Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 646: Fighting with an egg against a rock

An hour later, in the living room on the second floor.

Mo Xun didn't make any detours and stated his request straight to the point.

Fortunately, Anu nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Senior has a life-saving grace for this junior. This is a small thing, so junior should do his best. However, junior's foundation is still shallow, and the Heavenly Soul Technique is only a small success. Even if he can help fellow Daoist Ye, I'm afraid it will take at least several years."

At this moment, both Mo Xun and Qin Sirong breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"It doesn't matter, just do your best, girl!"

After that, he laid out three rewards in front of everyone.

One is a huge soul-nurturing tree that is enough to make Nascent Soul cultivators moved when seen outside.

In Mo Xun's opinion, when Hua Qingyan asked him to exchange for the soul-nurturing wood, it was probably for this girl Anu.

In other words, the soul-nurturing wood will definitely be of great use to Anu, who has a heavenly soul body.

The other two items are three Frost Soul Grasses and the Dusk Soul Stone.

These two things were recently obtained from the Wind Valley. In Mo Xun's hands, it can be said that they are not yet warm!

When Hua Qingyan saw these things, her heart skipped a beat.

That's not over yet. Now that the Qian Yuan Fruit has been leaked, he has nothing to hide. Although Hua Qingyan didn't speak, her eyes when she saw the Spirit Fruit were not much calmer than Tantai Hong's. .

Mo Xun waved his hand and took out more than twenty Qianyuan fruits and gave them to Hua Qingyan.

Because he has other things to ask others for next.

One was Qin Sirong's poisonous injury, which should not be difficult given Hua Qingyan's pill-forming cultivation.

The other one is Ye Ping's physical body.

He originally wanted to refine a lotus body for Ye Ping before leaving, so that he would have one more choice when he wanted to seize the body in the future, but now, he obviously ran out of time, and could only leave a copy of Lan Xinlian. , entrusted this matter together.

Seeing these treasures, Hua Qingyan became a little numb.

She was really curious, what kind of opportunities had this seemingly ordinary-looking monk in front of her had?

Every piece here is not to say shocking, but it is definitely a rare treasure.

And judging from the magnanimity with which he took out the treasure, either the remnant soul named Ye Ping held a very important position in Mo Xun's heart, or the other party did not take this into consideration at all.

How rich must a person be who doesn't even care about Soul-raising Wood and Lan Xinlian?

As for the Qianyuan Fruit, Hua Qingyan's fruit was just as Mo Xun had guessed, and she immediately remembered the theft case of the Five Elements Sect.

However, she knew her limits and did not ask.


At the entrance of Yaoxian Pavilion, Mo Xun solemnly raised his hand.

"You two, we're in trouble!"

Hua Qingyan nodded, and then lowered her voice and said: "I have something to say, which may be redundant, but I still want to remind Brother Mo to be careful of Chiyue Villa."

Mo Xun nodded slightly, glanced at Qin Sirong one last time, then turned and left without looking back.

Regarding Ye Ping, he had already done what he could do.

As for Chiyue Villa, he has now figured it out. As the saying goes, it is a blessing and not a curse. So what if it is a curse?

He even dared to offend a great monk, and even slept with a Nascent Soul monk. Which of these things was not a life-threatening problem?

But up to now, isn't he still alive and well?

He is really going to be driven into a panic. Who will live and who will die is still uncertain!

Hua Qingyan didn't mention Tantaihong to him, so he probably had a way to deal with it, so he didn't need to worry about it.

In fact, if you think about it, without any background, this woman was not only able to form a golden elixir, but also managed such a large treasure house. If she had no means, how could she survive in this world of immortality where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong?

Sure enough, as soon as he left Mengtian City, he was followed by tails, and there were more than one.

In Mo Xun's heart, it was a shame that he was in the late stage of pill formation and was forced to be cautious by the early stage monks.

Thousands of miles away, in the long pavilion, behind you are mountains and rivers. Although it is late autumn, it is still green.

Birds are singing, green barnyard grasses are perched on the herons, and green gauze wild geese cover the hills!

Mengtian City is indeed an excellent place for cultivation besides many immortal cultivation sects.

Mo Xun slowly fell from the sky. Since the other party wanted to die, why should he have any scruples?

Anyway, after leaving this place, he will go far away from the boundless sea of ​​monsters.

Tantai Yi, Tantai Yi, I just want to have trouble with your son. Last time I killed my adopted son, this time I will directly cut off your heir.

After burning the incense, Mo Xun's faint voice didn't sound loud, but it spread all over the place.

"It seems that the young owner of the village has a thief's heart but not the courage!"

"Hahaha... Fellow Taoist is so courageous. It seems that I am being cautious. Didn't that flower fairy come here with fellow Taoist?"

Following the words, Tantai Hong, dressed in white, slowly walked out of the illusion, followed by six men in black who were at the peak of foundation building.

Mo Xun was curious in his heart, how many fake alchemy monks were raised in Chiyue Villa.

He had already spread out his spiritual consciousness, and as soon as he arrived here, he placed Xuantian Tianhuo and Ziwei in a distant place on guard.

At least so far, these are the only seven people he has sensed.

"I'm not familiar with Hua Fairy, so there's no need for the young owner to worry!"

Tantaihong walked closer and closer unscrupulously, seemingly unaware that he had fallen into Mo Xun's formation.

On the other hand, the six fake alchemy monks carefully stood around, surrounding the two of them.

Supposedly, this formation is more than enough to deal with an early stage of Jindan.

Perhaps it was Mo Xun's unnecessary actions before, hiding his cultivation, that made Tan Taihong relax his vigilance.

"Okay, let's not talk too much. Hand over the Qianyuan Fruit on you and the transformed spirit pet, and I will let you go. Now is a time of trouble, and I don't want to cause trouble and provoke a big enemy."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Can you tell her identity?"

"What's the difficulty? It's just a small spirit beast. It can't escape the eyes of this seat. Even the formations you just set up are useless to me. I'm just curious, what kind of strange beast is this, and it can transform in its infancy."

Tan Taihong flipped his palm very casually, and took out a folding fan quite showy, as if everything was under control.

Mo Xun didn't continue to struggle on this issue. At the level of Jindan, everyone will have some special means to a greater or lesser extent.

Just like Hua Qingyan before, after Bai Ze disappeared, he didn't even ask a question.

It's not that he forgot, but he clearly understood the reason.

Mo Xun asked tentatively: "Young Master, don't you need to call other people? For example... Master Tan Tai?"

Tan Tai Hong shook his folding fan, with a bit of disdain on his lips.

"I think you are ready to choose to fight against the stone with an egg, but forgive me for being frank, with your status, it is not enough to alarm my father."

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