Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 662: Skyfire Road

"Okay, give me a wisp of the scent of that fairy fruit now. Once I enter, I will cast a spell to find it."


Mo Xun thought about it for a while, and a ray of light flashed in his hand, and a wooden sign appeared immediately.

It was the soul sign of Tan Taiyi!

"There is a spiritual soul in it, which has absorbed the essence of the crimson cloud fairy branch. I wonder if it can be useful?"

"Try it and you will know!"

As soon as the voice fell, the wooden sign in Mo Xun's hand disappeared.

After Mo Xun briefly explained how to enter the sea gate, Sanqing agreed very happily, and smiled generously: "Why bother so much, you just get ready later, leave everything to this saint!"

Mo Xun nodded happily. If Sanqing was willing to do it himself, it would be much stronger than his Feng Ling Yibian.

The sea gate surrounded by monsters was flashing with white light, indicating that it would be opened next time.

Several monsters that were still fighting hard also stopped immediately and gathered around.

But at this moment, an extremely strong breath wave drove the surrounding sea water, rolled up a turbulent undercurrent, and rushed towards the crowd.

Those level 6 monsters that had not yet transformed along the way were directly thrown out by this undercurrent.

Because the speed was too fast, the other monsters were also half a beat slower in reaction.

By the time they noticed it, the undercurrent that was carrying Mo Xun had already sunk into the sea gate that had just opened.

Then, the flashing light gate dimmed again.

Most people didn't understand what happened at this moment.

As soon as Mo Xun entered the light gate, his eyes were illuminated by the white light and it was difficult to open them. This feeling lasted for at least a stick of incense.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in the void.

It seemed like a chaotic space here, without boundaries, without size, and at a glance, there was no sense of distance at all.

On his left and right sides, there were two strange narrow roads.

One was bright red, as if it was paved by magma.

The other was dark blue, as if it was frozen.

The red and blue roads started from his feet and extended to the edge where there was no end.

I guess this is the legendary forbidden land of ice!

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Xun raised his left foot and stepped directly onto the red magma road.

Then, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

The originally dim void suddenly turned fiery red, as if jumping into a sea of ​​fire.

Above, to the left, to the right, and in front of him, there were endless flames.

Looking back, the road he came from had completely disappeared.

Mo Xun quickly condensed a circle of spiritual power shield around himself to block the scorching heat.

Now he finally understood why Chi Yan said that once you enter this place, there is no turning back.

But the question is, where to go?

The surroundings are almost exactly the same, with flames everywhere, constantly jumping and dancing.

Some even condensed into fire winds similar to tornadoes.

He tried to release his spiritual sense, but it was burned clean dozens of feet away.

This place seemed to be inside the alchemy furnace of a powerful person.

But then again, is there such a big furnace of heaven and earth in this world?

Mo Xun simply turned around and had no clue at all. Then he took out two maps and compared them for a long time.

There were marks about the Heavenly Fire Road on the map.

Just when Mo Xun was about to follow the map to find a way out, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. With a thought, Xuantian True Fire gushed out from the green gourd.

During this period, Bai Ze was refining the elixir, so Mo Xun temporarily lent Chi Li to her.

Since this place is a forbidden place of fire, then for Xuantian True Fire, isn’t it just right?

Sure enough, the moment Huo Luan sensed the surrounding environment, he immediately became excited.

"Chi Lu, can you sense the exit of this place?"

Chi Lu hummed softly and turned into countless flames flying around.

A moment later, under the guidance of Xuantian True Fire, Mo Xun quickly walked in one direction.

As he went deeper into the sea of ​​fire, the power of the surrounding flames became more and more fierce and strong.

The scorching high temperature is another thing, and attacks can be formed spontaneously in this sea of ​​fire.

From time to time, flames will condense into strange beasts, either punching him or directly crashing into him.

Those fire beasts are invisible at all. If you fight against them, they will immediately dissipate into flames and return to the sea of ​​fire.

Some of the fire beasts' attacks are so hard for him to resist!

Fortunately, Mo Xun is a fire attribute cultivator, and Chi Lu is helping him, so there is no big problem.

He finally understood why this place is limited to strong people above the Jindan level.

If the cultivation level is low, there is no chance of survival.

In this way, Mo Xun didn't know how many days he walked in the sea of ​​fire.

He was a little anxious at first, but later he found that Chi Li could absorb the essence of the flames, and his breath became stronger and stronger. Mo Xun was surprised and was not in a hurry to get out.

Anyway, the Xugong Secret Realm will be opened for two years, and it may not take long for Chi Li to recover the essence consumed last time.

This sea of ​​fire seems to be endless, and it is unknown how big it is.

Mo Xun didn't know how many people who entered this place would choose the Heavenly Fire Road, but he didn't find a trace.

About two months later, after passing through a fire rain area condensed by flames, the surrounding scene finally changed a little.

There was an undulating terrain under his feet.

Not long after, he found a rocky mountain range that was burned red.

It was as if he had entered the legendary Flame Mountain!

At the same time, in this endless red world, there seemed to be some different colors.

Just when he felt a little strange, Chi Li suddenly became extremely excited.

"You mean... you feel something that can improve you?"

The Fire Luan in front of him nodded like an anthropomorphic person, constantly flapping its fiery red wings, and was about to take Mo Xun to check.

Mo Xun's heart moved, could it be that he had discovered some treasure?

Then, Chi Li's body quickly expanded until it became a foot in size and stopped in front of Mo Xun.

Mo Xun jumped up and jumped onto the Fire Luan.

Then, he saw a green figure standing on a fiery red bird, flying through the air.

If someone saw this scene, they would probably drop their jaw in shock.

Someone actually dared to fly in the Skyfire Road!

Looking down at the endless flames below, Mo Xun's heart surged. It seemed that he also needed a spirit beast to ride on.

This flight lasted a whole day.

When they landed, Mo Xun was surprised to find that there was actually a cave condensed by fire rocks here.

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