Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 663 Tianxu Flower

This place is really a bit mysterious!

What surprised him was that the cave was not red all the time, but also had a faint purple haze.

Before he approached the cave entrance, he felt a hot wind blowing in his face, which could almost melt everything.

Mo Xun quickly used his magic power to bless his body shield, and at the same time, with a thought, the red lily hovered around him, blocking the heat wave.

The cave entrance was only more than two feet wide, and after entering, it was winding and tilted downward.

The surrounding rock walls were all made of red stones.

Mo Xun was curious and wanted to pick off a piece to study, but who knew that once the stone left the cave wall, it immediately melted into magma and could not be preserved at all.

After walking about ten feet, a purple flame suddenly floated in the air.

Mo Xun's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Purple Void True Fire!"

Although he was not familiar with this thing, he was not without experience.

That bright purple color was almost identical to the one he saw in Liangyi Sect that year!

Although he didn't know where the foundation-building elder had sealed the Purple Void True Fire, the map in the jade slip at the back definitely pointed to the Wan Yao Ruins Palace, just like the animal skin in Tan Taihong's storage bag!

At this moment, Xuantian True Fire roared like a swimming dragon and swallowed the purple flame into its belly.

Then, Mo Xun felt Chi Li's unspeakable joy.

But before he opened his mouth, Sanqing in his body said with emotion: "Daoyou must have cultivated great virtue in your previous life, so that you can encounter such heaven-defying opportunities in this barren lower world in this life!"

"What do you mean?"

"Daoyou, why do you ask when you know the answer? The purple flames here mean that there must be a kind of purple virtual fire in it. If Daoyou can subdue it, you can have two kinds of heavenly fire. Even if you ascend to the upper world in the future, you will definitely be envied by countless people."

In fact, Mo Xun's mind was probably the same guess.

He was no less excited than Chi Li at the moment.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Mo Xun whispered, and Chi Li once again hovered around him and walked slowly inside.

After about an incense stick, the temperature was getting higher and higher, and even Mo Xun felt a little tired.

He was like soaking in a magma pool, and could only resist the burning heat by consuming mana.

If his cultivation was a little worse, he would have been wiped out long ago!

Fortunately, he had enough recovery pills on him, which allowed him to stay full at all times.

He stopped only when he felt that he could not hold on any longer.

Along the way, he found dozens of scattered purple flames, all of which were swallowed by Chi Li as nutrients, but he never saw the so-called purple virtual sky fire.

Mo Xun even doubted whether he had made a wrong judgment.

Or, there was originally a kind of fire here, but for some unknown reason, it was broken into thousands of flames.

There was no way, Mo Xun could only stay where he was and let Chi Li go in first to take a look.

The temperature here has reached an extremely terrifying level, and I am afraid that only a Yuanying cultivator can go deep into it.

After Chi Li left, Mo Xun not only arranged a circle of formations around himself to isolate the flames, but also took out several defensive magic tools on his body, and the spiritual power shield on his body was condensed to the thickest.

Mo Xun was free, so he asked, "Fellow Daoist Sanqing, please ask Demon King Zanwu to come out and tell me about the specific situation of Cha Shan!"

Since he had promised to take action once, Mo Xun never broke his promise.

But when he thought about attacking a Yuanying-level warrior, he felt like he was crazy!

What kind of courage did he have to agree to this?

While listening to Zanwu's introduction, he was thinking about the countermeasures he could use at the moment.

He only expected the strength of Cha Shan now, just don't be too strong!

"Demon King Zanwu, do you have any way to introduce this demon into my formation?"

Zanwu already knew Mo Xun's identity. Although he didn't have much grudge against this human cultivator, he didn't like him either.

The two races of humans and demons have experienced countless battles in the past ten thousand years.

Even the Qinggan race had people die at the hands of humans.

He was even more curious, how could his own Saint Ancestor get involved with a mere human race.

And it seems... the Saint Ancestor is still in a situation of relying on others!

After a while of silence, Zan Wu said in a deep voice: "If I am not mistaken, this time Cha Shan entered the Wan Yao Ruins Palace, it is very likely for the Tianxu Flower."

"Tianxu Flower?"

"Yes, this is a detoxification elixir that can only grow in the Ruins Palace. Last time, I was attacked by that evil creature because of the backlash of my bloodline. Although he destroyed my physical body, he was also seriously injured by me, especially in the end, I used the dragon's saliva poison to plot against him, and the best holy medicine to detoxify this poison is this Tianxu Flower!"

As for the serious injury, Mo Xun just skipped it.

A big demon king actually let the little demon king bully his family and was exterminated by others. I am afraid no one will believe it if he tells others.

Even now, this demon king Zan Wu seems to want to gain some face in front of Mo Xun.

Tianxu Flower...

Mo Xun touched his chin with one hand, thinking in his heart!

Since there is a weakness, we can find a way to break through!

For a cross-level enemy like this, the best way is to use a formation, and it must be a top-level formation!

It can strangle and besiege!

The key point is to trap the opponent, at least after the sneak attack is successful, it can buy him a chance to escape.

His requirements are not high, as long as he can severely injure the opponent, it will be considered to have fulfilled his promise to Sanqing.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea, and four words flashed in his mind.

"Teleportation array!"

The so-called teleportation array can not only teleport himself away, but also send the opponent away. In this way, wouldn't it be foolproof?

Although he has not been exposed to this kind of array, it should not be a big problem with his attainments in array.

Seeing the smile on Mo Xun's mouth, Sanqing hurriedly asked: "Friend Mo, have you thought of any good ideas?"

Mo Xun smiled.

"I guess so, but it still needs to be improved a little."

Although this matter is simple to say, it is probably still quite difficult to implement it.

Any teleportation will inevitably cause strong spatial fluctuations, and it also requires time to stimulate.

To reach the level of a demon king, even if the strength is weak, it will be extremely sensitive to spatial fluctuations. Whether it can succeed at that time is still uncertain.

Mo Xun waited in the same place for half a day.

Just as he was hesitating whether to take the risk to go in and look for Chi Li, a ball of purple fire slowly floated over.

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