Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 67: Heavenly Spiritual Roots

"What magic did you use in the square today to make the seed grow quickly?"

This is the question that Mo Xun cares about most, and it is also the biggest question in his mind.

After knowing that someone can cast a magical spell to ripen plants, he has been uneasy.

You know, black soil is too important for his cultivation, and it is more likely that he will enter the world of immortal cultivation and rely on it for survival.

Yue Qingfeng no longer expects anything at this time. Without the storage bag, his means are equivalent to more than half gone. Now he can only hope that the two will not take his life.

"Reply to the senior, this is actually just a trick?"

"Trick?" Mo Xun frowned, with doubts on his face. He didn't expect the other party to give such an answer.

"Yes, the junior just buried a young plant in the soil in advance, and then cast a small spell to make the young plant appear to break out of the ground!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly. This works?

Su Yunshang rolled her eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on her lips. I don't know what she was thinking about.

After questioning all this, Mo Xun also solved the biggest doubt in his heart, and he felt relieved immediately.

He was silent for a while. In fact, there was still a question in his mind, or a guess, but at the moment, he didn't think of how to ask.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly pointed at Li Xiuzhi on the bed and asked, "You just said that the girl has a natural spiritual root. How do you explain it?"

Yue Qingfeng smiled awkwardly, and then explained, "Senior, you are joking. How can I easily find out the spiritual root? What I said just now was just a lie!"

"You don't know other people's spiritual roots, so how can you accept disciples and teach them?"

"The so-called accepting disciples and teaching are actually a means for me to cheat money. I believe that seniors also know that those who can have spiritual roots are one in a million, not to mention the natural spiritual roots that make those big sects crazy. How can it be so easy to meet!"

Listening to these answers, Mo Xun always felt that he was scratching his itch, and for a while he was so anxious that he had no idea what to say.

On the one hand, he was very curious about the spiritual root, and on the other hand, he didn't want Yue Qingfeng to see that he was a novice in cultivating immortals.

But from the other party's mouth, he vaguely understood a few things.

First, spiritual roots are very important to cultivators.

Second, there are only a few mortals who have spiritual roots!

Third, spiritual roots seem to be classified.

After a brief thought, Mo Xun asked, "What spiritual roots are you?"

Yue Qingfeng smiled awkwardly.

"Don't be afraid of being laughed at by the seniors. I have three kinds of mixed spiritual roots: gold, fire, and earth. My aptitude is really low. Otherwise, I would not be easily driven out of the Hehuan Sect."

Mo Xun nodded suddenly. He probably understood what was going on. The spiritual roots are classified according to the five elements.

When he thought of this, he thought that he could practice the Fiery Fire Art, which meant that he had a fire spiritual root in his body, and Su Yunshang could practice the Water-Evolving Mysterious Art, which meant that she had a water spiritual root.

At this time, Su Yunshang suddenly asked curiously, "What is that spiritual root?"

Yue Qingfeng looked at Yunshang in confusion. He was both obsessed with and afraid of this fairy who was a little too beautiful and extremely fierce.

More importantly, the other party also took his storage bag, which made him hate it even more.

"Senior, don't you know about the spiritual roots?"

Mo Xun wanted to cough and remind Yun Shang not to expose her ignorance.

Who knew that Yun Shang suddenly snorted coldly, untied the whip from her waist, and swung it hard in the air. After a bang, the tables and chairs on the ground instantly exploded into pieces, and a chill swept the entire room.

Yue Qingfeng couldn't help but shudder, and exclaimed at the same time: "Magic weapon!"

"I don't know, so what? Are you laughing at me?"

Mo Xun couldn't help but twitch his lips. It's only been three years, and he turned a cute little girl into a female man!

Can she still get married?

"No, no, I dare not!"

Su Yunshang looked at him fiercely and said coldly: "Then hurry up and tell me!"

"Yes, yes..."

Yue Qingfeng secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said quickly: "I believe that the senior also knows that this spiritual root is the foundation for mortals to enter the cultivation of immortals, and the attributes of spiritual roots are divided into many types."

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