Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 652: Wind Control

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's do as the young master says!"

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave, but just after taking a step, he turned his head suddenly.

At this moment, he saw the grim smile on the corner of Tan Taihong's mouth.

Caught off guard, the smile on Tan Taihong's face froze instantly.

"By the way, I have to trouble the young master. I admire your father very much, but I have never had the chance to meet him, so please draw a portrait of the old master Tan Tai, so that I can admire him in my spare time!"

At that moment, Tan Taihong felt that his heart almost jumped out.

Don't be so scary!

"Okay... okay..."

Tan Taihong smiled awkwardly, but in his heart he said, if you really want to see me, I'll take you to Chiyue Villa right now.

It's time, and you still want to pretend!

Mo Xun walked out of the enchantment with the scroll.

His face also darkened!

After taking another close look at the portrait in the scroll, he shook his hand, and a flame suddenly rose up, and in a flash, it turned into ashes.

How could he not understand Tan Tai Hong's little thoughts?

What he said just now was true and false, just trying to trick him into going to the Wan Yao Ruins Palace!

If the guess is correct, the owner of Tan Tai Manor should also appear in the Ruins Palace that was opened this time!

At this time, the wisest choice is to hide far away.

But the magic power of the Jiangyun Fairy Fruit is too great.

It is so great that he can't refuse it at all, even if he knows that there are many dangers!

The longevity of the Great Dao... the longevity of the Great Dao!

Mo Xun shook his head and sighed, then patted the storage bag on his waist and took out the jade slip that had been sealed for a long time and was almost forgotten by him in the corner.

After a moment, he withdrew his mind expressionlessly and looked at the animal skin in his hand again.

The marks on the two maps do have many similarities, and the routes on them also overlap.

If it is not a coincidence, it means that they all come from the same place, just in different areas!

"Senior Gu, have you heard of this Wan Yao Ruins Palace?"


Mo Xun nodded gently. According to this, this secret place was formed in the past tens of thousands of years.

Putting away all the things, Mo Xun did not leave the green gourd in a hurry, but came to the black soil medicine garden.

Since entering the late stage of Jindan, his dependence on spiritual medicine is no longer as urgent as before.

As a result, the medicinal herbs in the medicine garden are lush and have not been picked for a long time.

After a simple arrangement, he found a place to plant the frost soul grass obtained from the Youfeng Valley.

He also arranged a circle of ice barrier around.

Finally, after digging some soul-nourishing wood and Lanxinlian, he left the green gourd.

The phantom car was still flying in the air at high speed, but Bai Ze, who was driving, seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Mo Xun looked up at the sun in the sky, and it actually deviated from the direction.

He couldn't help but slap the little guy on the head again.

Half a month later, passing by an unnamed mountain range, Mo Xun didn't sense the pursuit behind him, so he stopped temporarily.

In the temporary cave, Mo Xun threw Bai Ze directly into the secret room, and entered another one himself.

The first thing he had to do now was to refine an incarnation for Gong Yang here.

In case the old thing wakes up and talks nonsense again!

At the same time, he also needed the magic incarnation to restore his strength as soon as possible.

Although this thing is not very useful now, it may play a role at a critical moment.

Time passed slowly in peace.

But not long after, Bai Ze broke in again.

The little girl didn't say anything, but pointed to her belly directly, and her meaning was self-evident.

Mo Xun had no choice but to throw her a storage bag.

He now replaced all of Bai Ze's rations with spirit beast pills. Since the little guy doesn't cherish the Qianyuan fruit, he should just take drugs honestly!

After refining the incarnation, he began to comprehend the "Six Changes of Spirit Wind".

How to practice this demon clan technique and whether it can be practiced smoothly will be a big problem.

This is the first time that Mo Xun has explored and modified it based on his understanding of the technique.

In the next few years, he roughly arranged it like this.

On the one hand, at least one change of wind control must be mastered. Even if it cannot be used to escape far away, having this extreme speed is of great help in fighting against the enemy.

On the other hand, it is to practice the Sky Fire Escape.

Although it is only a common red flame, it can travel thousands of miles in an instant, which is enough to save his life for a while.

The only thing that worries him is that since Chi Li consumed his origin last time, he doesn't know how long it will take to recover.

In addition to these, he also needs to make adequate preparations for the next trip to the ruins palace.

These are probably the things he can rely on now.

As an auxiliary, Sanqing must build a good relationship.

As the Wulu Nebula Disk has not been used much, the specific effect cannot be determined.

The other magic weapons can still play a role in dealing with Jindan cultivators, but once they encounter Yuanying strongmen, they are like embroidered sacks, with a poor foundation.

Fortunately, there is one last thing in the bottom of the box, which is the Jade Sky Sword.

This treasure was able to resist Zisheng Tianjun last time. Although the opponent was injured, he was also an absolute late-stage great cultivator.

In addition, the application of the formations these times also gave him a lot of inspiration.

In addition to practicing, he was also constantly refining various formation flags.

From siege, strangulation, self-destruction, almost everything he could think of, the more the better.

Anyway, he had just harvested a full storage bag of materials, so it would be a waste if he didn't use them.

During this period, Bai Ze came to him several times intermittently, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he said he was hungry.

At the beginning, Mo Xun would take time to open the furnace for her to refine the elixir, but in the end, it was really a bit annoying.

In desperation, he directly threw the little girl into the green gourd, and gave her a pill furnace, alchemy mental method, spirit beast pill recipe, and a lot of spirit flowers and herbs, letting her learn to refine the elixir by herself, and let Xuantian True Fire cooperate.

In Tan Taihong's storage bag, there were piles of various spirit herbs, enough for the little girl to practice.

In the green gourd, the little girl was self-sufficient and could also take care of the medicine garden for her.

Since then, Mo Xun has been quiet.

Spring goes and autumn comes. For a cultivator, a few years pass in the blink of an eye!

One day, a brilliant flame suddenly rose in the secret room, and the gushing fire snake instantly knocked a big hole in the door of the secret room.

But soon, the burning flame disappeared.

The whole cave was calm again. Except for the remaining residual heat, there was no breath.

A hearty laugh suddenly came from the air far away.

Then a long rainbow was seen, dragging a long tail in the air, flying rapidly towards the east.

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