Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 621 No Way to Start

At the moment when Mo Xun disappeared, the countless green hairs like steel needles directly pierced his phantom, making a dense sound of breaking through the air.

The surroundings suddenly seemed to have turned into a Pansi Cave, with dense green silk crisscrossing everywhere.

The place where Yin Linghuo originally stood has now turned into a round ball of fluff.

When Mo Xun appeared again, he was holding a golden spear in his hand, which was the Jinhong Halberd that had not been used for many years.

The power of this magic weapon is already difficult to match for his current realm.

He sacrificed this thing at the first time, just because it was convenient!

In the dim light, a dazzling golden light burst out, drew a golden arc in the air, and carried extremely powerful power, stabbing towards the ball of fluff that Yin Linghuo had turned into.

But what happened next made Mo Xun have to be cautious.

There was no blood splashing or explosion as he expected, and there was not even a sound. The green ball, which had expanded to a size of two feet, was like a large soft sponge, and directly absorbed the Golden Rainbow Halberd.

And then, nothing happened!

He hurriedly communicated with the Golden Rainbow Halberd with his spiritual consciousness, but his mental connection was completely cut off, and there was no sense of it.

Mo Xun opened his eyes wide in astonishment. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

However, despite his suspicion, his hands did not stop moving at all.

Soon, he took out the Qiankun bow again, and drew the bow and arrow very neatly. In the blink of an eye, a fiery red arrow condensed in his hand.

Although the Qiankun bow was not of high grade, it had no attribute restrictions. It could condense sharp arrows of different powers according to the spiritual power attribute released by the caster. For a cultivator like him who practiced multi-attribute skills, it was the most handy!

Of course, taking into account all aspects will inevitably lose power.

All non-attribute treasures are often slightly inferior in power to those with a single attribute.

In short, although all-rounders are good, they will most likely lose to those with a partial talent in a single field.

The fiery red arrow cut through the darkness again, and the scorching temperature along the way almost tore the space apart, making a sharp whistle, and an extremely harsh echo came out in this closed cave.

Compared with the past, Mo Xun is now using this longbow again, and it is more than one level stronger in terms of power and speed.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for such a magic weapon that has been nurtured by others to exert its original power after changing hands.

But Mo Xun's current realm can forcibly break through this limitation.

It's like a sword master, even if he only has a branch in his hand, he can cut iron and stone!

For low-level cultivators, when using magic weapons, they rely more on their power, but for high-level cultivators, they can give treasures new life!

So even though Mo Xun's arrow could not exert its full power, it was very close.

What made him feel depressed was that after the arrow touched the fluff ball transformed by the Yin Ling Huo, it was also like a drop in the ocean, and was sucked in without any movement.

Gold and fire cannot defeat each other!

This was his first reaction!

Just as he was stunned for a short time, countless green steel wires shot out from a distance again, and the number was several times more than before.

Those strange green silks swept towards him from all directions.

Mo Xun did not think about it and used the teleportation again.

This escape technique of his was taught by Gong Yang many years ago, but the old man was too stingy. No matter how he said it, he never taught him more, resulting in him now only being able to do this kind of close-range movement.

He even felt that this could not be called an escape technique at all, it was nothing more than a little faster than Yufeng!

Such as escape talismans, or the kind of escape technique that can escape a hundred miles away, are really low-level and not worth mentioning.

Mo Xun retreated more than ten feet away again, barely avoiding it.

But this time, before he could stand firm, hundreds of green silk threads suddenly appeared silently, as if they had life, and wrapped around his legs and ankles in a very hidden way.

Then they suddenly tightened and pulled hard, trying to drag him back to the position of the Yin Linghu.

Mo Xun was surprised and suspicious, and snorted coldly. If there were tens of thousands of such silk threads, it would be fine. It was really ridiculous to plot against him with just this little bit!

With this thought in mind, he waved his hands and dozens of light blades flew out.

In a flash of lightning, all the silk threads broke, and before they fell to the ground, they turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Mo Xun seized this opportunity and changed his position several times in succession.

During this time, his sleeves kept flying, and silver light blades, as if consuming no spiritual power, were continuously shot at the green silk in the sky.

The broken green silks, like snowflakes, disappeared before they hit the ground.

On the surface, this move was quite effective, and in the dim light, the light blades shot up into the sky, reflecting the flickering light in the cave, which seemed very impressive.

But Mo Xun knew that he was doing useless work at all!

Because the green silk thread transformed from hair seemed endless, and it would be replenished again after cutting off a piece.

And he had a bad guess in his heart.

This world was controlled by the Yin Linghu, and the green silks he cut off might not have disappeared at all, but turned into nutrients for the beast again.

In other words, after fighting for so long, the other party did not lose a single bit of Yin power, but he wasted his magic power in vain.

If this is the case, the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for him.

Thinking of this, he took out the Qiankun bow again.

Since gold and fire are not in conflict, then try the other two attributes.

The closer the cultivation level is, the more the five elements will be in conflict.

He has spent all these years, first with the five-turn mixed primordial pills, and then changed to the attributeless "Xuanling Jue". He has gone through the sins and sufferings that others have never suffered, and I don't know how much effort he has made to achieve the current four-attribute mana blessing.

In other words, in the battle involving the conflict of the five elements, except for those mutant spiritual roots, or those that cannot be in conflict due to lack of water, he has nothing to fear at all under the same level!

Of course, the premise of these establishment must be that the mana is not much different.

But after a moment, the gloom on his face became more and more obvious!

Gold, wood, fire, earth, four consecutive arrows, all of which hit the target, but without exception, they all seemed to be shot into the soft water, without even a splash.

How to fight this?

Fire can't burn, gold can't overcome, not afraid of earth and wood, the light blades he transformed with his spiritual power have almost no effect.

This is the first time that Mo Xun has encountered such a situation where he has no idea where to start.

It's not that he has not considered using the Black Heron Nebula Disk, but this thing is entangled with his mind. If the chess piece is taken away by this monster, then let alone winning, I'm afraid even he will be backlashed.

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