Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 628 Dusk Soul Stone

At this moment, a petite figure walked over like a thief.

"Hey, uncle, I knew you could win!"

Mo Xun put away the jade box and snorted in anger.

Bai Ze was like a child who had done something wrong, smiling playfully while holding out something as if it were a treasure.

"Uncle, I just found this in that guy's lair. I think it will be useful to you."

Mo Xun took it from the little girl's hand and saw that it was a broken and primitive animal skin.

On one side of the animal skin, there are densely packed residues of about a hundred characters.

"Yin Yang Earth Blood Pill!"

After a moment, Mo Xun suddenly raised his head. He finally understood why Yin Lingxuan insisted on his Buddha bone relics.

What is recorded above is an incomplete ancient elixir recipe.

Among them, the main medicines are the two substances of extreme yin and extreme yang. As for the efficacy of the elixir, the subsequent content has been lost due to its damage.

However, Mo Xun guessed that this elixir was either related to Yin Linghuan's injury, or it was some kind of advanced elixir.

He pondered and read it again. This was the first time he encountered the blending of yin and yang into medicine.

This is a method of alchemy that he has never heard of before, because there is no spiritual grass to assist it at all, it is all special spiritual objects such as gold, stone or animal blood.

He even had some doubts as to whether this was the elixir created by the human race.

But having said that, if it is the alchemy path of the demon clan, why does it use human characters?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure out anything, so Mo Xun had to put away the animal skins first. Just when he was about to find the lost treasures, something suddenly occurred to him and he asked hurriedly: "Where did you find them?"

Bai Ze stretched out his jade-like little hand, first pointed to the left and said "over there", then immediately pointed to the right and quickly changed his words: "No, no, it's over there!"

Mo Xun's face darkened.

"Where exactly?"

The reason why he asked this question was because he suddenly thought that this thing must have been obtained from Yin Linghuan's treasure hiding place.

Since it is a hidden treasure, there must be more than one animal skin!

Bai Ze was glared at by that gloomy gaze, and immediately lost much confidence.

"Well, there it is!"

Mo Xun walked in the direction she pointed, and it turned out that there was a natural secret room in the deepest part of the gourd-shaped cave.

The stone door of the secret room is half open, leaving a narrow gap just enough for a child to pass through.

Mo Xun thought about it for a moment and guessed that the narrow gap was probably opened by the landslide caused by Yin Linghuan before his death.

Without the blessing of Yin Qi, Mo Xun easily pushed it away with a gentle push.

The inside was as dark and unusually dark as the outside world, and it was chilly to the bone. Fortunately, at this moment, Xuanzang Tianhuo flew over at the right time.

After Mo Xun simply communicated with Chi Lei, he was slightly relieved and a little helpless at the same time.

After the battle just now, Chili spent a lot of energy in order to contain the three clones to the maximum extent. It is estimated that he will need to go through a long period of recovery and will no longer be able to help him fight the enemy.

Mo Xun looked at Huo Luan, who was completely slumped by the flames around him, and his eyes softened.

The little guy helped him a lot this time.

As for the two avatars sent out, one was dead and the other was injured, because he was under the control of distraction, which he knew well.

In fact, the incarnation of practicing demonic skills is not bad. The key is that the one promised to Gongyang was directly broken into lotus roots. I am afraid that even if it is re-refined, it will not be able to restore its original cultivation. It can be said that the need for restoration is completely lost.

If Gongyang woke up at this moment, Mo Xun could guess how the old guy would jump without imagining.

Originally, he hoped that Ram Yang would wake up soon, but now, he expected the other party to sleep for another few decades.

Stepping into the secret room, the cold atmosphere inside made even Mo Xun shiver without warning.

This place should be connected to a Yin vein of good grade!

That Yin Linghuan has chosen a good place to practice, Mo Xunru thought.

Under the firelight, the originally small stone chamber was clearly visible.

The first thing that caught Mo Xun's eyes was a translucent turbid stone bed six to seven feet square.

This stone bed seemed to be made of condensed ice, but Mo Xun knew clearly that this object was a natural crystal called "Twilight Soul".

It is said that practicing on this can solidify the soul, and it has an unparalleled effect on people who are born with strong soul power.

The point is, such a large piece is really rare!

To put it into perspective, it can barely be regarded as a treasure!

To those who are cultivators of immortality, not being tempted when encountering a treasure is tantamount to disobeying the Dao and resisting opportunities, which will lead to a loss of life!

So Mo Xun rolled up the sleeves of his robe and put it away without even thinking about it.

Then he sneered, this thing can at best be regarded as the interest on the treasures he lost!

Then he looked around again, finally turned his head, and his eyes fell on Bai Ze behind him.

"Where's the other stuff?"

Facing Mo Xun's sharp gaze, Bai Ze subconsciously covered the storage bag at his waist.

" more. When I came in, I only found the piece of animal skin."

Mo Xun pointed at the jade boxes, animal bones, and some magical weapons scattered on the ground that were too damaged to be used anymore, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

Obviously, the rags scattered in front of you are all leftovers picked out by the little guy.

As for the Dusk Soul Stone, I probably kept it because I was too ignorant to recognize it.

"I'm sure and certain. If you don't believe me, I can swear!"

After saying that, the little girl stretched out her little hand and said solemnly: "If I lie, I'm not a human being!"

Mo Xun's mouth twitched, thinking, you are not a human being!

After a short while, Mo Xun couldn't help but think of Gu Qingqing again. This little thing is definitely a replica of that fairy Gu.

As the saying goes, the faster you hide, the better you get in the spoils!

Mo Xun raised his hand and knocked on the little girl's head.

"Sort out the things that are useful to me. If you eat alone again in the future, stay in the spirit beast bag and don't come out."

As he spoke, Mo Xun had already walked out with his hands behind his back.

He still had a lot of things to do now, and he didn't have time to argue with the little guy for a while.

Mo Xun came to the incarnation who was sitting cross-legged in the distance to heal his wounds.

At this moment, this incarnation was extremely miserable. It was missing an arm, half of its leg was broken, and there was a deep wound on its face that extended from its forehead to its neck. Its entire body was covered with scars, and its clothes were tattered!

Because of the practice of magic, when he was practicing, his body was surrounded by a thick black gas, and his bloody body gave people a feeling of gloom and terror.

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