Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 649 Exploding Yin Pearl

"This is the Exploding Yin Bead, which is condensed from the true essence of Yuanying monks. Judging from the grade, it can withstand a full blow from the early stage of Yuanying!"

Mo Xun's hand shook and he almost lost his grip.

If this thing is activated, will he still be alive?

It seems that his guess is indeed correct. The effect of this thing is similar to that of the Thunder Fire Pearl, except that its power is increased by several orders of magnitude.

Mo Xun carefully closed the box and stamped the prohibition again with great care.

"Thank you, senior!"

He was just asking with the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that Yu Tianjian, who was always taciturn, actually spoke this time.

But after a brief period of surprise, I couldn't help but become excited again.

Unexpectedly, he had another life-saving weapon in his hands!

If this thing is used well, it can be said that he can walk sideways under the Nascent Soul.

Mo Xun held the box with one hand and touched his chin with the other, smiling slightly. It seemed that having Nascent Soul backstage was indeed different!

At this moment, he could think of Tantaihong's frustration.

He has such a powerful weapon, but he hasn't had time to use it yet.

Putting away the Explosive Yin Pearl, he set his sights on another wooden box next to him.

There are also many restrictions on this item, which is even more troublesome than the previous brocade box.

Mo Xun spent a full stick of incense to crack these restrictions one by one.

After opening it, there was only a black wooden sign the size of a palm, carved with strange runes.

This time, there was no need to ask about the Jade Sky Sword. Mo Xun recognized what it was almost instantly.

"Bird Soul Card!"

There are two types of soul cards. One is for distraction and is used to sense life and death.

The other is to imprison the separated souls to achieve control over others.

The latter is a rather vicious method that forcibly separates part of the soul of others, thereby achieving the purpose of threatening control.

So the question is, who does this soul card belong to?

If it were any other time, Mo Xun might not be interested, but now it was about his life and death, and he had to figure it out.

When he was about to penetrate his consciousness and try to check something out, he suddenly stopped.

He suddenly thought, if he wanted to know the secret inside, wouldn't there be a better way?

Immediately, he came to the barrier where Tantaihong was imprisoned.

Since there is such a person involved, wouldn't it be enough to just ask the other person directly?

Mo Xun raised his hand and waved, a stream of spiritual power flew out from his sleeve and quickly entered Tantaihong's body.

After just a few breaths, Tantaihong woke up in a daze.

Just when he saw the faint smile on Mo Xun's lips under the familiar face in front of him, Tantaihong's body trembled suddenly. He instinctively wanted to stand up and retreat, but he was shocked to find that he could not mobilize any spiritual power in his body. The whole body was tied up with a thick rope, almost forming a rice dumpling.

Even one finger is too difficult to move!

After a brief trance, he immediately remembered the scene before he fell into coma.

" know what you are doing? My father is a Yuanying monk, how dare you treat me like this."

Mo Xun smiled sadly.

"Young Master, I'm afraid you don't know your situation right now, right?"

"What's the situation?"

At this moment, Tantaihong would be lying if he said he was not afraid at all. He is almost a mortal without any magic power. It would be very easy for someone to kill him!

But looking at it from another perspective, since the other party did not choose to take action, it shows that he is afraid.

The only person he can rely on now is his father.

"I would like to advise the Young Villa Master not to have any illusions. Even if your father searches the entire Central Territory, he cannot find this place. Of course, as for whether the Young Villa Master believes it or not, I will not explain it to you. I just have some questions and need to The young owner cooperates.”

Not in the Central Region?

This was the first feeling in Tantai Hong's mind.

Could it be that he was transported to other states while unconscious?

How can this be?

It stands to reason that once he disappears, even if his father does not know about it immediately, he will quickly notice the abnormality.

Even if the opponent is in the late stage of pill formation, how can he not catch up with his father's Nascent Soul cultivation level?

"This is impossible!"

Mo Xun put one hand behind his back and clenched a fist in front of him with the other, looking at him with a rather pitiful look.

"Nothing is impossible. My time is limited and I don't have time to waste words with you."

While speaking, Mo Xun flipped his palm, took out the black wooden sign, and waved it in front of Tantaihong's eyes.

"Whose soul card is this?"

Tantaihong's expression suddenly changed. In fact, he should have guessed in his heart that since the other party captured him, it means that the treasures on him must have been confiscated.

"I don't know. You'd better let me go as soon as possible. As for the things in the storage bag, just treat them as compensation for being rude to me!"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, raised his palm, and flew out a sharp wind blade.

With a "pop" sound, a handful of blood spattered out from Tantaihong's left shoulder.

Along with the blood falling to the ground, there was also a blur of flesh and blood with thick white bones.

Mo Xun's knife directly cut off half of his shoulder bone.

The blood spurting out quickly stained his originally white clothes red.

Without the spiritual protection, the heartbreaking pain instantly spread throughout his body's meridians. Amidst the screams, large beads of sweat immediately oozed out from Tantaihong's forehead.

Mo Xun pointed his fingers across the air to stop the blood from flowing out, and then said jokingly: "Young Master, let me introduce myself first. My surname is Mo, and I am a casual cultivator. I have no friends or relatives. As for threats, there is no need to say them. In addition, I have been practicing Taoism for more than 200 years. I may be mediocre in Taoism and magical powers, but I am particularly good at alchemy. What does that mean?"

Mo Xun paused for a moment, and then continued: "Even if I don't have other skills, I have a set of skills to save people. I dare not say that the number of elixirs on my body is countless, but it is definitely not Young Master, I can assure you that I can treat any external injuries on your body, such as regenerating a broken arm, which is even easier. Do you understand, Young Master? "

Mo Xun looked at the trembling and pale Tan Tai Hong, and without waiting for his answer, he could only talk to himself: "It seems that you don't understand. Well, to put it simply... I can cut off your flesh one by one, even if only bones are left, I can guarantee that you will not die. I wonder if you believe it, Young Master?"

While Mo Xun was speaking, several more wind blades flew out.

In the blood light, the clothes on Tan Tai Hong's body were directly torn to pieces, and dozens of pieces of flesh cut from the epidermis fell all over the ground.

This young master was almost a bloody man with no skin left!

The heart-wrenching screams echoed in the empty green space with a horrifying and shrill sound.

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