The entire Mengtian City has become much more depressed after the last demon king rebellion.

The shops that are still open on the street also have few customers, and some have even posted notices for rent and sale.

Fortunately, the door of Yaoxian Pavilion is still open.

Mo Xun did not rashly use his spiritual sense to spy. On the one hand, if he was discovered, it would be a provocative act. On the other hand, such shops often have restrictions that restrict spiritual sense.

"Xiaobai, do you feel anything?"

Bai Ze stared at him with his big eyes in confusion.


"The sister you said was delicious last time!"

Bai Ze tilted his head and thought about it, then suddenly realized and said: "Is it the sister who was almost stripped of her clothes?"

Mo Xun rolled his eyes speechlessly. She just showed her legs, how could it be considered stripping?

"Feel carefully, is there any smell of her here?"

Bai Ze closed his eyes. Mo Xun and Qin Sirong thought that the little guy was going to show some magical power. Who knew that he stretched out his nose and sniffed around like a puppy.

The key point is that he smelled a pancake stall next to him.

Then he heard a "ouch" and the little girl was hit on the back of her head again.

Mo Xun asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

The little guy was in so much pain that tears almost flowed out, and his little mouth pouted in grievance.

"Didn't I smell it!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously again.

Could it be that he guessed wrong, but it was just the same name but different store?

Mo Xun looked at the sign in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he stepped in.

"Excuse me, senior!"

The one who came up quickly was a pretty girl in her twenties, who looked like she was in the early stage of foundation building.

It is rare to see a receptionist with this level of cultivation.

Mo Xun simply nodded, and the moment he entered the door, he changed his cultivation to the early stage of Jindan.

There were no customers in the store at the moment, but what made Mo Xun curious was that at the stairs leading to the second floor, there were two men in black standing very indifferently. Judging from the fluctuations of mana emanating from their bodies, they had both reached the realm of false elixir.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little familiar when he saw the two men for the first time.

But he was sure that he had never seen these two people before, and there was no trace of disguise on their faces.

The two naturally noticed Mo Xun's arrival, and their expressions changed slightly at the same time. They clasped their fists reluctantly, but did not speak, and turned their heads to the side.

Mo Xun had an ominous premonition in his heart for no reason.

Generally speaking, anyone who can be familiar to people is either a friend or an enemy.

But for Mo Xun, almost every time, it was the latter.

After all, he had been practicing for more than 200 years, and the enemies he had made were far more than his friends.

Just as Mo Xun was pondering, Qin Sirong's voice came to his ears.

"Senior, these two are the Qingyue Guards of the Red Moon Villa!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized that he finally remembered where this familiarity came from.

It was that outfit!

He remembered that the two monks in black robes chased Anu that day, and their realms were all around the fake pill.

How could the Red Moon Villa appear here?

Qin Sirong was somewhat uneasy in her heart. Her current mentality was very different from the previous few days.

Since she knew that Ye Ping could be resurrected, her only thought at present was to atone for her sins!

She had received favors from the Lu family, repaid favors, and had hatred, but with the death of Lu Xian and his son, those hatreds naturally dissipated, but the only person in this world who was still owed was Ye Ping.

She didn't think about whether Ye Ping could forgive her, she just wanted peace of mind!

As for Bai Ze, because it was the first time to come to this kind of cultivation treasure pavilion, he was curious about everything he saw. If Mo Xun hadn't stopped him, who knows what would happen.

While thinking, the three of them had been taken to the reception area next to them by the female cultivator, and a few cups of spiritual tea were served at the same time.

"I wonder if you need anything when you come to our pavilion?"

Mo Xun was cautious and didn't speak, but asked in a voice transmission: "May I ask if the Pavilion Master of your pavilion is surnamed Hua?"

"Yes, I wonder if you are..."

Mo Xun smiled faintly.

"It's just an old friend!"

The female cultivator originally frowned slightly, and her expression was quite hesitant. If it wasn't for the identity of the Pavilion Master, it wasn't a secret, she really wanted to deny it, but when she heard this, she immediately changed to a happy expression.

"Senior, do you really know my Pavilion Master?"

"There is no doubt about that. Not only do I know her, but I also have a connection with a girl named Anu."

Mo Xun originally wanted to use this to get closer to her, but who knew that the female cultivator's face turned pale immediately.

Mo Xun was surprised. Did he say something wrong?

The female cultivator's tone instantly turned cold.

"Junior advises senior to give up that thought, unless there is also a Yuanying cultivator standing behind you."

Mo Xun was more and more confused. What did this have to do with?

"Is there any misunderstanding, fairy?"

"Misunderstanding? Didn't senior come here to ask for marriage?"

Mo Xun's hand trembled, and the bowl of tea he had just picked up almost fell to the ground.

Asking for marriage?

What kind of marriage?

Mo Xun awkwardly patted the tea on his body. He really couldn't figure out how such a misunderstanding could occur?

He touched his chin secretly. Could it be that he, a dignified alchemy monk, looked like a lecher?

"As a junior like you, Mo Mou is really at a loss. Hua Fairy and I are just cooperating in business, and I have only met that Anu girl a few times. Besides, I am now At this age, why should I ask for marriage?"

The female cultivator asked suspiciously: "Really?"

"Absolutely true!"

His girlfriend pursed her lips and stared straight at Mo Xun, as if she wanted to see the truth of his words from his face.

If it were an ordinary foundation-building monk, Mo Xun would have greeted him with such rudeness.

But at this moment, he had to sit upright and be tested by a little girl.

It was such a ridiculous suspicion that he, who had always been indifferent to everything, couldn't help but blush.

"It seems that the junior is rude, please forgive me, the senior!"

Mo Xun waved his hand gently.

"So, can you please come out and see the Flower Fairy?"

"Senior, I'm afraid I have to wait for a while, my pavilion master is waiting for guests upstairs!"

As the female cultivator spoke, she glanced at the two men in black behind her with a rather strange expression.

Although the two people stood motionless like wooden piles, their attention was always on Mo Xun.

After all, there are only a dozen or so pill-forming monks in the entire Mengtian City. No matter which one shows up, it will attract a lot of attention.

Mo Xun rolled his eyes, and he seemed to understand the cause of the misunderstanding just now.

As for the guests Hua Qingyan will meet at this moment, they are probably ready to come out!

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