If he couldn't guess this person's identity at this time, he would be extremely stupid.

He also didn't expect that he and the owner of Tantai Village were really destined. He had just killed his adopted son, and here he met his biological son.

Mo Xun raised his head and glanced at the second floor.

The question now is, what is Hua Qingyan's attitude?

If that girl Anu really wants to marry this second generation ancestor, what will Ye Ping do?

Could it be that we should kill this person too?

Mo Xun let out a sullen breath with some irritation. It seemed that his recent good luck had almost been used up.

The atmosphere suddenly became depressing and dull.

Seeing that Mo Xun's expression was wrong, Qin Sirong asked with concern: "Senior, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun placed a soundproof ban around the two of them, and then briefly explained the cause and effect of the incident.

Qin Sirong's heart naturally lifted, and most of the hope that had originally risen was gone.

"What should we do?"

Mo Xun tapped his fingers on the table. Judging from the attitude of the female cultivator just now, Hua Qingyan probably disagreed. In the final analysis, the so-called marriage proposal was just treating Anu as a furnace. !

But, can Hua Qingyan be able to withstand it?

He wasn't sure whether Tantaihong coveted Anu's beauty or the body of the Heavenly Soul, but with the character of the second-generation ancestor, this matter was probably difficult to resolve.

Seeing Mo Xun busy at the side, Bai Ze walked up to the female cultivator and whispered, "Sister, do you sell anything delicious here?"


These words made the female cultivator stop. This was the first time for her to encounter such a request in a dignified cultivating shop.

The female cultivator smoothed her hair around her ears and smiled softly.

"We have all kinds of elixirs and spiritual fruits here. I wonder what you want?"

Bai Ze's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "I want them all!"

"Of course, but do you have the spirit stone?"

Bai Ze patted the storage bag on his waist and raised his head generously.

"I have a lot of treasures. Even if I don't have enough spirit stones, I can still exchange them for other things!"

"Oh? Then show me, sister, what treasures you have!"

The female cultivator touched the little guy's head very affectionately, as if coaxing a child.

No matter which woman she is, she will emit a maternal aura in front of young children.

Bai Ze chuckled and glanced at Mo Xun secretly. Then he patted the storage bag and immediately found a bright red and huge Qianyuan Fruit in his hand.

"Sister, look, does this thing work?"

It seems that the little guy is finally tired of eating. No wonder, no matter how good the food is, in the eyes of the little girl, it is just a satiation.

But the moment the Qian Yuan Fruit was taken out, not to mention Mo Xun, even the two men in black at the stairs all looked over.

The female cultivator next to her opened her eyes even wider and said nothing for a long time.

She originally thought that this child, who looked like he was only in the Qi refining stage, would at most have a few good magic weapons, but she didn't expect it to be such a treasure!

You know, what Bai Ze is holding now is not an ordinary Qianyuan fruit, but a top-notch spiritual fruit that is thousands of years old.

This thing is rare even in the entire Mengtian City.

But just at this moment, footsteps were heard on the stairs.

Then I saw a middle-aged man dressed in white and an extraordinary-looking woman walking down at the same time.

The two people's eyes immediately fell on the Qianyuan Fruit in Bai Ze's hand.

Mo Xun's heart sank, and he stood up suddenly. Even the fact that he was pretending to be a rickety old man was completely forgotten.

I saw his gloomy face, brushing his long sleeves, and put away the spiritual fruit in the little girl's hand.

Bai Ze was also startled. He turned around in a hurry and hid behind Qin Sirong. Only half of his head was exposed. His big eyes were blinking in confusion.

"Hahaha... This comrade is so polite, I'm Tantaihong of Chiyue Villa!"

Tantai Hong smiled and cupped his hands.

Judging from the appearance, this person is indeed handsome. Except that he is a little older, he has a very suave appearance.

If you didn't know better, you would really think he was a handsome gentleman.

At this moment, although Mo Xun was furious, he had to endure it.

Unexpectedly, he had been cautious all his life, but a little girl would expose his wealth for the first time.

Tantai Yi stepped forward quickly, with a smile on his face.

"Excuse me for being rude. Fellow Taoist looks very strange. He is probably not a monk in this city. I wonder where he taught Dharma in the past?"

Mo Xun reluctantly clasped his fists. Even if he wanted to beat the little girl to death now, he would have to wait until later.

"Young master, you're welcome. I'm just a casual cultivator and don't have a fixed dojo."

Tantaihong glanced at Qin Sirong beside him, seemingly not seeing the disguise beneath the surface, and then his eyes fell on Bai Ze behind him with interest.

He could clearly see what the little guy was holding just now.

"In that case, fellow Taoist, you might as well go and sit down. I, Chiyue Villa, have always been hospitable to guests, and I will definitely not neglect them. Moreover, you and I have similar cultivation levels, and we can also communicate with each other on the path of cultivation. What do you think, fellow Taoist? "

Mo Xun sneered in his heart.

When we met for the first time, I sent out an invitation so kindly. If I wasn't mentally ill, I would have evil intentions!

He is now thinking about how to escape.

If he wasn't worried about the people behind him, such idiots as he was in front of him, he would naturally accept them one by one.

"Thank you for your kindness, Young Master, but I came here to see Master Hua for something else. After this, I will definitely visit Chiyue Villa!"

Tan Taihong seemed to realize that he was a little impatient, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

It was really the Qianyuan Fruit that made him lose his mind for a short time.

"I am sorry for being so rude. This is the guest token of my Tan Tai family. After you finish talking with Fairy Hua, you can come to Chiyue Villa at any time."

Mo Xun took the jade token with a smile, and threw it into the green gourd.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes. If you play this trick on him, I don't know if this young master is cute or stupid!


The two of them greeted each other like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. They chatted for half an incense stick, and then Tan Taihong reluctantly left with two followers.

Mo Xun looked at the other party's disappearing back, and a cold light flashed in the corner of his eyes!

This scene happened to be seen by Hua Qingyan who was standing next to him.

"Fellow Daoist, please come upstairs and chat!"

Mo Xun nodded lightly, and followed Qin Sirong and Bai Ze.

In the simple and plain reception room, Mo Xun wanted to play a trick on Hua Qingyan with this outfit, but before he sat down, he heard a chuckle.

"It's only been sixty years, but I didn't expect that the realm of fellow Daoist is so high that even I can't see it!"

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