It stands to reason that even if someone takes away the contents, they will not bury them in the ground unnecessarily.

He held his chin in one hand and fumbled for the storage armor in his hand with the other.

After a long time, I reluctantly came up with two reasons.

One is that this thing is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Maybe there is something else going on, but he doesn't know it.

The other one is to divert attention!

But having said that, what kind of sight will be diverted?

Mo Xun pondered while recalling the details of that time.

In his opinion, since the other party was seriously injured, he still wanted to bury this object, which meant that the things inside should be extremely precious.

Then, a small detail appeared in his mind.

I remember that when the Qinggan Beast buried this object, he turned his head and glanced to the right, but the transformed man who caught up later clearly came from the left.

Mo Xun stood where the Qinggan Beast was standing at that time, turned his head and looked to the right, but his sight was blocked by a wide tree not far away!

This tree is really not small. It would be difficult for seven or eight people to wrap a circle around it.

Roughly judging the tree's age, it must be hundreds of years old, if not a thousand years old.

There are many scars on the tree. Although they have been repaired over the years, there are still obvious signs of damage. If the tree itself was not thick and intertwined, it would have withered and rotted long ago.

Even so, judging from the wrinkled and dry bark of the old tree, the interior is probably mostly hollow.

Mo Xun circled around the old tree.

It might as well be possible to make such a deduction.

The reason why the silver-eyed green beast was hunted down was most likely related to the contents of the storage armor.

Seeing that he was seriously injured and defeated, just when the transformed man was about to catch up, he pretended to bury the storage armor underground, hoping to induce him to give up the pursuit, or to delay the opponent to buy himself some time.

Unfortunately, the transformed man didn't notice the drama!

As for what was buried, it was naturally fake!

As for the real thing, he still carries it with him or puts it somewhere else.

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth suddenly curled up. Isn't this the most dangerous place the safest place?

If he were the silver-eyed green beast, he might do the same thing!

I'm afraid that after the transformed man dug out the storage bag, he would never have imagined that what he wanted was far away but right in front of him!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun flicked his finger and a beam of fire flew out.

Then with a "boom", the old tree, which had lived for hundreds of years, was instantly enveloped in flames.

But when the fire light dissipated, there was nothing in front of him except a pile of dark charcoal.

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. It seemed that he had no chance with that treasure!

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, he seemed to notice something unusual at a casual glance.

He walked back to the stone marked with claw marks.

He stretched out five fingers and traced the marks, and couldn't help but frown.

If I remember correctly, this silver-eyed green beast should also have five claws, but why are there only four marks on it?

He suddenly turned his head again and his eyes fell on a rock wall behind the big tree.

Soon, clues were discovered.

I saw a piece of mottled gravel faintly inlaid between the cyan stones.

The gravel is green in color, just like the rock wall. After years of erosion, it has almost blended into the surrounding stones.

It's really not easy to find if you don't look carefully.

Mo Xun immediately reached out and made a move!

With a "swish" sound, the gravel was taken out from the air and fell into his hands.

After erasing the traces of decay on it, a small piece of sharp animal armor immediately revealed its original appearance.

This is......

Mo Xun was puzzled again. What the demon spirit tried so hard to hide was actually a piece of his fingernail?

At this moment, the Sanqing Divine Bird, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Huh? This thing..."

Mo Xun asked hurriedly: "Do you know this thing, fellow Taoist?"

After Sanqing hesitated for a moment, he said with some uncertainty: "It's like a soul weapon, and you can faintly feel a trace of soul power fluctuations in it."


Mo Xun suddenly became more alert.

Based on Sanqing's soul state, he probably wouldn't make a mistake in judgment.

Mo Xun asked solemnly: "You mean, there is a soul hidden inside?"


"Can you tell me more specifically?"

Sanqing pondered and said: "This soul weapon is of a high grade, and it is difficult to peek into it from the outside. Only by releasing the soul inside can we make a concrete conclusion!"

"Release it?"

Mo Xun obviously hesitated.

To be honest, he really has no interest in such things as ghosts and ghosts.

At this moment, I already have the idea that doing less is worse than doing more.

But before he could speak, Sanqing blocked his mouth.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, the things inside won't threaten you. The reason why I asked you to release it is because I feel a bit familiar from this fluctuation of soul power."

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "Do you know what's inside?"

"Since I came to your world, I have never left the Central Territory at all. I have never heard of the so-called boundless sea of ​​monsters, so how can I know about it?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun became even more confused.

"Then what do you mean..."

"I don't know either, it seems... there is the breath of our Sanqing clan!"

Mo Xun's heart moved, could it be that there is also a Sanqing divine bird trapped in the lower world?

If so, it would be interesting.

Just imagine that the wind attribute power of a Sanqing can allow him to perform a magical power close to the teleportation of the Nascent Soul. If there are two, wouldn't he be going against the will of heaven?

"Are you sure?"

Sanqing smiled.

"Won't you know if you release it?"

After the last trip to Youfeng Valley, Mo Xun is no longer afraid of dealing with these souls. He just finds it troublesome.

"Okay, wait for me to call Bai Ze out!"

In his opinion, Xiao Bai is born to restrain all kinds of ghosts. With the little guy by his side, even if there is something unexpected, there will be more protection.

Who knows that Sanqing snorted coldly.

"If you don't trust me, don't even think about asking me to help you again!"

Mo Xun's hand, which was originally reaching for the green gourd, suddenly stopped. After thinking for a moment, he smiled and said, "In that case, I'll have to trouble you, Taoist friend!"

Having said that, he still secretly summoned Bai Ze from the gourd to his sleeve.

At the same time, he communicated with the little guy with his spiritual sense. If he saw that the situation was not good, he could swallow it in one gulp.

Next, Mo Xun followed Professor Sanqing's method, threw the beast armor into the air, and quickly cast several magic seals with his hands in front of his chest.

A green light flashed, and a large group of green soul energy slowly floated out of the beast armor.

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