Mo Xun looked at the incarnation in front of him quietly. Next to him was the bone-white blood-transforming knife.

Although he did not personally witness the battle just now, everything that happened during it was clear to him.

Even though Chili was there to restrain him, he was able to hold back three mid-stage clones just by relying on the early stage of pill formation. You can imagine how brutal it was!

If the Yin Linghuan had died a moment later, the fate of this incarnation would have been the same as the other one.

"You have made great achievements this time. From now on, you no longer have to be nameless. Just call...Mohun!"

To be honest, after this battle, it was difficult for him to treat this incarnation as a dead thing.

Although in a strict sense, there is no essential difference between this thing and a sword or a knife, in terms of perception and logic, this is a person who looks exactly like him!

Of course, giving him a name is just a way for him to express his gratitude!

When Mo Hun heard these words, he suddenly opened his eyes and met Mo Xun's eyes.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then frowned deeply.

He felt that just for a moment, he saw a trace of strangeness in the other person's eyes. It was very brief, almost fleeting.

But when he looked carefully, all he saw was a blank look!

Could it be that I saw it wrong?

Mo Xun shook his head lightly, maybe he hadn't recovered from the nervousness just now!

After a moment, looking at the two things in his hands, he couldn't help but sigh.

The Golden Rainbow Halberd has been with him for many years. Although it has not played a key role in many battles, it is often the vanguard and is always the first to be defeated by him. However, now it has lost most of its spirituality, as if it is a peerless piece of equipment. Treasures, covered with a layer of dust.

It seems that the green pom-pom can pollute the magic weapon!

As for the Buddha bone relics, a lot of their golden light has faded and become much darker.

In this battle, he suffered heavy losses!

The golden rainbow halberd and exquisite ring that he relied on have lost their spirituality, and their power will definitely be greatly reduced in the future.

The Qiankun Bag was directly broken and damaged!

One incarnation was seriously injured, the other was killed, and even the Xuantian Fire consumed too much of its origin.

But in the end, what he got in exchange was just a remnant soul and a piece of broken stone that was not very useful.

Thinking of this, he felt a pain in his body!

Finally, after glaring at Bai Ze again, he put away the rest of the treasures and then walked out.

On the way out, his anger was still lingering, and he became murderous. Any ghost who dared to come up to provoke him was burned clean by him.

This scene made Bai Ze tremble with fear. Although he drooled at the sight of those ghosts, he did not dare to go forward and devour them. During the whole process, he was very careful and did not even dare to let out any anger.

As soon as the two people came out of the cave, Mo Xun immediately looked around in confusion.

Just as he was wondering why Qin Sirong disappeared, he saw a pretty figure walking out of the darkness in the distance vigilantly. On his wrist, he was still wearing several Buddha bone relics given by Mo Xun.

After Qin Sirong saw Mo Xun clearly, he breathed a big sigh of relief, stepped forward and bowed, and was about to speak, but when he saw Bai Ze beside him, he was stunned and froze in place, with a pair of delicate eyes full of suspicion. and puzzled.

I wondered how this senior could go in and bring out a child?

Could it be that this little girl is a soul cultivator living inside?

That's not right. She looked at Bai Ze carefully and didn't feel any fluctuations in soul power.

She couldn't see any cultivation in Bai Ze, he just looked like an ordinary girl next door with a pretty face.

Mo Xun naturally saw her doubts, but he was not in the mood to explain at all.

"Go to Guishajian!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the black mist in the distance.

Hearing Mo Xun's cold tone, Qin Sirong had no choice but to swallow back the words he had yet to ask, and quickly walked a few steps to catch up. From time to time, he would look at Bai Ze curiously.

There are literally countless question marks in my heart at this moment, but I have to endure it!

The reason why she didn't guard at the entrance of the cave was because she felt the shaking under her feet and the strong mana fluctuations coming from the cave. She guessed that Mo Xun must have encountered some difficult opponent, so she stayed away.

"Sister, you are so beautiful!" Bai Ze leaned towards Qin Sirong and whispered softly, half covering his mouth.

Qin Sirong was amused by this quirky little girl. Although he was still confused, he was less wary.

She was even thinking in her heart, it seemed like she was overthinking, could such a cute little girl be a monster?

"The same goes for you, you will be a great beauty in the future!"

Bai Ze chuckled, quickly took out a Qian Yuan Fruit from his storage bag and handed it out.

"This is for you to eat, you're welcome!"

Qin Sirong smiled and took the spirit fruit. With these two short sentences, his impression of Bai Ze improved a bit.

The moment she took possession of the spirit fruit, her eyes widened in shock.

Even if she has no experience, she should still know the Qianyuan Fruit, and the spiritual fruit in her hand is absolutely extraordinary. Judging from the color and the dense aura on it, it is at least thousands of years old. If you take it, To the outside world, tens of thousands of spiritual stones can be sold at least.

Such a precious thing was given to her like this?

Qin Sirong felt that his head seemed to be short-circuited.

After reacting, she quickly handed the spirit fruit back.

"This thing is too precious, sister can't take it, you should keep it for yourself!"

Bai Ze patted his storage bag generously and grinned: "Don't worry, I still have a lot!"

While speaking, a flash of light flashed on his little hand, and he took out another Qianyuan fruit.

Qin Sirong looked at the bright red spiritual fruit, and then looked at the one in his hand, and was a little speechless for a while.

She didn't even notice how Bai Ze swallowed such a big spiritual fruit in one gulp.

Looking at the bright red juice flowing from the corner of the little girl's mouth, Qin Sirong asked curiously: "Do you have a lot of this?"

Bai Ze patted his belly, feeling a little unsatisfied.

"It's not too much, uncle only gave me a hundred, or... more than two hundred..."

While speaking, Bai Ze also counted with his little fingers.

Qin Sirong was completely shocked. If this thing is conservatively calculated, it can be sold for at least 30,000 spiritual stones. A hundred, how much is that in total?

Even the entire Lu family doesn't dare to say that they have such financial resources!

Bai Ze saw the expression on Qin Sirong's face and seemed to be very satisfied with her reaction. She would not say that the ones she had given before were far inferior in quality and size.

Qin Sirong suddenly thought of something and asked, "Who is this uncle?"

Bai Ze secretly pointed to the front, and his meaning was self-evident.

Qin Sirong looked at Mo Xun's back in the distance, and suddenly realized that this little girl was brought by that senior.

Just a new question emerged in her mind again.

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