Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 638 Three Green Divine Birds


Mo Xun touched his chin with one hand and frowned slightly.

If I remember correctly, isn't the little girl named Anu a rare body of heavenly soul?

Presumably, this person should be practicing the soul-related skills.

In Mo Xun's opinion, as long as Ye Ping can recover his soul power, whether he can take over another body and be reborn in the future, or settle for the next best thing and become a soul cultivator, it is better than the current situation.

Mo Xun's eyes then fell on Bai Ze, and the little girl quickly covered her storage bag with a look of alertness.

In fact, what Mo Xun thought was that if this matter could be accomplished, he would inevitably give the little girl another credit.

"You did a good job this time!"

Mo Xun rarely praised, and then waved his sleeves, and hundreds of Qianyuan fruits full of spiritual energy and bright red flew out.

Bai Ze was overjoyed, and quickly took off the storage bag and collected them all in a few seconds.

Although this thing is slightly inferior to the ghost, in Bai Ze's eyes, it is already a delicious delicacy.

It is true that the little girl has not seen other spiritual objects since she transformed, otherwise, her taste would have become picky.

Mo Xun was about to send Bai Ze out first, but suddenly remembered something, and immediately called the little guy to him and whispered.

After a while, the two of them, one big and one small, looked at each other mysteriously and smiled at each other at the same time.

After most of the day, Mo Xun was still sitting quietly in the secret room, but in front of him, there was a stone table with a pot of hot tea on it, and not far away, there was a blue and white huge feather floating.

This feather is bright in color, without a speck of dust on the whole body, and the surface emits a faint glow, which looks quite holy and noble!

This thing is the three green feathers!

The only difference is that this thing is not like what Mo Xun saw at first. There is no soul power fluctuation, nor any wind attribute spiritual power overflowing, as if it has become a dead object.

Mo Xun had no expression on his face, just staring at the feather quietly.

However, Bai Ze, who was standing by, was not at peace at all. He held a pottery jar in his hand, as if watching the fun. From time to time, he would take a deep breath at the mouth of the jar, and then a black mist wrapped with countless ghosts was sucked into her stomach.

As if to enhance the sensory impact, the little girl also simulated the action of swallowing, chewing it in her mouth for a few times, and her little mouth smacked like chewing sugar cane.

"Are you still determined not to speak?"

Mo Xun leisurely picked up the teacup, and the spiritual tea entered his mouth and turned into a strand of pure spiritual energy.

However, this spiritual meaning was not enough for Mo Xun to sneeze.

Seeing that no one responded, Mo Xun couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that you look down on me... Well, this temple of Mo is too small to accommodate your big Buddha..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly changed the subject and looked at Bai Ze beside him.

"Xiao Bai, since I am unwilling to condescend, I will give you this thing!"

When Bai Ze heard this, he was immediately delighted, and his mouth was drooling unconsciously.

What Mo Xun didn't know was that the little girl was really drooling.

He couldn't feel a trace of soul power, but Bai Ze was completely different. When this thing was taken out, the little guy had the desire to swallow it in one bite.

This seemingly strange feather is like a natural soul weapon containing endless soul power.

If Mo Xun hadn't been there, the little guy would have pounced on it long ago.

Bai Ze threw away the pottery jar in his hand, wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and walked towards the feather lightly with a burning look, like a tiger ready to attack on the grassland. At any moment, he would suddenly open his mouth and bite hard.

Mo Xun was also almost out of patience.

If Ye Ping was sober at this moment, he might be able to ask why, but now, he seemed to be holding a peerless sword, but he couldn't unsheathe it.

This feeling must have been tasted by the Lu brothers for decades!

Bai Ze suddenly pounced forward, and before he got to the front, the iconic bloody mouth had already been exposed.

Then there was a "click" sound, like the sound of bones breaking.

But what annoyed the little guy was that this time he pounced empty.

It turned out that the moment Bai Ze bit down, the feather disappeared strangely, and when he looked closely, it was already more than ten feet away.

Still floating quietly in the air, as if it had not moved!

However, when Mo Xun saw this scene, his eyes lit up. Others could not see it, but he saw it clearly.

This was simply a speed that was extremely fast, to the extent of teleportation.

Thinking of teleportation, Mo Xun felt his heartbeat almost jump out of his throat.

A feather actually performed the teleportation of the Nascent Soul!

Can it be more against the will of heaven?

It is said that the Three Green Divine Birds are the predecessors of the Phoenix, and they are famous for their light and vigorous flying.

There is an old saying: "Three birds fly from the south, and I want to send a message to the three birds, so that they can fly fast and cannot be obtained!"

It seems that the rumors are not false!

Imagine if you master this kind of wind control ability, even if you can only master it two or three out of ten, it will definitely become a life-saving ability at the bottom of the box!

By then, even if there is no escape technique to assist him, he can also travel freely in most of this world of immortal cultivation!

Thinking of this, even he, who was always calm and composed, couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

But soon, his brows frowned again.

Would such a divine creature be willing to be driven by him?

You know, the Lu brothers have been planning for decades, and they have collected thousands of ghosts and used the power of the four directions to set up the soul-suppressing formation. It took a lot of time, but they still didn't succeed.

Moreover, the three blue birds are indeed famous. Now it's just a feather. How fast can it play?

Bai Ze felt that he had lost face in front of Mo Xun, and he was furious!

Although the little girl has been awakened for a short time, her self-esteem is far ahead of her IQ.

Without saying anything, he pounced on her again.

But the same scene appeared in front of Mo Xun again.

"Too much! I don't believe I can't bite you!"

After saying that, the little girl chased after it relentlessly, and from time to time she would open her mouth wide and bite hard, but every time, Lingyu would dodge it.

Then, such a strange scene was staged in the secret room. An eight or nine-year-old child was roaring and chasing a huge feather. The man and the feather kept circling around Mo Xun.

Fortunately, Mo Xun had foresight and had set up a circle of barriers around the secret room long before. No matter how Lingyu moved, he could not leave this place.

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