Just when Lingyu escaped from Bai Ze's bloody mouth again, Mo Xun finally made a move.

I saw him pointing out from afar, and the stream of light flashed across, as if a large invisible net fell from the sky, directly binding the feather in place.

The feathers trembled violently, as if they were trying desperately to break free.

At this moment, Bai Ze's sharp teeth had already fallen out.

However, one of Mo Xun's hands grabbed her tightly from behind, and the little girl was lifted up in the air by Mo Xun, with her hands and feet flailing, still trying to pounce on her.

Mo Xun said coldly: "My spiritual pet has a bad temper. If you still refuse to show up, I won't be able to keep her!"

What surprised Mo Xun was that the feather finally spoke this time.

"Do you think a little girl's movie can scare me?"

This voice is a bit like that of a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy who is still in the voice-changing stage. It is clear and a bit childish.

Mo Xun thought to himself, as long as he is willing to talk, once he can talk, he can talk about many things!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and still had a sneer on his lips.

"It seems that you still haven't thought about it well!"

After saying that, he lightly patted Bai Ze on the back of the head. The little girl suddenly became quiet, and then threw Bai Ze aside.

"Xiao Bai, let him see your true body!"

Bai Zeben was still a little unconvinced, but after being glared at by Mo Xun, he immediately shrank.

I saw the little girl take a few steps back, and in the flash of white light, she suddenly transformed into a white strange beast with a single horn, a sheep's head, a dragon's body, and two wings on its back.

Overall, it looks a bit like a snow-white unicorn!

Mo Xun thought to himself, "Oh no," since he swallowed that weird demon pill, Bai Ze's appearance has changed a lot from the rumored mythical beast. He has actually forgotten about it!

Fortunately, Ling Yu's next words immediately dispelled his worries.

"It turns out...it's the mutated Bai Ze!"

At this time, not to mention Mo Xun, even Bai Ze could hear the trembling in this voice.

The little girl even raised her neck proudly, as if the embarrassing scene just now had never happened.

In fact, if he wanted to be the real Sanqing Bird, he really wouldn't be afraid of Bai Ze.

Whether it can beat him or not is another matter. Just the speed at which it comes and goes without leaving a trace can drive any divine beast crazy.

But now, it's a little different, because he is possessed by a spirit, and Bai Ze is born to restrain all ghosts.

Lingyu snorted coldly.

"A guy who doesn't even know his own magical power, does he think he's afraid of this saint?"

Mo Xun smiled at the corner of his mouth. Although his words sounded very sonorous, his tone had completely lost the confidence he had before.

Bai Ze couldn't stand this kind of ridicule, he roared and was about to pounce on him.

When Mo Xun saw this, he immediately waved his hand.

"So, there's nothing to talk about?"

Mo Xun thought that the other party would still say something harsh, but Lingyu just snorted.

"If you want to refine me, then there's no need to talk!"

Mo Xun was slightly startled. Why did he listen to this? He seemed to be looking for a step for himself!

Could it be that the legendary Sanqing Bird is just ready to bow its head?

You know, he has prepared several back-ups, but he hasn't had time to use them yet!

Mo Xun coughed slightly, relaxing the atmosphere a little.

"After talking for so long, I still don't know what to call you!"

Ling Yu replied coldly: "Three greens are enough!"

Looking at the eager Bai Ze next to him, Sanqing lamented in his heart. He never thought that one day he would be frightened by a juvenile Bai Ze. It was pity that he was so high and mighty in the past!

Mo Xun nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist Sanqing. I don't need you to surrender, and I won't try to refine you. The relationship between you and me is at most a cooperative relationship. Just like Xiaobai, you have been with me for so long and you have never been planted. If you take the mark of the beast, you will always be free. If you are not satisfied one day, you can go wherever you want!"

Sanqing asked in surprise: "You didn't use the mark of the beast on her?"

"It's absolutely true! With my fellow Taoist skills, you should be able to feel that Xiaobai doesn't have any aura of mine on his body."

Sanqing suddenly fell silent, seeming to be sensing something.

Mo Xun did not urge him, and waved his hand to let Bai Ze transform back into human form first.

The little girl suddenly transformed and transformed into an eight or nine-year-old girl again. When she did, she waved her little fist at Feather in a demonstrative manner.

After a long time, Sanqingniao spoke again.

"What benefits can I get from working with you?"

Mo Xun was waiting for these words. A flash of blue light appeared in his hand, and something the size of a fist suddenly appeared.

"I think this thing should have some effect on fellow Taoists!"

"Soul-nurturing wood?"


Sanqing said disdainfully: "You don't think you can impress me with just this small piece of soul-nurturing wood..."

Before the other party finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in front of Mo Xun, and a piece of soul-nurturing wood about a foot square appeared again.

"What about this?"

After that, he brushed his robe sleeves, and dozens of pieces of wood of the same size appeared one after another, and each piece was tens of thousands of years old in terms of wood age.

"If it's not enough, what about these?"

"You... you have soul-nourishing trees, and more than one. How is that possible? How can anyone in this world have so many soul-nourishing trees, and... and they are of this age!"

Mo Xun did not answer his question. He stretched out his hand and took away the rest of the soul-nourishing trees, leaving only the fist-sized piece. Then he said lightly: "If you agree to cooperate with me, I will give you a piece like this every once in a while. What do you think?"

San Qing fell silent again, but this time, it was very short.

"How do we cooperate?"

"It's very simple. When I need it, I will borrow your wind-controlling magic. Of course, I won't bother you often. I just need you to help me out of danger when my life and death are at stake!"

Mo Xun thought the other party would bargain, but as soon as he finished speaking, San Qing said happily: "Deal!"

This time, Mo Xun was a little caught off guard.

The Lu brothers have worked hard for decades. Could it be that he was fooled by a few pieces of soul-nourishing wood?

Why does it feel unreal?

Could it be that this soul-nourishing wood is really that important?

This was the first time in his life that he felt that a treasure could come so easily.

But no matter what, it is always a good thing!

"If that's the case, thank you very much, fellow Taoist!"

Mo Xun's mind moved, and the soul-nourishing wood in the air slowly floated towards Sanqing Lingyu.

Just when Mo Xun wanted to speak again, he suddenly felt someone pulling his sleeve. He turned his head and saw that it was Bai Ze.

The little girl pointed to the soul-nourishing wood that Sanqing had put away. Although she didn't say anything, her face was full of four big words: "I want it too"!

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