainly absorbs yin energy?

Feeling Yin Linghuan's gaze, Mo Xun had no choice but to put aside his doubts for the time being and nodded lightly.


"In that case, hand over your Buddha bone relics and get out!"

Mo Xun's face instantly turned livid.

From just now to now, he not only lowered his status and was as polite as possible, but was also willing to apologize. Unexpectedly, the other party was still so disrespectful and only asked for his treasure, but he was so unreasonable!

It had been many years since he had been humiliated like this.

Mo Xun suddenly sneered, and his tone became a little tougher.

"Senior, I'm afraid I have to forgive my junior for not being able to agree to this request. This thing is of great use to this junior. As I said just now, as long as senior is willing to let me go, I will give you five Frost Soul Grasses with both hands!"

"So, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined!"

Mo Xun sneered even more in his heart, it was really hard for this green-haired monster, who had been practicing here for so many years, to still know such a common saying.

Since experiencing the secret realm of the Tomb of Gods last time and this trip to the Valley of the Wind, he has been able to feel personally that the string of Buddha bone relics is absolutely a priceless treasure. If he wants to give up on it, there is obviously no need to discuss it.

And to be honest, this retreat was successful, and he really lacked a comparable opponent to learn from each other.

"It's not that the junior doesn't want to eat, it's just that the senior's glass of wine is a bit too strong!"

As Mo Xun spoke, he was already on full alert. At the same time, he sent a message to Bai Ze beside him: "You will be in charge of the ghost body later, and I will deal with this green-haired monster!"

Bai Ze, who was originally struggling in Mo Xun's hands and trying to hide in the spirit beast bag, was startled for a moment, then immediately became happy.

"Uncle, after you take care of the green-haired monster, can I eat it?"

Bai Ze said this in a way that imitated Mo Xun's voice transmission, but this voice transmission technique was so common that it caused a very obvious spatial fluctuation, resulting in the two people on the opposite side hearing it clearly.

If the Yin Linghu could see his appearance, I'm afraid his face would be black at this moment.

A little brat who didn't know what was happening actually dared to say that he wanted to eat it!

Maybe it still had some hesitation about whether to take action before, but now it obviously had no worries.

In fact, not to mention Yin Linghu, even Mo Xun, who heard this, was also very upset.

He glared at Bai Ze with a bit of laughter and tears, but before he could blame him, Yin Linghu in the distance had already taken action.

The Yin Linghu suddenly shook all over and let out a deafening roar to the sky.

The roar was extremely sharp and piercing, like someone pinching his throat, and he was screaming before dying.

Then, the green hair all over his body, as if absorbing endless energy, grew rapidly and madly, sweeping towards Mo Xun.

One foot, five feet, ten feet, two feet...

In an instant, a dense green silk net formed in front of Mo Xun, covering him head!

Each of those green hairs like steel needles flashed with green cold light.

Mo Xun's face changed, and he threw Bai Ze away in a hurry. At the same time, when his palm turned, Xuantian True Fire gushed out, and along with Bai Ze, he rushed towards the ghost in the dark.

After all, the little girl's strength was limited. With Chi Li by her side, even if she was defeated, she should be able to delay for a while.

And he himself disappeared in the same place as his figure flashed.

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