Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 627: No matter how hard you try, you still can’t find it

There is another question, that is, where to self-destruct?

In theory, the closer to the beast, the more obvious the effect can be achieved. Even if it cannot be killed directly, it is also possible to seriously injure it.

According to this idea, self-destructing inside its body is obviously the best way.

But once this thing is swallowed, will it be directly cut off from him like the previous Golden Rainbow Halberd?

Mo Xun took a deep breath. This possibility not only exists, but also very large.

"Self-destruction outside the body, this is the only way!"

At the moment, he could not afford to think too much.

Just when he finished a wave of lightning attacks and was about to throw out the wind and thunder stick, desperately trying to self-destruct in exchange for life, he suddenly stopped.

He suddenly thought of another way, maybe he could try it.

Then, he saw another thing quietly appear in his robe sleeve when his palm turned.

But this thing was covered tightly by the sleeve, and no breath was leaked at all.

After a brief hesitation, Mo Xun quickly made a hand gesture, and then threw it in the direction of the Yin Linghuo.

A black arc was drawn in the air, without any spiritual power fluctuations, as if what was thrown out was just an ordinary stone.

The moment the Yin Linghuo saw this thing, it seemed to feel the strangeness of it, and hesitated for a moment with some doubts.

But soon, it accelerated and rushed over, and then its long green beard rolled up and swallowed the stone.

Just when the stone was about to sink into the body, it suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light.

The golden light seemed to be real, as if it could penetrate everything.

This thing was the Buddha bone relic transformed by Mo Xun.

Since the golden light of the relic can kill the Yin Sha body, it should have some effect on the Yin Linghuo.

And the initial conflict between the two was caused by this thing. Since the other party wants it, why not give it to him?

The dazzling golden light flashed, and what happened next made Mo Xun stunned!

The Yin Linghuo, which was originally aggressive, suddenly stopped, and its body expanded uncontrollably and rapidly, like an inflated ball, getting bigger and bigger.

Two feet, three feet, until seven feet... the huge body stretched all the way to the ice wall above his head.

Looking at the green fluff ball that was about to explode, Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he didn't even bother to ask Bai Ze and Chi Li, and hurriedly hid far away. At the same time, he activated a thick layer of spiritual power shield all over his body at the fastest speed, and slapped his storage bag, and all the protective magic tools that could be used were covered on his head.

He even took out the green gourd, and if he saw that the situation was not good, he would hide in it first.

The self-destruction of a Yuanying-level strongman is terrifying to think about!

Mo Xun really didn't expect that this move, which was originally a casual move, would actually cause this thing to self-destruct in advance.

Or it was not self-destruction, but it was stimulated by the Buddha's bone relic and was about to explode!

Let's talk about this Yin Linghuo, it's really unknown, a guy who cultivates Yin Qi, what does he want the relic for?

This is like a mouse, actually thinking about the cat, which is really incredible.

Mo Xun now somewhat regrets his previous stinginess.

Under such explosive power, I'm afraid half of the mountain will be flattened!

At that time, let alone the relic, even whether he can survive is unknown.

Since he can't keep it anyway, he should have given it to the other party earlier. Now not only did he lose the Golden Rainbow Halberd and destroy the Qiankun Bag, the two incarnations are also in danger, and he also implicated Bai Ze and Chi Li.

This time, it's really a big loss!

"Damn Yin Linghu..."

Mo Xun cursed angrily, and just as he took out the green gourd, he was stunned again.

He saw that the body that had expanded to the extreme suddenly burst out with golden light, followed by the hoarse and painful roar of Yin Linghu, which kept echoing in the cave.

Amid the wailing, the ground under his feet also shook.

Then he saw the green fluff ball began to dissipate and dissolve under the corrosion of the golden light, turning into a series of Yin evil spirits visible to the naked eye.

Mo Xun's heart moved, isn't it going to explode?

Maybe it was a good time, he really made a right bet this time.

After about a cup of tea, the golden light slowly converged and faded, and the Yin Linghu, who had been dominating before, had completely disappeared, as if not even a trace was left, except for the extremely strong Yin Qi in the air.

As for the avatars, they had disappeared along with the disappearance of Yin Linghu's body.

The ice walls around them were even broken into pieces. If it weren't for the unusual coldness of this place, they would have melted and dissolved.

The entire cave, except for the place where Chi Li was, fell into silence and darkness again.

"Is it... over?"

Mo Xun still looked around with some disbelief. This inexplicable fight came and went quickly. Until now, he still hasn't come back to his senses.

Just as he was about to put away the green gourd and summon a few people, he frowned, and then his figure became ethereal. When he reappeared, he had already appeared at the entrance of the cave, blocking a black shadow.

"Where are you going, sir?"

The person who was blocked was the Jindan-level ghost who had led him and Bai Ze to this place before and later awakened Yin Linghu.


The soul first screamed in panic, then hurriedly bowed and said tremblingly: "Congratulations...congratulations, fellow Taoist, for killing...killing this demon, we wait for the soul..." I have been cultivating this demon for a long time, and God is pitiful. God must have sensed that we are paying homage every day, so he sent heavenly beings like fellow Taoists to come down to earth to kill the demon. I will inform the other fellow Taoists right now. It is such a blessing, so naturally I have to I’m so excited!”

Mo Xun was stunned by these words, this person is quite a talent!

Not to mention other things, with such quick wit and eloquence, it is really a pity to be a soul cultivator here!

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. The other party had caused him such misery. How could he calm down the anger in his chest without charging some interest?

Without any explanation, Mo Xun stretched out his palm and grabbed the ghost.

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, I am willing to trade a secret for a glimmer of hope!"

Mo Xun's movements on his hands slowed slightly, and he frowned and asked, "I'll give you three breaths. If you haven't finished speaking, shut up forever!"

When the ghost heard this, he didn't even ask Mo Xun for a guarantee, so he directly said: "A year ago, in the Guisha Stream to the east of Youfeng Valley, a group of people came, all of them were above the pill formation level. They He has a treasure with extremely powerful soul power!"

One year ago, pill formation or above, supreme treasure...

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, wasn't this the Lu Xian he was looking for?

"how do you know?"

Yinhun quickly replied without thinking: "That place was my training place. When they came, they not only occupied the magpie's nest, but also captured me. Fortunately, I was familiar with the terrain and managed to escape." , I originally planned to use this secret exchange to ask Lord Yin Ling to help me get rid of those people, but now I tell my friend, please be kind and let me find the next way out!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth curled up, it was really hard to find anything, it took no effort at all!

"Easy to say!"

Feeling the killing intent fade from Mo Xun's body, Yin Hun secretly let out a long sigh of relief.

But before he could rejoice for a moment, Mo Xun suddenly stretched out his palm and sucked the ghost into his palm, turning it into a green light spot.

In his ears, the frightened roar of the ghost came.

"You go back on your word..."

Mo Xun smiled coldly, then took out a jade box and sealed it inside.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. I said I won't kill you, so I won't break my promise, right..."

You know, the conditions he agreed to to Gong Yang back then still lacked a soul. If Gong Yang knew that he had prepared a soul body at the level of pill formation for him, he would probably wake up from his dream with a smile!

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