Four people sat in a corner, forming a square light curtain.

Some strange golden runes were carved on the ground. In front of each person, there was a pagoda-shaped magic weapon floating. Those golden light beams were shot out from the pagoda.

Everyone's body was surrounded by a faint glow, and it was obvious that they were casting spells with all their strength.

Four golden lights pointed upward and met at the same point in the air.

There was a strange thing floating at that position.

This thing was neither big nor small, no more than half a foot long and about one foot wide. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a blue and white feather!

Mo Xun stared at it in surprise for a long time. It was vaguely visible under the golden light. It was indeed a feather.

Is this the treasure of the Ye family?

Mo Xun looked at it carefully again. He suddenly remembered that the soul cultivator said before that this was a treasure with extremely powerful soul power.

Now that he sensed it, it seemed that it really contained extremely terrifying soul power fluctuations.

Besides soul power, the whole cave is filled with a lot of wind-attribute spiritual power.

"Soul power..."

After Mo Xun pondered for a while, his heart suddenly jumped. Could this thing be alive?

He tried to recall all kinds of flying beasts he knew, but how could he match it with just a feather?

This should be the natal feather of some kind of spiritual beast, and it also contains the soul!

Mo Xun understood the situation in front of him almost instantly!

Most likely, Lu Xian wanted to subdue this treasure, but he couldn't suppress the powerful Yuanshen in the feather, so he used thousands of Yin souls and the unique Yin veins here to set up such a soul-suppressing formation!

Judging from the status of several people, this spell has been going on for a while.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. It seems that he really guessed it right. There is really no master in the late Jindan stage.

Since he met him, this Dharma meeting is destined to end here!

After observing for a while, Mo Xun quietly left the cave.

Outside the black hole, Qin Sirong had been waiting anxiously, especially after seeing Bai Ze's long tongue again, she always shuddered all over.

But she could only endure it, for fear of accidentally disturbing Mo Xun who was casting a spell.

In the dimness, the wind was howling, ghosts were crying, and black shadows were wandering in the sky, but the place where the three were was surprisingly calm.

On the one hand, it benefited from the formation barrier arranged by Mo Xun, and on the other hand, it was shocked by Bai Ze's devouring magic.

Bai Ze was also depressed. Why didn't those ghosts dare to approach?

She was hesitating whether to walk out of the hidden light circle drawn by the uncle, but at this moment, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly opened, and then she saw a purple flying insect coming in front of the three people, followed by a green light, sinking into Mo Xun's eyebrows.

After a while, Mo Xun's originally expressionless face showed a slight smile.

He first put away the purple lily and then looked at Qin Sirong.

"Is there a black mole between Lu Xian's eyebrows?"

Qin Sirong saw Mo Xun wake up and was about to speak, but she was asked this question suddenly, so she subconsciously answered: "That's right..."

Then, she immediately realized the information in the words and asked hurriedly: "Senior, have you seen him?"

Mo Xun nodded gently and stood up slowly.

Since it has been confirmed, the next thing to consider is how to fight!

In theory, with his late Jindan cultivation, it is not impossible to fight four people head-on!

But he is in the dark now, so there is no need to do so.

He is not a brave and aggressive person. He has never been pedantic and adheres to any principles in a life-and-death fight. If he still chooses to fight head-on with such a godsend opportunity, it would be really stupid.

In his way, the process does not matter, the result is the most important!

He thought about it a little and had a general plan.

"Miss Qin, just wait here!"

As soon as Mo Xun finished speaking, Qin Sirong blocked him.

"Senior, have you forgotten the purpose of my coming here?"

Mo Xun was stunned by the question, and then he remembered why he brought Qin Sirong here.

The two looked at each other, and after a brief silence, Mo Xun asked word by word: "Do you really want to kill your benefactor?"

This so-called benefactor naturally refers to Lu Xian.

In Qin Sirong's life experience, Lu Xian was not only the person who brought her out of the sea of ​​suffering, but also the teacher who taught her. If there was no affection between the two, Ye Ping would not have been broken up!

On the one hand, Mo Xun was concerned.

On the other hand, he felt that with Qin Sirong's cultivation, even if he followed along, he would only cause trouble.

"Senior, do you suspect that I will have other intentions?"

Mo Xun nodded unceremoniously. In such a matter of life and death, he never beat around the bush.

Qin Sirong smiled bitterly, with a somewhat sad look on her face.

"That's right, people like me really shouldn't be trusted!"

Mo Xun ignored her, but patted Bai Ze's forehead and said solemnly: "Get ready, follow me down, this time you are allowed to devour ghosts, and there is no limit!"

Then, Mo Xun took a step forward.

But just when he was about to jump into the black hole, he suddenly stopped.

"If possible, I will bring Lu Xian up for you to deal with. In addition, don't leave the range of the ban I set!"

After saying that, Mo Xun rolled up his long sleeves and disappeared into the black fog with Bai Ze beside him in the blink of an eye.

Deep underground, Bai Ze frowned as soon as he landed.

Although this place seems to be full of yin energy, there is not even a trace of ghosts.

"Uncle, you are lying!"

Mo Xun made a gesture to silence and said in a voice transmission: "Don't worry, there will be some later, but I want to ask you in advance, if there are too many ghosts, do you have a way to restrain them?"

Mo Xun knew that once the fight started, the ghosts and evil spirits that were originally bound in the formation would inevitably go out of control in large numbers. Whether the situation could be controlled at that time would depend on this little guy.


"Of course it's true!"

Bai Ze said without thinking: "I will swallow it directly!"

"If there are many, very many, so many that even if there are ten of you, you may not be able to swallow them all in a short time, do you have a way to suppress them first?"

Bai Ze was a little confused about how many Mo Xun said.

According to her understanding, it was probably the kind that could burst one's stomach.

When the little guy thought of this, he was not worried at all, but became more excited.

"Don't worry, if you really can't finish it, I still have this!"

Bai Ze looked up nonchalantly, and imitated Mo Xun's usual behavior, casually slapping the storage bag on his waist, and immediately holding out a crude and strange pottery jar.

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