Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 634 Shameless sneak attack

This pottery pot is all yellow in color and its workmanship is very rough. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it belongs to a family that makes pickles.

However, Mo Xun felt bursts of strange fluctuations from inside.

Could it be a Horcrux?

"I found it in Yin Lingjian's lair before?"

Just as Bai Ze was about to nod, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He hurriedly shook his little head, turned his little hand, and put away the clay pot very preciously.

Mo Xun knew that in his hands, this thing would definitely not be as valuable as the little girl.

But who did you learn this stingy habit from?

The two of them walked forward cautiously, and when they estimated that they were very close to the place where the spell was cast, they stopped.

"You stay here. There may be many ghosts passing by later. How many you can catch depends on your ability!"

Bai Ze was so excited that he wanted to scream, but was stopped by Mo Xun's sharp eyes. His little face turned red because he was so excited, and he covered his mouth tightly with both hands. In his eyes, Full of anticipation.

After Mo Xun gave some instructions, he was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something.

"If you see Ye Ping's soul, remember to stay and don't hurt him!"

In Mo Xun's opinion, since the Lu family needs a lot of souls, it is very likely that the souls will be left behind after Ye Ping is killed that day.

As for whether this is the case, we can only hold on to a glimmer of hope.

"Ye Ping?" Bai Ze blinked in confusion, obviously unfamiliar with this name.

Mo Xun casually cast a Taoist secret, and a vague portrait suddenly appeared in the sky. The person on it was none other than Ye Ping.


The little guy's head was like pounding garlic, and he nodded quickly.

In fact, Bai Ze had met Ye Ping, but perhaps he was not yet enlightened at that time, so his impression was not very deep.

After the explanation, Mo Xun disappeared in a flash.

Next, he will arrange a large number of formations to win, which is obviously the most labor-saving method.

It would be quite embarrassing to tell this matter.

A person who is in the late stage of pill formation is planning to use formations to deal with several lower-level monks than him. If he is placed in the eyes of someone who considers himself to be aboveboard, he will inevitably be looked down upon.

But on Mo Xun's side, there was no such psychological burden at all.

He was even thinking about setting up some more powerful self-destruction formations. Anyway, when he was learning formations before, he refined too many useless formation flags. A slight change would definitely achieve unexpected results.

Although he had lost a lot of treasures before, if he really didn't care about the cost, he still had many means.

Especially in such a narrow enclosed space, even if you want to escape, it is not that easy.

Of course, in order to prevent the other party from using escape techniques, the first thing he had to do was to set up a simple space restriction.

Due to the rush of time, it is impossible to completely shield the space, but as long as someone wants to use escape techniques or escape talismans, they can be captured by him as soon as possible.

In addition to this, there is also the Five Elements Trap Killing Formation that he is best at.

Moreover, what he arranged was not just one formation, but a series of formations composed of many small formations.

Because he has been busy practicing in recent years, he has neglected to improve his formation skills. As a result, although there are many formation equipment on his body, they are not of high grade, so he can only use low-level formations as the main ones.

In fact, the more labor-saving way is to use magic flowers and fruits.

If this thing was unprepared, according to his estimation, even the Nascent Soul cultivator would probably fall victim to it.

But after suffering several losses from illusions, he was really afraid of this thing.

He doesn't want to use it anymore unless he has to!

In order to increase the power of the formation, he also placed different magic weapons on several formation eyes.

Anyway, he has no other abilities but a lot of treasures!

He also took out the set of hundreds of knives he once obtained. This thing is of no use to him now.

After working hard for half an hour, Mo Xuncai nodded with satisfaction.

With such a huge battle, and his sneak attacks from the side, even those at the peak of their pill formation might not be able to fight.

While Mo Xun was busy, Bai Ze in the distance was getting a little anxious waiting.

The little girl didn't have much patience, so she had already dozed off out of boredom when she was asked to stay in one place.

It's a pity that she can only swallow Yin souls and cannot absorb Yin energy. Otherwise, this place would be an excellent place for cultivation.

At this moment, Mo Xun's message sounded in Bai Ze's ears.

The little girl's energy perked up and she immediately woke up more than half.

Mo Xun gathered all his magic power. As a pill-forming monk, he knew very well that in this realm, he could sense the slightest disturbance. Even if his spiritual consciousness was limited here, his keen intuition would often predict the approaching danger in advance.

Fortunately, these four people were more than half focused on maintaining the formation at the moment, which gave him the opportunity to take action.

Before setting up the formation, he had already thought about his next move.

I saw him carefully walking along the passage and slowly moving forward. Just when he was about to reach the soul-suppressing cave, his whole body suddenly rose up from the ground like a rabbit, with a speed as fast as a sharp arrow. Go straight to the cave.

Mo Xun's target was the feather floating in the air.

He believed that as long as he got this thing, Lu Xian would definitely not give up. In this way, he would be able to naturally lead several people into the ambush circle.

Sure enough, it was not until he appeared in the cave that someone noticed the clue.

But now, it was obviously too late.

His cultivation was already higher, and his speed was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the dim light, a figure as fast as lightning, under the gaze of everyone, went straight to the convergence of the four light pillars around.


The first person to speak was Lu Xian. When he saw the black shadow sweeping towards the blue and white feathers, he immediately stopped casting in a hurry, and even didn't care about the tower-shaped treasure in front of him. He suddenly jumped up and grabbed towards Mo Xun.

A strong pressure of the Dan formation suddenly enveloped Mo Xun.

However, Mo Xun's speed increased, and he waved his robe sleeves and easily collected the feathers.

Then, he turned around in the air, slapped the storage bag on his waist, and hundreds of silver rays whistled out, flying towards the location of the four people in a mess.

It was the Hundred Swords Formation!

At the same time, Mo Xun's figure disappeared strangely.

When he reappeared, he was already at the entrance of the passage he came from.

It's worth mentioning that although this short-distance escape technique can't escape, it can be of great use at a critical moment.

"How dare you!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Xian was so angry that his hair and beard stood up. He roared like crazy, resisting the silver light flying over, and chasing in the direction where Mo Xun disappeared.

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