"However, I at Chiyue Villa have always cherished talents. As long as fellow Taoists are willing to do things for us, we are a family. When the time comes, my father will personally welcome you. I believe fellow Taoists also know that we have a Nascent Soul cultivator as our backing. No matter what happens in the future, Whether it’s cultivation or other aspects, it will undoubtedly be of great help!”

Mo Xun raised his head slightly and looked at the other person like that.

"If this is the case, won't the young village master snatch my spiritual pet?"

Tantaihong still had a faint smile on his face.

"This thing is strange, but in the hands of fellow Taoist, it will not be of real value. Moreover, it will be my father's birthday in a few days. Such a strange beast should be regarded as a gift to my father. I believe that fellow Taoist, it should not be Will you refuse?"

"Then what benefit do I get?"

This time, it was Mo Xun's longest foreplay among all the fights.

If he wasn't worried about the person behind him, with his character, how could he waste so many words?

He must be absolutely sure and not take action. Once he does, he cannot give the other party a chance to breathe. Even if he misses a voice message, it will be a fatal crisis for him.

Tantai Hong stretched out a finger.

"Isn't a backstage, a strong backstage enough?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, he was just one step away from having a baby, so he would care about a backstage in the early stage of Nascent Soul?

With his current cultivation level, if he joins a sect at will, not only will he become a core elder, but he will definitely be treated as a distinguished guest!

A Nascent Soul backstage, maybe more than a hundred years ago, he would still be moved.

"Is that all?"

Tantaihong smiled contemptuously.

"What else do you want, fellow Taoist? Forgive me to be honest, but if I were a fellow Taoist, I would definitely agree happily!"


Tantaihong closed the fan and knocked it in his hand.

"Why? Fellow Taoist, haven't you seen the situation clearly? If you don't agree, not to mention a few treasures, I'm afraid that your centuries-old Taoist practice will have to be explained here. Why should you ask for something so obvious?"

Mo Xun pretended to be surprised and nodded, but there was already a cold look in his eyes.

"It seems that the young master of the village has decided that it will be difficult for me to fly today!"

"Oh? Do you have any other shocking tricks?"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth suddenly turned up in an arc, the Xuanling Jue in his body was running wildly, and the aura on his body suddenly surged without any reservation. Under this aura, the space within a radius of dozens of feet seemed to have solidified.

"Then let me ask the young master to give me some advice!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already disappeared into thin air.

This time he attacked without any warning, and he left almost no room to spare.

Not only did he tightly lock Tantai Hong, the six fake alchemy monks were also restrained by him within the scope of the forcibly expanded formation.

At this moment, it can be said that all the disturbances around him are under his control.

Now, it is also because he has not conceived a baby. Once he enters the realm of Nascent Soul, why bother to deal with these useless pieces? As long as the Nascent Soul Spiritual Domain is released, even an ant will not be able to move a step.

What he needs to do is not only to kill the opponent, but also to prevent any news from leaking.

The expressions of several people in the field changed instantly, especially Tantai Hong, whose eyes widened even more. Just as he said the four words "late stage of pill formation" in horror, a sharp stabbing pain suddenly came from his mind. .

It was as if an invisible sharp blade was pierced directly into the sea of ​​consciousness, trying to tear the soul apart!

This first move was Mo Xun's condensed consciousness thorn!

The unprecedented pain made him cover his head and sway, making it difficult for him to stand still.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Xun's figure appeared in front of him.

As for the six fake alchemy monks around, they also reacted immediately, but when they wanted to step forward to help, it was already too late!

Because one of Mo Xun's hands was firmly clasped on Tantaihong's neck.

The other hand, after hesitating for a moment, quickly hit several spells on the opponent's chest, completely sealing the opponent's cultivation.

As for the six people, under Mo Xun's strong pressure, they all spurted out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, a strange chessboard flew out of the air.

Under the rapid rotation of the chessboard, black and white light spots suddenly flew out like lightning. In less than a moment, the six and a half feet of the foundation-building monks who had stepped into the golden elixir did not even make a cry. He fell to the ground in a blur.

His body was riddled with holes, filled with bloody holes that had been shot through.

The Black Heron Nebula was used for the first time, and calmness was restored amidst the calmness!

Looking at everything in front of him, Mo Xun still felt a little unreal.

One person at the early stage of pill formation and six at the peak of foundation establishment were easily restrained by him like this?

Is the opponent too weak, or is he too strong?

You know, the last time we used the formation to deal with the Lu brothers, although we didn't use our full strength, compared with the ease this time, it was simply a world of difference!

He thought it would take some trouble, but he didn't expect to be such a idiot!

You know, none of the many back-ups he prepared have been used!

This is simply... it's a bit like sharpening the sword for a long time, but before it can be struck, the opponent is frightened to death.

To put it in layman’s terms, he hasn’t even sweated yet!

It makes people feel like they hit the cotton with all their strength.

It seemed that the owner of Chiyue Village was so frightened that he was a little timid.

After a brief moment of daze, Mo Xun placed dozens of restrictions on Tan Tai Hong, knocked him unconscious with a palm, and threw him into the green gourd.

In fact, the moment before Mo Xun took action, he was still thinking of killing him with one blow, but in a flash, he suddenly remembered something.

What he remembered was that when he crossed the polar thunder sea, he accidentally killed a man and a woman, and as a result, someone used the Yuanshen to plant a soul mark in his body. For this reason, he was very worried for a while.

Fortunately, he came to the Central Region and used the sealing method of the ram to temporarily suppress the mark.

Although he has not encountered any trouble because of this matter until now, it has left a deep fear in his heart.

Since there is a precedent, he has to be wary of similar tracking methods in the bodies of such Yuanying descendants.

With this in mind, Mo Xun temporarily changed his mind and temporarily spared the other party's life.

Sometimes, maybe not killing is more useful than killing!

What Mo Xun didn't know was that his casual change not only saved him from a disaster, but would also do him a huge favor in the near future!


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