Mo Xun pondered for a moment, and this seemed to make sense.

That Yuehua Fairy was at least a Nascent Soul cultivator, or even a late-stage great cultivator. It was not impossible.

Since she was a great cultivator, how could she have kept an ordinary magic weapon until now?

You know, this exquisite ring is not very useful to him now, let alone the Nascent Soul ancestor?

This thing was probably a treasure before, but for some unknown reason, the spirit of the weapon died or was severely injured, leaving only a trace of breath.

But even this trace of undetectable breath is enough to increase the original power by one level.

The elk with silver light was like a vivid ice and snow elf.

After a clear low roar, it collided with an oncoming figure, and a burst of brilliant white light burst out, almost illuminating the entire cave.

Then there was a deafening roar, and the feet began to tremble.

With the help of the dazzling silver light, everyone could see the whole surroundings. It turned out that this was a gourd-shaped cave covered by ice, and the place where Mo Xun came in was at the mouth of the gourd. As for the other directions, there was no way out at all.

There seemed to be a large mass of black mist flowing around the ice, forming a natural barrier, and the extremely dense Yin Qi was constantly replenished to the hard ice walls around.

The entire cave was isolated as if it had been turned into a closed ice gourd!

The crystal elk disappeared in the impact.

As the feeling of the earth-shaking gradually faded, the cave returned to its previous dimness. From a distance, the huge ball of wool transformed by the Yin Ling Hou was like a beating heart, still rising and falling, but the green mist released was obviously much thinner.

And not far away, there was a figure lying on the ground.

From the appearance, this figure was somewhat similar to the previous Yin Ling Hou.

The only difference is that it is smaller in size and not much taller than an ordinary person. It has no hair on its body. It is green and bald, just like a shaved Yin Linghu.

At the same time, some dark green liquid flows out of the corner of its mouth.

Is this... injured?

Before Mo Xun could react, he heard a crisp "clang" and a small silver ring fell at his feet.

It was the exquisite ring!

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and took the exquisite ring back in his hand.

In just a moment of holding it, he saw something wrong. This thing seemed to have become an ordinary item, and it had almost no spirituality!

It seems that the attack just now consumed most of the spiritual essence of this treasure.

Mo Xun put the exquisite ring on his hand again, and his heart was somewhat complicated.

Among these treasures, except for the green gourd and the red gourd, the one that has been with him the longest is this ring.

From Southern Xinjiang to Xihezhou, this item has saved him from danger many times.

To be frank, without this Linglong Ring, he would have died somewhere long ago.

In a hurry just now, he was able to sacrifice this item. On the one hand, he wanted to test how the power of the Linglong Ring would be improved after mobilizing the spiritual energy of the instrument. On the other hand, it was not out of his dependence on the Linglong Ring?

Whenever he was in danger before, the first means of self-defense he thought of was this treasure.

Putting away the untimely sadness at the moment, Mo Xun refocused his attention on the green fluff ball in the distance and the bald and hairless Yin Linghu.

Until now, he still has a lot of doubts.

What exactly is the explanation for the opponent's sudden attack?

Logically speaking, this green-haired monster has the advantage of time and place, and can slowly consume him. Even if he can't do anything for a while, there is no need to be so desperate, right?

The move just now seemed powerful, but in terms of power, it was just so-so. Even if he didn't use the exquisite ring and simply used his own magic power to resist, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Did the other party misjudge his ability, or for some reason, this guy had to launch such an attack?

Or was there another conspiracy?

Mo Xun frowned and thought for a while, then temporarily put it aside.

In any case, since the monster has revealed its true form and is now seriously injured, if he doesn't seize the opportunity, he would be stupid.

With this in mind, he took out the Qiankun bow again.

As the saying goes, if you don't do it once, you should kill the other party's body first.

But when he was about to draw the bow and put the arrow, the huge ball of fluff suddenly cracked a huge hole from the top like an open flower, and then shook violently, as if vomiting, and threw something out of it.

Mo Xun looked at it carefully and was stunned for a moment.

The one thrown out was actually another hairless Yin Ling Huo!

"This is... a clone!"

Mo Xun saw the secret in an instant.

It turned out that the original body of that guy was still this huge ball of fluff.

The second Yin Ling Huo that was thrown out, like the former, shot towards Mo Xun like a cannonball.

Mo Xun didn't think about it, and the fiery red arrow in his hand flew out of the bow. With a "whoosh", it drew a long tail in the air, and then hit the target, turning into a big fireball, wrapping the second clone in the blazing flames.

The moment Mo Xun felt the arrow piercing through the other party's body, he was delighted.

It seems that this clone is not like the green ball of fluff, which can devour magic weapons.

But soon, the relief on his face froze!

I saw that the clone was pierced in the flames, but there was no sign of being killed.

Then, countless green silks flew from the ball of wool, passed through the sea of ​​fire, and wrapped the clone. The injuries on its body were gradually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the surrounding flames gradually weakened and disappeared under the yin energy of these green silks.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun's heart was already gloomy to the extreme.

These clones were nothing more than weapons used to deal with him. If he wanted to completely eradicate the Yin Linghuo, the root was still in the ugly and weird green ball of wool.

But this thing was invulnerable to gold and fire, and it was difficult to kill it at all!

Just as he was thinking, the big ball of wool opened its mouth again and spit out the third clone.

Mo Xun had to draw his bow and arrow again, temporarily blocking it in the air, and then his figure flashed and retreated dozens of feet.

If he continued to fight like this, what would be the point of killing more clones?

This guy still wanted to fight him, but he just changed his tactics!

After the three clones were replenished with Yin Qi, they suddenly jumped up at the same time and rushed towards him from three directions.

After several attempts, he probably figured out the strength of each clone. Even if they had not reached the middle stage of Jindan, they should be not far behind.

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