Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 66: Eliminating Harm for the People

Yue Qingfeng looked at Mo Xun suspiciously. Although the other person looked young, he knew very well that in the world of immortality, age cannot be judged by appearance.

"Senior, the Hehuan Sect is the largest immortal cultivating sect in the Sheng Kingdom. It is also considered a major sect among the Tiandao Alliance of the five southern kingdoms."

Mo Xun nodded and tried his best to memorize these unheard names from the other party's mouth.

He was secretly lucky that he had come at the right time this time. What Yue Qingfeng said was exactly what he wanted to know most urgently now.

Afterwards, Mo Xun cleverly inquired about the general location of the Hehuan Sect, thinking that he would investigate the so-called five southern Xinjiang countries once things were over.

After having some concerns in his mind, Mo Xun suddenly remembered Yue Qingfeng's mysterious spells and couldn't help but ask: "Can you show me the talismans you used in the square during the day to clear your mind and focus your mind?"

Yue Qingfeng was now a fish on the knife board. How could he not obey? He immediately revealed a small bag on his waist.

Mo Xun clearly saw that this object was a storage bag.

I saw Yue Qingfeng crossing the storage bag, and there was a yellow talisman in his hand.

"Senior, please look, this is the Pure Heart Talisman!"

Su Yunshang on the side saw the other party conjuring a talisman out of thin air, and his eyes lit up. When Yue Qingfeng presented the talisman to Mo Xun, he used the wind control technique and quickly slipped his right hand from his waist. He grabbed the storage bag in his hand.

"Hey, what is this?"

Yue Qingfeng felt a gust of wind passing by him. When he saw the bag in Su Yunshang's hand, he felt a chill in his heart and said with a grimace: "Senior, this is junior's storage bag..."

"Storage bags?"

Su Yunshang started playing with it with great interest and ignored him at all.

Mo Xun on the side saw all this, but had no intention of stopping it.

To be honest, he also wanted to know what the immortal cultivators from the cultivating sect would put in their storage bags.

In this way, a pair of male and female robbers started to become robbers with a tacit understanding.

Seeing these two people behaving like this, Yue Qingfeng really wanted to die at this moment. His entire wealth was contained there!

Mo Xun studied the yellow talisman in his hand and saw that it was covered with a bunch of unknown ghostly talismans, but he could feel that there seemed to be a faint spiritual energy in this talisman.

Perhaps because he was afraid that the other party would see his ignorance, Mo Xun did not ask about the usage of the talisman.

I originally wanted to pick it up casually, but when I saw Yue Qingfeng's face, which was uglier than crying, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed and returned the talisman to him.

At this moment, Yue Qingfeng was really on the verge of crying. He could only look at Su Yunshang helplessly, hoping that this heroine would be as kind-hearted as Mo Xun.

Unexpectedly, Su Yunshang actually put away the storage bag at this time.

Yes, he put it away blatantly in front of Yue Qingfeng...

Mo Xun coughed slightly in embarrassment and said, "Fellow Taoist Yue, there are a few things I still don't understand. Can you clarify them?"

Yue Qingfeng wanted to stand up and roar "no", but he was stronger than others. He could only feel heartbroken and reluctantly looked away from Su Yunshang.

"Senior, if you have anything to do, just ask."

Listening to the other party's feeble answer, Mo Xun was not as shameless as Su Yunshang.

But then I thought about it. As an immortal cultivator, the other party did such deception and deception in the mortal world. He was not considered a good person. He was doing harm to the people!

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