Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 648: Skyfire Escape

After quickly cleaning the battlefield, Mo Xun thought, put away the Xuantian Fire and Ziwei outside, and flew away without stopping for a moment.

In mid-air, he did not forget to send a transmission note to Hua Qingyan.

Tell him exactly what happened just now.

Although he is not familiar with this woman and has no obligation to remind her, his apprentice is in her hands!

Once the owner of Tantai Manor discovers that his son is missing, it won't take long for him to find Yaoxian Pavilion.

By then he would have flown far away, but Hua Qingyan would suffer an unforeseen disaster!

On the flying magic weapon, Mo Xun threw Bai Ze out of the spirit beast bag.

"Fly east. If nothing happens, don't disturb me!"

After saying these words, Mo Xun turned around and went to the secret room inside.

The poor little guy was slapped on the head while he was still dazed in his sleep.

She put her hands on her hips, snorted, glared at Mo Xun's back hatefully, and secretly vowed to practice hard, and sooner or later, she would pay back all the blows she received on her head!

Not only that, but the uncle must be locked up in a spirit beast bag for decades!

As soon as Mo Xun came to the secret room, he entered the green gourd.

In the cyan world, he first spent a while to simply arrange an isolation restriction, and then tied up Tantai Hong and Wuhua Da and imprisoned them.

Even if Tantai Yi has the ability to reach the sky, he can't find traces of his son in this space that is independent of the outside world!

As long as he can't find it, even if he knows that the person was kidnapped by him, it will be in vain!

After doing this, he began to count the income.

The last time the two storage bags of the Lu brothers were separated in Yaoxian Pavilion, he gave them to Qin Sirong.

Although this woman has no brains, she should not have any second thoughts when it comes to treating Ye Ping!

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart, maybe with this goodbye, the fate of master and disciple would be over!

This trip to the demon clan was the last thing he did in Xihezhou.

If it could be resolved satisfactorily, he would then have to find a way to return to southern Xinjiang.

Some things should have a cause and effect!

In fact, when he reached his state, the wealth of a person in the early stage of forming a pill no longer had much appeal to him.

However, when his spiritual consciousness entered the storage bag, he was still shocked by the treasure inside.

Mo Xun was sure that this was the largest storage bag he had ever seen.

A rough calculation showed that the space was at least a hundred feet long, and it was so full that it looked like a large warehouse.

"Is this person in charge of the collection of Chiyue Villa?"

Not to mention, Mo Xun really guessed it right this time.

Although Tantai Yi is nominally the owner of the village, he has been in seclusion all year round. Tantai Hong is basically in charge of all family affairs, big and small.

Therefore, this young village owner carries almost half of the wealth of the village.

Not to mention the hill-like low-level spiritual stones, there are as many as 20,000 mid-level spiritual stones, and eighty-one high-level spiritual stones. Among them, Mo Xun discovered two spiritual energy-encrusted stones. The ultimate spiritual stone!

To be honest, this was the first time for him to see the best spiritual stone.

I tried to absorb it for a while, but almost hurt my meridians because the spiritual energy was too pure and rich.

If he adds what Xia Muyao gave him before, he now has about a hundred high-level spiritual stones.

This level is completely enough for him now.

He did a simple calculation and found that if all of these were replaced with low-level spiritual stones, even if it was not tens of millions, it would be about the same.

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. A son of Nascent Soul was already so wealthy. If he could kill Tantai Yi, what kind of harvest would he get?

Mo Xun then turned his eyes and looked at the many spiritual herbs, pills, and magic weapon materials on the side.

These external objects actually have little effect on him now.

You know, there are not a lot of pills in the pill formation stage in his hand.

He could clearly feel that his bottleneck this time was definitely beyond the control of pills.

But as for what it was, he couldn't tell.

Soon, he saw several more magic weapons.

Just the grade is not very good, at most it is on the same level as his beast bone blood knife.

The only things that caught his eye were a flying cloak and an ice silkworm robe.

Mo Xun tried it on himself, and the effect was pretty good, especially the robe, which could barely resist the attacks of ordinary magic weapons.

Mo Xun roughly browsed through the jade slips and ancient books and sorted out everything that was useful to him.

Among them, Mo Xun paid special attention to two jade slips.

One is Tantai Yi’s cultivation experience from Dan Jie to Nascent Soul, especially Jie Ying’s insights, which makes Mo Xun feel like he has found a treasure!

Unexpectedly, the advanced experience he left for his son would end up being advantageous to him!

The other one is half a fragment.

In the fragmentary scroll, a mysterious escape method called "Sky Fire Escape" was recorded.

When Mo Xun saw the name for the first time, he immediately thought of Xuanzang Tianhuo.

With almost no hesitation, he integrated his mind into it.

After a full two hours, he slowly opened his eyes. There was both joy and a little regret in his eyes.

This kind of escape technique does require the cooperation of Xuantian Tianhuo. If it can be achieved, if it is used with all its strength, it can reach thousands of miles away in an instant.

Unfortunately, it’s just a fragment!

However, in this volume, the level of Xuan Tianhuo was mentioned.

Take Chi Li as an example. The primary level is red, which can be called ordinary fire. The intermediate level is purple flame, which is included in the list of true fire. The advanced level is white, which can be called heavenly fire!

Only when it reaches the true fire purple flame, the fire escape is considered a small success. At that time, a thought can be three thousand miles away.

But then again, how difficult is it to improve the level of fire?

He has practiced for more than two hundred years, and he has seen countless treasures, but he still hasn't encountered a natural treasure that can improve Chi Li.

Mo Xun thought to himself that if he used ordinary fire to perform this escape technique, it should be no problem to travel a thousand miles.

He was actually very satisfied to reach this level.

After putting away the jade slip, he finally focused his attention on a shelf in the corner.

There were some things that seemed very important inside.

The first was a golden brocade box, which was sealed by layers of restrictions.

After hesitating for a while, Mo Xun carefully opened it. He thought there would be some earth-shattering treasure inside, but it was just a dark red bead.

But this bead gave people an extremely dangerous feeling, as if it contained a huge energy.

This seemed... a bit similar to the Fire Thunder Bead he used to use!

Mo Xun first set up a barrier around him, and then unsealed the Jade Sky Sword in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Senior Gu, do you recognize this thing?"

Although there are a few old guys living in his body now, Gong Yang is sleeping, and Sanqing is not from this world, so only the weapon spirit in the Jade Sky Sword can help him.

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