Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. There was something hidden inside!

He subconsciously took two steps back, and at this moment, the green gas suddenly rolled violently.

Then it spread rapidly, and in a few breaths, it covered half of the island.

The sky above, which was originally clear, suddenly became cloudy and blew with gusts of cold wind.

Mo Xun was secretly shocked. Why did he feel something was wrong?

He had only felt this kind of strong soul power fluctuation on Sanqing.

Could it be that the thing in front of him was really another Sanqing soul?

In the green mist, there was a sudden "boom" sound, as deafening as thunder!

Then, the green gas above quickly rotated, forming a huge vortex of about a hundred feet, hanging high in the clouds, like a bottomless abyss leading to another world, which was extremely shocking.

In the vortex, a huge claw stretched out.

The claws were sharp and glowing green, as if they had torn through the void.

Following closely behind, there were faintly visible thick feathers, all dark green, like some kind of fierce bird.

Amid the rumble, there was a piercing and sharp scream, which shook the universe!

"This is..."

Mo Xun calmed down the restless Bai Ze a little, as the little guy couldn't stay in his sleeves any longer.

As the monster slowly emerged, what appeared in front of him was a silver-eyed Qinggan beast that was a hundred feet long, with wings on its back, a body like a rooster, and green feathers all over its body!

However, although this monster looked intimidating, it did not have any spiritual energy.

The entire magnificent scene was completely condensed by soul power.

But despite this, Mo Xun's heart was still quite agitated.

Because he saw three dark red meat sacs as big as millstones under the neck of the Qinggan beast.

Although he didn't know what this thing was called, it seemed to be a unique realm mark of the Qinggan beast.

On that rainy night, the demon spirit of the Qinggan beast and the little demon king appeared at the same time.

He vaguely remembered that there was only one flesh sac on the demon spirit's neck, and two on the little demon king's.

If this speculation is true, doesn't it mean that the Yuanhun in front of him was a great demon king when he was alive?

Mo Xun was secretly surprised, and finally understood why the other party's soul power was so condensed and powerful.

For a strong man of this realm, even if he does not use soul-raising methods after his death, his soul will not easily dissipate. If he knows a little more about soul cultivation, he can easily switch to soul cultivation.

In fact, now think about it, the Yuehua Fairy back then probably survived in the world as a soul cultivator.

Looking at the majestic Qinggan beast that almost occupied half of the sky, Mo Xun's heart was beating, but when he thought that this thing was at most just a condensation of soul energy, without even a physical body, and he had Sanqing inside and Bai Ze outside, he calmed down a little.

But just as this thought came up, the Qinggan beast, which showed its true form, suddenly spread its wings, and its size seemed to have increased several times in an instant.

A pair of silver eyes, about ten feet long, shot out two cold rays, looking down at Mo Xun below from high in the sky.

From a distance, the size difference between the two was too big.

It was like a tall giant, looking down at the ants under his feet, as if he could make them disappear with just a slight flap of his wings!

Mo Xun instinctively condensed a layer of spiritual power shield around himself.

It's not that he has never dealt with ghosts, but he has never encountered this level.

Sanqing joked at the right time: "What are you afraid of? I am here!"

Mo Xun was saying in his heart, then you go ahead!

At this moment, the Qinggan beast suddenly opened its huge mouth and roared in the direction of Mo Xun, blowing up a hurricane of yin energy, breaking the surrounding trees in half, and countless gravels and soil were directly swept into the sky.

In the tornado-like gust of wind, Mo Xun's spiritual power protected his body and emitted a dazzling light, but he was still blown back again and again.

His face sank and he was about to release Bai Ze.

But before he could take any action, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from his body.

Then a phoenix-like flying bird phantom slowly rose above his head.

This phantom was blue and white, and its tail feathers were dotted with yellow and orange, which was extremely gorgeous.

Each feather emitted a faint fluorescence, and when it encountered the diffuse green air, it was like the morning sun penetrating the fog and sweeping it away.

As the phantom grew larger and larger, it finally directly covered the original hundred-foot Qinggan, as if it was going straight into the sky.

As for the Qinggan beast, the moment it saw the shadow, it was about to get angry, but it suddenly froze in place, not even noticing the nearby green mist dissipating bit by bit.

"Evil beast, don't be rude, which tribe are you from, do you recognize this saint?"

The voice seemed to come from the sky, ethereal and empty, extremely penetrating, and it actually echoed over the boundless sea.

"Three... Three Qing Saints!"

Hearing the vicissitudes of life trembling from the mouth of the Qinggan beast, Mo Xun was slightly stunned, and was a little confused for a while!

The huge body of the Qinggan beast suddenly knelt down, and a cockscomb head like a hill was completely drooped down.

"The current head of the Qinggan clan, Zan Wu, greets the Saint Ancestor Sanqing!"

"Qinggan clan? But is it the branch of my Sanqing clan left in this world?"

"That's right!"

Sanqing murmured in a low voice: "So that's why, no wonder this saint felt a similar aura from you."

Mo Xun looked up at the shadow of the strange beast that almost occupied the entire sky. He was surprised, but finally understood.

But what is this?

Distant cousins?

Mo Xun carefully looked at the two strange beasts for a moment. It’s true that they are quite similar.

I didn’t expect that the Three Green Divine Bird would leave its bloodline in this world.

"If that's the case, why did you end up here in the form of a soul?"

"Replying to the Holy Ancestor, when the God Clan ascended to heaven, our clan wanted to follow, but our ancestors had low magic power, so we could only stay in this world temporarily. Later, after thousands of years of reproduction, we also had a place in this sea of ​​monsters. But later, some of our clan members defected to the Minque clan, and by having an affair with them, not only did they mess up their bloodline, but they also colluded with those monster birds to occupy our territory. During this period, I was plotted against, and finally had to let my descendants take me into the beast armor, but now I don't know how many years have passed."

Sanqing frowned.

"What kind of monster is Minque?"

Zan Wu quickly replied: "As far as I know, this clan has the bloodline of the phantom bird!"

Mo Xun's eyelids jumped below.

Phantom bird? This seems to be another legendary beast!

Zan Wu was extremely respectful throughout the whole process, and he never dared to raise his head even when he was talking.

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