Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 653 Purple Palace Serum Pill

In the green gourd, Mo Xun glanced at the few remaining medicinal fields.

Fortunately, the high-level spiritual wood and divine grass that he specifically asked for were not moved, but the low-level spiritual medicines were almost wasted.

Fortunately, Mo Xun no longer needs these now, otherwise, the little girl will definitely not be able to escape this beating.

Despite this, Mo Xun's face was still gloomy and a little scary.

It has only been a few years, and so many spiritual medicines have been wasted. Even when he was learning to refine pills, he was not so wasteful!

However, when he saw the little guy take out those piles of strange pills, he was shocked!

This was the first time he saw a spiritual pill bigger than a fist.

This thing can't even be called a pill, it's just a big steamed bun.

He was very curious about what means this guy used to condense such a huge pill.

But he finally understood why the spiritual herbs were consumed so quickly.

It turns out that they have increased the original pill formula several times, or even dozens of times.

The key is, can this thing be eaten?

Mo Xun held the huge pill in his hand, looked around, and sniffed it carefully.

After a long time, he asked uncertainly: "Is this the Lotus Dust Pill?"

Bai Ze nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, with a well-behaved face, as if he was afraid of Mo Xun's blame.

Mo Xun was quite surprised.

This thing is a genuine foundation-building pill.

I thought the little guy was only refining spirit beast pills, but I didn't expect that he could even refine cultivator pills.

And it's so big!

Such a pill is probably equivalent to the efficacy of dozens of ordinary spirit pills.

He looked up at Bai Ze and asked suspiciously: "Can this be eaten?"

The little guy suddenly raised his head, obviously not accepting such doubts.

"Of course, I've eaten a lot!"

Mo Xun was even more suspicious, because he saw almost no signs of improvement in the little girl's cultivation.

"Take one and let me see!"

The little girl pouted her lips in anger, snatched the pill, and swallowed it directly in front of Mo Xun with her bloody mouth.

But after a long time, Mo Xun did not see any signs of spiritual power fluctuations.

Could it be that this kind of cultivator's pill is ineffective against spiritual beasts?

With a surprised mood, Mo Xun picked up another Lotus Dust Pill and prepared to try it himself.

Of course, he would not do what the little girl did, but picked off a piece the size of a fingernail from the surface, hesitated for a while, and then put it into his mouth.

The moment the pill entered his stomach, it immediately turned into a pure spiritual power and flowed into his meridians.

He couldn't help but frown, because the effect of this medicine was indeed the same as the Lotus Dust Pill, and even better than the one he refined.

This made Mo Xun a little puzzled. If it was so feasible, why hadn't he seen anyone refine it this way?

After thinking for a while, he thought of two explanations.

On the one hand, it might be in the condensation of the pill.

Often the more medicine, the more difficult it is to mix the medicinal effects, and the more difficult it is to condense it into a pill.

On the other hand, it should be the success rate!

Every furnace of pills has a certain chance of failure. Although he has the Golden Zhi Fruit, he can only reduce this probability.

If such a furnace of pills fails, the loss is several times or even dozens of times that of ordinary pills.

If it were him, he obviously wouldn't have such courage!

It's just that Bai Ze, a fool, who relies on the fact that the spiritual herbs are not hers, squanders them without restraint.

But from another perspective, it makes his eyes light up.

He had never thought before that the original pill formula ratio could be increased proportionally!

It seems that he has to try it when he finds an opportunity, maybe he can improve his attainments in the way of pills to a higher level.

Then, he set his sights on several white porcelain bottles.

After opening them, they were full of milky white square pills.

Mo Xun was not mistaken, they were indeed square!

If a few black dots were engraved on them, they would look like dice in a gambling house.

He was once again amazed. He had never thought that someone would condense pills into this shape.

Judging from the color and the smell it exudes, it is a bit like the "Peking Yuan Pill" in the late stage of foundation building.

"Why is it in this shape?"

Bai Ze's hand flashed with a rosy glow, and he took out a pill that was also square, but there was no spiritual charm on the surface of this thing.

"Don't you think it looks like this sweet sugar cube?"

While talking, the little girl also stretched out her tongue and licked the sugar, revealing a look of great enjoyment.

Mo Xun was choked and speechless.

"Is this why you condensed it into a square?"

Bai Ze blinked innocently.

"Is this not okay?"

Mo Xun rubbed his forehead helplessly, and let Bai Ze eat one first, and then he tasted one.

The effect is still the same as the normal Peiyuan Pill, not much different.

It seems that this little guy is just a little playful, except for the strange shape, he didn't make any strange pills.

Mo Xun was speechless, but also sighed in his heart.

It's only been a few years, and a spirit beast that has never been exposed to the way of alchemy can make a late foundation-building pill.

He even suspected that when he was making pills before, the little guy was secretly learning from him.

His alchemy skills also matured slowly over time after consuming countless spiritual medicines.

But not so fast!

He looked at the little guy with a strange look. Could it be that this guy was gifted in the way of alchemy?

A genius in alchemy whose body is a spiritual beast?

Why does it sound so absurd?

He picked up a porcelain bottle again. With his previous experience, he would not be surprised even if a noodle was poured out of it this time.

A moment later, when he picked up a red heart-shaped pill, he was completely defeated.

After all, the little guy is still a girl with a girlish heart.

If you put aside the appearance, he still recognizes this heart-shaped pill. It is a top-level healing medicine called "Purple Mansion Blood Qi Pill".

This pill has an unparalleled miraculous effect on the purple mansion meridians and the severe damage to the physical body.

Of course, the spiritual herbs used to refine the pill are also extremely rare and precious.

In terms of value, it is no less than the cultivation pills of the Jindan period.

In addition to these, the difficulty of refining this pill and the success rate of the pill also gave many alchemists a headache. Even Mo Xun didn't have many pills on him.

Seeing that the little guy actually took out several bottles at once, Mo Xun waved his sleeves and collected them all.

Seeing this scene, the little girl was not happy.

In her opinion, every pill here is unique.

She has never thought of sharing it with others.

"Uncle, you are shameless!"

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