To be honest, this was the first time that Mo Xun tried this method. As for whether it would be successful, we had to wait and see.

Qin Sirong, who was standing by, saw Mo Xun constantly making hand gestures towards the insect and muttering something. Although she was curious, she also knew that Mo Xun was casting a spell, so she was very tactful and didn't say anything.

Only Bai Ze, with a pair of big round eyes, was rolling around, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, Mo Xun shouted in a low voice: "Go!"

Then, the purple snake turned around and flew towards the dark cave again.

Mo Xun, on his side, closed his eyes tightly as if in a trance, and sat there motionless.

Turning his vision to the purple snake, it was the first time that Mo Xun observed the world from the perspective of a flying insect.

It seemed that everything was magnified countless times.

Even the snowflakes falling from the sky passed by like millstones. The ghosts wandering around were so dense that they covered the sky and the sun, like small hills, slowly passing over the head and then slowly disappearing into the distance.

The black hole, which was only a few feet in size, was like a black ocean. Being in it made people feel indescribably small.

In addition to these, everything in front of him seemed to become extremely clear.

The texture of the snowflakes, the tiny hairs frozen in the ice, and even the frost grass seeds floating in the wind were all very clearly presented in front of him.

So the world in the eyes of insects is like this!

While Mo Xun was feeling emotional, he was also secretly excited. He didn't expect that this trick would really work!

It seems that he has another way to detect danger in the future.

Not to mention whether this purple domain green fly can eventually achieve the magical power of swallowing the sky and the earth as Gong Yang said, the reconnaissance alone is worthy of his years of hard work.

There are at least two keys to the implementation of this plan.

The first is the concealment of Zixue Qingfu.

At least so far, these ghosts are difficult to find, and even his Jindan stage consciousness cannot easily capture them, so it is completely passed.

The second is that the absolute cooperation of the spirit insect is required.

The possession of the spirit is equivalent to completely handing over one's life to Mo Xun.

Perhaps it is also because this evil soldier has not yet developed spiritual intelligence, and Mo Xun simply communicated with it and easily did this.

If it were Bai Ze, who is also a spirit pet, I am afraid that if there is not enough benefit, the little girl would definitely not do it.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, if Zixue has spiritual intelligence, he would not need to possess it with his spirit, but send it out to find out clearly and come back to tell him in detail.

Unfortunately, this little insect can only make some simple cooperation under the involvement of his mind so far, and cannot communicate in depth.

It is unknown when it will be able to display its innate magical power?

As the purple snake disappeared into the black hole, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly became pitch black. The gushing Yin Qi, carrying an extremely cold chill, kept colliding with the purple snake, but it did not cause any effect.

This shows that the physique of this spiritual insect is extraordinary!

This sense of darkness lasted for a full cup of tea before it flew to the bottom of the cave.

In front of him was a dark green world. Although it was still filled with Yin Qi, it was not as blinding as before.

These strange green lights came from the many green crystals on the surrounding cave walls.

The entire underground showed an undulating lava structure, similar to the outside world, covered with ice everywhere. The difference was that under the green dim light, combined with the thick fog, it looked extremely gloomy and empty, like the legendary Yama Hell.

Mo Xun stuck to the ice wall and flew slowly along the way.

Fortunately, there was no fork in the road here, only a deep passage that led to nowhere.

This passage is about ten feet wide, but in Mo Xun's eyes, it is extremely wide.

What makes him feel a little strange is that there are no ghosts in this place, but the yin energy is extremely dense.

It seems that this cave either has some natural restrictions to isolate ghosts, or it has been tampered with.

Obviously, the latter is more likely.

Otherwise, the soul cultivator would not be able to use this place as a cave and enter and exit freely.

Although he felt that the purple snake was very hidden, he did not dare to be careless. While flying forward along the cave wall, he carefully paid attention to the surroundings.

Because he was only possessed by the spirit and could not use the spirit consciousness, he could only sense the world in front of him.

After walking for a while, he found something unusual.

There was indeed a faint formation fluctuation in this passage, but because of the possession, he had not noticed it.

After discovering this, he had to be more cautious.

As a formation master, he knew a truth. If there was a sensitive triggering restriction hidden in it, not to mention a small insect with spirituality, even if a leaf fell on it, it would be immediately detected.

In fact, there was a huge loophole in using the Purple Snake Heavenly Lotus here.

You know, this place is filled with yin energy and extremely cold. Except for ghosts and some special beasts, no insects or ants can survive at all.

Once the existence of the Purple Snake is discovered, it will be realized that it is unusual after a little thought.

A moment later, a shrill ghost cry came faintly in his ears, and there seemed to be a subtle fluctuation of mana in the air.

Mo Xun's heart trembled. This is spiritual power!

The meaning of the appearance of spiritual power in such a place is self-evident.

Mo Xun flew along the place where it was easy to hide his body, while being careful not to trigger some hidden formations, and trying to distinguish what was going on in front of him and how many people there were from the spiritual power fluctuations.

Fortunately, there were no other restrictions here except for the formation that blocked the ghosts before.

Unfortunately, he did not come here in his original form, and could not accurately judge the abnormality in the mana fluctuations.

As the ghosts cried around him more and more loudly, the mottled spiritual energy became stronger and stronger.

Then, the distance suddenly became clear!

Under the dim light of countless green crystals, Mo Xun lay on an ice wall in the corner, and his two eyes that bulged like dragonflies almost filled the entire eye socket, slowly turning from the left to the right.

What attracted him first were four pale golden light columns.

The black air in the light column flowed, binding countless ghosts and ghosts, and the shrill screams echoed in the huge cave.

Under these four beams of light, four cultivators of different ages were sitting cross-legged.

Some looked only in their thirties or forties, while others were already in their eighties with white hair. However, their cultivation was all above the Jindan stage.

Two in the middle stage, two in the early stage!

Although Mo Xun had never seen Lu Xian, when he saw the face of one of the middle-aged men in gorgeous clothes, he was already 90% sure.

This person was the one he was looking for!

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