How come she didn't notice where such a big living person was hiding?

Invisibly, Mo Xun's mystery in Qin Sirong's heart was added.

"Sister, why don't you follow me in the future?"

Qin Sirong smiled slightly, very curious about who the little girl learned this weirdness from.

"Okay, sister will follow you in the future!"

Bai Ze suddenly stopped, pulled Qin Sirong to squat, and whispered in her ear mysteriously: "Tell you a secret, I just got a lot of treasures, and I will share some with you when the time comes!"

Qin Sirong rubbed Bai Ze's head with a little pampering, and seemed to like the little guy in front of her more and more.

"Thank you very much, but sister wants to remind you, don't give this kind of spiritual fruit to others easily in the future, so as not to meet bad people!"

The two chatted with each other.

Mo Xun naturally heard everything they said clearly.

What kind of character Qin Sirong has, let alone Mo Xun, I'm afraid even she herself is too contradictory to explain.

However, judging from her relationship with Bai Ze, this woman is at least not bad!

Perhaps she was just a little irrational after being blinded by love when she plotted against the Ye family, and happened to be used by someone with ulterior motives!

The three walked quickly in the darkness and coldness.

Mo Xun walked in front, with his late Jindan cultivation, unreservedly released, and few ghosts dared to approach. Even if he met some blind people, he would be either repelled or killed directly by thunder.

Qin Sirong was wearing a Buddha bone relic in her hand, and ordinary soul cultivators could hardly get close to her.

In order to help her resist the cold, Mo Xun would condense a circle of spiritual power around her every once in a while to protect her body.

The three walked in this place filled with yin and souls, as if they were in a no-man's land!

The only depressed one was Bai Ze!

The little guy wanted to take advantage of Mo Xun's inattention to devour a few ghosts, but he didn't have the chance at all.

"Sister, walk slower!"

Qin Sirong asked in confusion: "Why?"

Bai Ze blinked at her, as if telling her not to ask more questions, but it made Qin Sirong look confused!

Just at this moment, Mo Xun's voice rang in their ears.

"If you delay my important event, don't come out again!"

Bai Ze had to pull Qin Sirong to speed up his pace after hearing this, but his mouth was almost upturned in anger, and he almost cried out of grievance!

Mo Xun shook his head and sighed softly. This little thing has only been born for a few days, but it has grown a mind!

It seems that this world is really a big dye vat!

As long as you jump in, no matter who you are, you will soon be dyed into a different color!

Mo Xun corrected his position according to the map jade slip while refining pills to restore his mana. Fortunately, he only lost some vitality in the previous battle and was not injured. Otherwise, he would not have rushed to the next target without even taking a rest.

According to the soul cultivator, there are several cultivators above the Jindan stage in this group.

That is to say, he has to face more than just the Lu brothers.

In this case, things will be a bit tricky. If the opponents are all below the middle Jindan stage, he is confident that he still has some confidence, but once the late Jindan stage appears, the advantage in strength will immediately turn around.

In fact, as long as there is no Yuanying-level strongman, he can still save his life with his current cultivation.

The only thing to consider now is how to be safer.

After the previous battle, even if he did not use his trump card, he lost a lot of means.

Especially Xuantian True Fire and Incarnation, these two things, one can be used for reconnaissance, and the other can confuse the opponent at a critical moment, thus creating opportunities.

Now, it is obviously not easy to use these two again!

Then we have to find a replacement again...

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind, and then he smiled slightly.

In addition, we should prepare in advance for leaving after being trapped.

As the saying goes, before thinking about victory, think about defeat first, which is also the survival rule he has summed up in the ups and downs of these years.

He suddenly remembered the teleportation array disk that the gloomy old woman gave him when he stole the Beidou Xuanjia in the Five Elements Sect. If he had this thing in hand, it would be great!

This thing can ignore the space restriction, which is even better than the top escape talisman.

It seems that after this incident, I have to find a way to find out the specific situation of this thing.

He is now a formation master, and he has just begun to glimpse the way of refining. If he knows the principle and refining method, he may really be able to study it.

Then the question is, once he is trapped, how to get out?

Mo Xun frowned and walked quickly, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

In fact, in his opinion, the chance of encountering a Nascent Soul cultivator this time is extremely small, and even a late stage Lianjiedan cultivator may not be encountered.

The reason is very simple, which is the purpose of Lu Xian's coming here.

According to his speculation, the Lu brothers chose this place mostly for the treasure.

According to common sense, once it comes to something like a treasure, the fewer people involved, the better. And from the perspective of the treasure holder, the cultivation level of the participants will most likely not exceed that of the treasure holder, otherwise they will face the risk of being coveted and robbed!

Of course, this is not so absolute!

At least from the information he has at present, there is a high possibility that there is another variable, that is, the owner of the Red Moon Manor!

This person is nominally on equal terms with Lu Xian and his son. Could he also be involved?

Mo Xun let out a long breath and looked into the distance. Before he knew it, several days had passed.

There was no distinction between day and night here, and there were no stars. Except for the slightly different terrain, all he saw and felt was ice and snow all over the sky, and ghosts lingering around, as if the entire valley was an ice-covered world isolated from this mountain range.

Perhaps this is indeed the case.

Perhaps a long time ago, this place belonged to a secret realm of a sect that specialized in practicing Yin Qi.

When the three of them came to the depths of a canyon, Mo Xun suddenly stopped.

Looking up, there was an extremely narrow iceberg crack not far away, which could only accommodate three or four people.

On both sides of the crack were towering and steep cliffs of icebergs, which could not be seen through the black fog.

Standing at the entrance of the crack, the wind was raging, ghosts were crying, and from time to time, dark shadows passed by their heads, like a pair of dark eyes, watching their every move.

"Senior, are we here yet?"

After several days of continuous travel, Mo Xun and Bai Ze were still okay, but Qin Sirong, who only had Qi training, was a little overwhelmed.

Mo Xun nodded gently, his brows full of solemnity.

He had already covered the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but the ghost energy was so strong that the range he could detect was less than one-tenth or one-twelfth of the normal range.

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