Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 651: The Palace of Ten Thousand Monsters

Looking at it this way, not only is this thing useless, it might even be a disaster.

But after thinking about it, he felt relieved.

Even without this soul card, could the owner of Chiyue Village let him go?

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice and you are not itchy, it is not a big deal.

"Fellow Taoist, can you and I make a deal?"

Mo Xun came back from his thoughts and looked at Tantaihong with interest.

"What deal?"

At this moment, Tantaihong was in an extreme state of embarrassment. Not only was he lying in blood, he was also completely naked.

"Do you want that Jiangyunxian fruit branch?"

Mo Xun sneered.

"You want me to use you to make a deal with your father?"

Tantaihong shook his head.

"I know that you will definitely not take such a risk, so I will not make such a request. The deal I am referring to is that I know the source of the branch. If you agree to let me go, I will use this secret Come to exchange.”

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. It would be a lie to say that he was not interested in this thing.

Even a true Nascent Soul cultivator would definitely not let go of a treasure that can increase the birth value to 50%.

He has black soil that defies the sky. Even if he just cuts off dead branches, he may still be able to save his life.

"Let's talk about it in general first!"

"This thing was acquired by my father from the Ten Thousand Demons Market Palace many years ago. Regarding this matter, I asked my father in detail. I originally planned to go there alone after the Market Palace was opened, but I unexpectedly fell into a trap. In the hands of fellow Taoist."

Ten Thousand Monsters Palace......

Mo Xun couldn't help but ponder for a moment, why does this name sound so familiar?

"Ten Thousand Demons Ruins!"

Mo Xun suddenly blurted out.

"You mean, this place is in the boundless demon sea?"

Tantaihong's face showed a bit of surprise. There were definitely not many human monks who knew this name.

"Do fellow Taoists know this place?"

In Mo Xun's heart, he really couldn't laugh or cry. He even doubted whether the young village owner had investigated him?

"I've heard a little bit about it, but what's going on with the Ten Thousand Monsters Palace?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but this Ruins Palace will be opened every two hundred years. It contains countless treasures of heaven, materials and earth. Of course, it is also extremely dangerous, and only monks with pill-forming or above can enter. Since you have obtained I must have discovered that there is an animal skin map in my storage bag, which my father left to me. If you are trustworthy, you can take me with you into the Ruins Palace, and then your transaction with me will be completed inside. , you let me go, and I pointed out to you the place where you found the Jiangyunxian fruit branch."

I saw a flash of rays of light in Mo Xun's hand, and a jade box appeared immediately.

This object, the soul card and the Explosive Yin Pearl are all placed on the shelf in the corner.

He had basically finished counting the other items in the storage bag. The only thing that was a bit special were the three boxes on the wooden shelf.

After the restriction was broken, the lid of the box opened with a bang, and an ancient animal skin map was indeed placed inside.

When he unfolded the map and took a look, Mo Xun was stunned again.

Because this thing also gave him a familiar feeling.

Whether it's the route inside or the symbols, they all seem to have been seen somewhere.

But right now, he didn't have time to think about it.

"Is this the map you're talking about?"


Mo Xun looked at the animal skin carefully, and wanted to continue to ask something, but Tantaihong added: "This picture was painted by my father himself, and the marks in it are only mine." My father knows what it means. As long as my fellow Taoist is willing to let me go, I will inform you of the specific details once we enter the ruins palace."

In Mo Xun's heart, he already had some belief, but as soon as he heard these words, it completely disappeared.

He finally remembered where the familiar feeling just now came from.

When he was in Liangyi Sect, he also got a similar map from a monk who could emit the Purple Void True Fire Talisman.

He still remembered that on the front of the map jade slip, there was a refining method called "Tianyan True Fire Talisman" recorded on it.

Since the maps are similar, how could they be drawn by Tantai Yi?

Poor Tantaihong, he originally wanted to gain more chips for himself, but he always made mistakes and aroused Mo Xun's suspicion.

Mo Xun put away the map with a sneer on his lips.

"Young Master, do you think I would believe this kind of trick?"

Seeing that Mo Xun's eyes became sharp again, and he seemed to have raised his arms slightly, ready to take action, Tantaihong couldn't help but think of the previous cutting of bones and flesh, and his whole body shivered uncontrollably.

"I would like to swear by the devil in my heart that if my father had not obtained the branch of the crimson cloud vine in the ruins palace, he would have been killed by thousands of knives. After his death, his soul would not be reincarnated and would be subject to thunder and lightning forever in the endless thunder. The pain!”

Tantaihong uttered these vicious oaths almost instantly.

As if he was afraid that Mo Xun wouldn't believe it, he finally bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"If you violate this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

The coldness on Mo Xun's body became stronger and stronger.

This person is also a bit quick-witted. Even when he swears, he knows how to avoid the truth and avoid the lie.

However, from another aspect, it was confirmed that the source of the Jiangyun Vine Branch was indeed in the Ten Thousand Monsters Palace.

He couldn't help but fell into a brief silence. The condition offered by the other party was obviously a conspiracy.

No alchemy monk can resist the temptation of the Jiangyun Immortal Fruit.

Even he is no exception!

At his level, he is already close enough to the Great Dao.

In fact, if he can take one more step forward, he can enter the top ranks in this world.

As the hostility on Mo Xun slowly dissipated, Tan Taihong's entire back was frightened with a layer of cold sweat.

He was secretly uneasy in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask.

He really didn't know which sentence he said wrongly that made Mo Xun suddenly turn his face.

"When will this Wan Yao Ruins Palace be opened next time?"

Tan Taihong quickly replied: "If it is counted from the time I was unconscious, it will be about five years."

Five years?

Mo Xun secretly touched his chin, this time is enough.

"Is there any special way to enter it?"

"No, but I heard that after it is opened, you need to walk through a forbidden land of ice and fire to reach the real Wan Yao Ruins Palace!"

Forbidden land of ice and fire?

Mo Xun unconsciously thought of the cultivator who was good at using the purple void true fire.

Could it be that the other party's True Fire Talisman was obtained in this forbidden area?

"What else?"

Tan Tai Hong now knows everything and is afraid that he will anger Mo Xun again if he is a step slower.

"I don't know the others, but in addition to the Crimson Cloud Vine Branch, I also know some other treasure places marked on the map. As long as you keep your promise, I can tell you all of them."

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