Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 631: Divine Possession

Mo Xun looked around. If nothing else, just from the terrain, it was like a den of dragons and tigers.

If you want to escape, there is only this way!

"Wait a minute!"

After saying that, Mo Xun's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

According to his usual style, he naturally had to make some arrangements here first. If everything went well, it would be fine. If he encountered any trouble, he could also keep some backup.

Qin Sirong was stunned at first, and then looked around blankly.

As for Bai Ze, he felt a bit heartless. While Mo Xun was away, his eyes rolled around, like a thief, and suddenly opened his mouth to suck a wandering ghost next to him.

Then he saw a dark shadow being swallowed in a scream.

The little guy licked his tongue in ecstasy and patted his belly, obviously still unsatisfied!

This scene scared Qin Sirong.

The blood on her face suddenly disappeared, and she stood there with her eyes wide open. She opened her mouth for a long time, but she didn't say a word.

She even suspected that she was dazzled.

How could the cute little girl who had been talking and laughing with her before suddenly become a monster that devoured evil spirits?

In her cognition, there was no magical power that could directly absorb souls. Even if it was a ghost cultivator, they could only use treasures to collect ghosts to assist in cultivation.

Before she could react from her astonishment, Bai Ze suddenly turned his head and smiled at her strangely, which made Qin Sirong feel a chill from the bottom of her feet, which instantly spread throughout her body.

Then, she saw an extremely terrifying scene.

Bai Ze's cherry-like mouth suddenly turned into a bloody mouth, and at the same time, a snake-like tongue stretched out from his mouth and quickly swept towards her.

Qin Sirong screamed in fear, and in this narrow valley, she actually scared several evil ghosts away.

As a woman, she might not be afraid of ghosts or wolves, but she hated snakes and rats the most.

But just when she thought that tongue was going to wrap around her neck, she only felt a strong wind blowing, and it was not as sticky and cold as she imagined. Then there was another scream, which stopped abruptly beside her ear!

When she opened her eyes, Bai Ze had already restored her previous bright and white teeth.

But that expression was extremely enjoyable!

A gust of wind blew past, and Mo Xun's figure reappeared in front of the two.

"What's wrong?"

He rushed back after hearing the scream, and after seeing that Qin Sirong was safe and sound, the tense expression on his face was slightly relieved.

But before Qin Sirong could speak, Bai Ze showed an innocent face.

"It's okay! Uncle, are you done?"

Mo Xun saw the little girl's guilty look, how could he not understand what was going on, and immediately glared at her.

"Follow me, don't run around!"

After saying that, Mo Xun turned around and walked towards the narrow crack.

As for Qin Sirong, although she followed behind, she obviously kept a distance from Bai Ze.

She never thought that such a light and lovely little girl would have such a terrifying side.

Could it be that the snake demon transformed?

Thinking of this, she felt uncomfortable all over for no reason.

You know, she and the little girl have been playing and joking together many times in the past few days. Doesn't that mean that she has been holding a snake?

Bai Ze naturally didn't know what Qin Sirong was thinking, but he was a little bit dissatisfied, thinking that this sister was too timid. It was just eating a ghost, she hadn't had enough fun yet. If she saw her showing her power, wouldn't she be scared to death?

Besides, it's not like he's eating her soul, so is there any need to make such a fuss?

Bai Ze curled her lips. Since Qin Sirong ignored her, she wouldn't take the initiative to talk to her.

Not far away, the crack finally widened a little.

Then, the three of them saw a dark and deep cave entrance that led directly to the underground.

The cave entrance was about ten feet wide, and the inside seemed to be boiling, and thick black gas kept coming out.

Looking inside, it was like a deep whirlpool, bottomless.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with a rosy glow, and a jade box suddenly appeared. The soul cultivator was sealed inside.

Mo Xun lightly tapped the lid of the box with his finger, and then asked: "Is the place you are talking about here?"

"It's here, fellow Taoist..."

The jade box quickly answered, but before the words were finished, Mo Xun took them away again.

"Senior, do you want to go down directly?"

Although Qin Sirong didn't know what was sealed in the box, she knew that it must be the clue that Mo Xun had found.

Mo Xun first looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a piece of ice rock in the distance.

"Don't worry, I need to do an experiment first!"

The three of them came to the back of the ice rock, and Mo Xun quickly set up a circle of isolation and concealment around it. Then, when he turned his palm, a small purple insect appeared in his palm.

This insect was only the size of a baby's fingernail. If you don't look closely, you might think it was a mosquito.

But the bright purple and green on its body, and the strange dragon horns and wings, make people know at a glance that it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

This thing is the purple snake green lotus!

Qin Sirong was surprised to see the spiritual insect that Mo Xun suddenly took out, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart, could this senior be a bug cultivator?

Mo Xun raised his hand slightly, and the purple snake spread its wings and flew out of his palm towards the dark cave entrance.

At the same time, his heart was lifted.

This thing took him a hundred years of hard work, plus a lot of spiritual objects, to finally hatch.

He was really afraid that he would be swallowed by wandering ghosts along the way.

Fortunately, when those wandering souls flew in front of the purple snake, they all passed by as if they had not seen it.

As for the purple snake, it was also very spiritual to avoid various obstacles. Even as it entered the black fog, the bright purple layer on its body gradually faded a lot.

Mo Xun also closed his eyes and slowly spread his spiritual consciousness to sense the traces of the purple snake.

What made him happy was that even with his cultivation, it would be difficult to find the spiritual power fluctuations emanating from it without a careful search.

With a thought, the purple snake flew back again.

He put his two fingers together and gently guided along the center of his eyebrows. Suddenly, a ray of green light flew out from his forehead and sank into the body of Zixue.

Zixue Qingfu, who was flapping his wings continuously, trembled slightly as if injected with an external force, but soon regained his composure!

What Mo Xun did was to control Zixue and swallow a ray of his divine thoughts.

He needed the little thing to sneak in and become a pair of eyes for him to find out the truth for him.

In this case, he couldn't simply attach the divine thoughts to the surface of the spirit insect, but needed its cooperation to make it completely merge with his divine thoughts.

Thus, he could temporarily control Zixue's body.

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