If it was just this few clones, it would be fine.

Even if Mo Xun was not very good, with his late Jindan cultivation, he could not say that he could kill several mid-stage beasts with a snap of his fingers, but he did not need to worry too much.

The question is, is the Yin Linghuo, who is comparable to the Yuanying stage, only this little trick?

As the three attacked, Mo Xun slapped the storage bag on his waist, and a bag-shaped thing flew out immediately, rapidly growing in the air, covering the three people who rushed over, covering the sky and the earth, almost filling the entire cave.

At the mouth of the bag, a strong suction force burst out, rolling up gusts of wind, like a huge bloody mouth, swallowing everything below.

This thing is the Qiankun bag that was taken from Bai Li that year!

Over the years, I have never found a chance to use it.

This thing is simply a killer weapon to deal with group attacks. Let alone three clones, even if there are more, there is no worry that it cannot be stored.

The only thing to consider is how powerful it is!

Thinking back to the past, he almost fell into the illusion inside.

However, he had just formed a pill at that time. Now he is dealing with several clones comparable to the middle stage of the pill formation. I wonder if it can still be effective!

If the green ball of wool, that is, the body of the Yin Linghu, can be put in it, it will be even better!

This Qiankun bag is a space of its own. Even if it cannot kill the Yin Linghu, it can isolate it from the outside world.

By then, without the main formation, those ice sieges will surely fall apart!

However, wishes are beautiful, but reality often slaps in the face.

First of all, the weird green ball of wool, under the suction of the Qiankun bag, is like a small mountain, always standing still.

The three clones were easily sucked in.

But that's all. In less than half a cup of tea, the Qiankun bag exploded, and pieces of broken cloth fell.

In fact, the moment Mo Xun used this thing, he suddenly realized a problem.

This Yin Linghuo has no soul, and the clone is like a dead thing, which is equivalent to not having six senses. How much effect the illusion in the bag can have on it is really debatable.

Without the power of illusion, this Qiankun bag is nothing more than a larger trap array!

However, Mo Xun has rich experience in fighting. When the Qiankun bag failed, he had already raised the longbow in his hand.

One bow and three arrows, shot at the same time!

Accompanied by several whistles that cut through the sky, three fiery red arrows, like three meteors in the dark, went straight to the three clones.

Including this time, in this short period of time, Mo Xun has already shot three arrows.

Even if he is in the late stage of Jindan, he can't bear this kind of mana consumption.

And what he fears most now is to fight for consumption!

Three rockets exploded in the distance, and in an instant, the clones were swallowed in the flames.

After doing all this, he hastily swallowed two recovery pills, and almost without stopping for a moment, he waved his long sleeves, continuously releasing silver light blades, and cut off all the green silk threads that wanted to rescue.

Then he shouted "Chi Li" again!

Xuantian True Fire seemed to have been summoned, and immediately soared into the sky, turning into a fire prison, and all three clones that were struggling in the flames were bound in it.

He didn't believe that it was impossible to destroy these beasts after cutting off their Yin Qi replenishment!

Mo Xun was even more ruthless in his heart, and a beast bone blood knife appeared in his hand, and then he jumped directly into the sea of ​​fire.

This thing was still one of the six magic weapons found in the cave of Qianji Old Demon.

Mo Xun had never used this thing, and even rarely took it out.

Because this thing was a bit evil, after all, who would use bones as a magic weapon?

This blood-transforming knife is snow-white, and it is made of the bones of some monster. It is about four feet long and nearly seven inches wide. The blade is sharp and flashes with cold light. There are a row of bone spurs on the back of the knife, just like the teeth of a crocodile, which is extremely sharp.

The whole knife gives people a feeling of blood and barbarity!

I think the original owner of this knife is either a bloodthirsty person or a violent person.

As this knife was taken out, Mo Xun's hostility seemed to be aroused.

In the flames, a figure was seen holding a big knife, like a god descending to the earth, the big knife rose and fell, and kept slashing wildly in the flames.

Those who are good at using knives are not bloodthirsty, but they are definitely bloodthirsty!

This feeling of the knife falling, the skin and flesh bursting, and the blood splattering everywhere can arouse the most primitive pleasure in people's hearts!

Deep in everyone's heart, there is actually a violent side hidden.

This is the ancestors who have accumulated and passed down in the endless years of fighting.

At this moment, Mo Xun felt a bit crazy.

Watching the knife fall and the opponent's head fall to the ground, how satisfying is that?

This state lasted for half an incense stick of time.

As the flames slowly extinguished, the figure like a killing god gradually appeared in the firelight.

Under his feet, there were a pile of broken limbs and arms scattered in bits and pieces, almost burned black by the flames, and a large pool of dark green blood that had not yet dried up, just looking at it made people nauseous.

At this moment, Mo Xun had messy hair and torn clothes, and he exuded endless murderous intent.

It was the first time that he showed such a brutal side.

But the price is also obvious. It is exhilarating, but fighting three mid-stage Jindan in such a close distance, even with the help of Xuantian True Fire, is a heavy burden on his mana consumption.

But if this price is paid, it will be fine if it has some effect.

But what happened next made Mo Xun's head buzz again.

Because just as he was killing people everywhere, the damn green fluff ball spit out three more clones, just looking at him quietly, as if waiting for his triumph.

Mo Xun took a deep breath. This is not over yet!

If he keeps killing like this, when will it end?

This incident once again proves that if you want to completely kill the monster, you must kill its original fluff ball.

If he continues like this, no matter how good he is at fighting, he will eventually be exhausted.

But how to fight?

Thinking of this, he quickly moved his mind and commanded Xuantian True Fire to turn into flames and pounce on the green fluff ball.

The mighty sea of ​​fire rose again, and in a flash, it submerged the Yin Ling Huo.

But after a moment, Mo Xun's brows were furrowed more and more tightly.

He could clearly feel that while Chi Li was burning the other party, it seemed to be engaged in a tug-of-war, just like melting the ice before.

Every time a circle of green silk was burned, the fluff ball quickly grew out again.

In this way, as the power of Chi Li's flames decreased, the vitality of Yin Ling Huo seemed to have not been consumed.

Just when Mo Xun was holding the Blood-Transforming Knife and preparing to step forward to help at close range, the three incarnations waiting on the side jumped up at the same time, extending their sharp claws from three directions, and pounced on him fiercely just like before.

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