Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 642 The Strongest Stall Owner

"His soul power is weak now and he has lost his mind!"

Qin Sirong was crying and suddenly laughed. In that smile, there was joy as if it were a lifetime ago, relief as if a heavy burden had been shed, and an indescribable tenderness.

She raised her arms, tremblingly trying to touch the figure in front of her.

But wherever his fingers passed, there was nothingness.

It's clearly right in front of you, but it seems to be thousands of miles away.

"Uncle, is sister stupid?"

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart and his eyes fell on the bright moonlight outside the cave.

For thousands of years, the same full moon has witnessed how many crazy men and women hate each other!

Some people are stuck in the word "love" for the rest of their lives!

He grabbed the little girl's collar and turned back to the secret room.

Two days later, Mo Xun took Qin Sirong on the road back to Mengtian City.

Outside the city gate, Mo Xun dressed up as a rickety old man, Qin Sirong also took off his clothes and became a middle-aged woman with a sallow face. As for Baize, the little girl transformed into a boy.

After the three of them paid the spirit stones for entering the city, they went straight to the city in the city.

Mo Xun knew clearly that the news about the Lu family had probably been reported back to Mengtian City.

He is a little unsure now, mainly due to two situations.

First, it was the temper of the owner of Chiyue Manor. Would this person go to war with him specifically for Lu Xian?

The other one is whether his true appearance was seen in the Valley of the Wind that day.

Mo Xun let out a long sigh of relief and tried his best to pretend to be as low-key as possible.

He had no intention of releasing Bai Ze, but this trip to find Anu required the little girl's keen perception of the soul.

When passing by a casual cultivator setting up a stall, Mo Xun suddenly stopped.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite. Please ask for directions. Is there a shop called Yaoxian Pavilion in this city?"

The stall owner is a middle-aged man with a goatee. He is not a high-level man, but he has a smooth face.

"Is this..."

The stall owner twirled his beard with one hand and pondered without continuing.

Mo Xun understood in his heart, picked a bottle of elixir on the ground, and asked with a smile: "How to sell this?"

"Fellow Taoist, you really have a good eye. This thing is a top-quality Thousand Spirit Pill. It has an unparalleled effect on breaking through the late stage of Qi refining. Like those in the Great Pill Pavilion, each one costs at least twenty spirit stones. This bottle of mine costs a total of Six pills, we only charge the cost price, which is fifty spiritual stones. Friends, please don’t think it’s cheap but not good. It’s true that I’m a little tight recently and I happen to need a spiritual herb to start the furnace, so I reluctantly parted with it, and As soon as I saw Taoist friend, I felt that I was destined to be a half-sold, half-given gift!"

Mo Xun felt funny in his heart. With such a mouth, setting up a stall here was really a bit unfair.

But before he could open his mouth, the other party started to sell him again like a barrage of sales.

"Have you seen this sign? I have set up a stall here all year round. I am absolutely innocent. If you don't believe me, you can ask the people across the street. When they first came here, they were only at the third or fourth level of Qi Refining. Now they can reach this level. Almost all of them use my elixirs. If a Taoist friend buys them back, if you are not satisfied at all, you can come here to return or exchange them. As the saying goes, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple. I can still smash myself for just a few dozen spiritual stones. The signboard?”

Mo Xun opened the porcelain bottle and smelled it. Although he had never refined Thousand Spirit Pills, judging from the aura emanating from it, there was no doubt that it was an elixir from the middle stage of Qi refining. However, the quality was not satisfactory. As for how good it was for breakthroughs. The effect is hard to say.

It's just that his thoughts are naturally not on this thing.

"I think Taoist friend is a person who practices asceticism. I think the spiritual stones on his body are not rich. So, there is only one bottle of this elixir left. It was also the first time for Taoist friend to visit the stall. I vomited blood again and gave him How about a 40% discount?"

Just as Mo Xun was about to touch his hand towards the storage bag, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, and his face showed a bit of weirdness.

In fact, he wanted to say that he had already agreed when the price was first quoted.

But, there was no time!

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head, brushing his robe sleeves, dozens of colorful spiritual stones appeared on the ground.

When the stall owner saw this scene, his heart felt so painful!

I have love for this man, he is still a rich man!

But soon, his face immediately changed to an attentive and flattering expression.

"Fellow Taoist, take a look at what else you need. I don't dare to tell you anything else. Such as cultivation elixirs, healing elixirs, and elixirs for restoring mana. As long as my fellow Taoist can name it, there is nothing I can't refine. Of course, in addition to these, spiritual grass materials, or magical weapons and pill furnaces, even if you just want to find a furnace, I will think of a way, it is not impossible to do it, and fellow Taoist, don't worry, I have a secret here The channel is definitely a yellow flower girl, and she will definitely satisfy fellow Taoists."

When he said the last few words, the stall owner deliberately lowered his voice and raised his eyebrows, showing an expression of understanding.

On Mo Xun's side, his mouth was slightly open, but he didn't say a word.

Seeing that the stall owner was about to speak, Mo Xun hurriedly stopped him.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be anxious. Let's do this. If you can answer my question, I will buy you something. How about that?"

The stall owner said quickly: "Fellow Taoist, please tell me, I will tell you everything I know!"

To be honest, Mo Xun deeply sympathizes with the situation of this kind of casual cultivator.

I think back then, he came here like this.

"First answer my question. Is there a shop called Yaoxian Pavilion in this city?"

"It's simple. It's on Yuanfeng Street. Once you go there, you'll know after you ask!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly. It seemed that he was lucky. After the flower fairy moved to this city, she even brought the signboard with her.

"Second question, has there been any major incident in this city recently that alarmed the Danjie monks?"

"Of course this exists. Just half a year ago, I heard that there was a demon king..."

Before he finished listening, Mo Xun hurriedly interrupted him again.

"Forget it half a year ago, I just want to know if anything big happened in the past half month?"

Mo Xun asked this question, and even he felt awkward.

But he had no choice but to make insinuations.

"Half a month..."

The stall owner narrowed his eyes and stroked his beard in thought.

"If you want to put it this way, there is indeed one thing. About ten days ago, a large family of immortal cultivators in the east of the city were wiped out one after another. This incident not only alarmed the city lord's palace, but it is said that even the Yuanying monks seemed to have also came forward."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, and then calmly regained his composure.

After spending a long time burning incense at the stall, the three of them went straight to Yuanfeng Street.

There was no need to ask for directions at this time. Qin Sirong, as the host, although he didn't go out much on weekdays, he still had a certain understanding of the distribution of streets and alleys in the city.

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