When he saw the purple fire, Mo Xun suddenly jumped up.

But then, he was stunned!

The dancing flame slowly transformed into a fire phoenix in the air. Except for the color of its body, it was exactly the same as Chi Li!

But this color was quite strange.

It was like pouring purple paint into red. Because it was not completely mixed, it resulted in a red and purple color, which looked out of place!

Especially the flickering flame, sometimes red and sometimes purple, which was very strange.

Mo Xun widened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "Are you Chi Li?"

Chi Li hummed and kept circling around Mo Xun like a happy child. The flapping flame wings seemed to cause ripples in the space.

At this moment, Mo Xun didn't know whether to be depressed or happy.

What was depressing was that the Purple Void True Fire was gone!

What made him happy was that the Xuantian True Fire he had been waiting for for a long time was finally no longer "ordinary fire", but reached the level of "true fire" in real terms!

Just when he was a little amused, Chi Li suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a stone tablet.

The whole body of the stone tablet was red, but it was not burned red like the surrounding rocks, but a kind of fiery red crystal stone, emitting a faint soft light.

The stone tablet looked a bit old, and the corners were broken by knocks.

There were some words carved on it, and Mo Xun's heart trembled when he saw the beginning.

"True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor!"

He quickly gathered his mind and studied it carefully. After a stick of incense, he took a deep breath and came back to his senses.

"Did you find this in there?"

Chi Li nodded, and with his mind involved, Mo Xun soon knew the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that there was no purple void true fire in it, but a pool of purple flame crystals.

Mo Xun didn't know about this thing, but San Qing knew it very well.

After asking, Mo Xun realized that the so-called Purple Void True Fire was the Yuan Crystal left after the True Fire failed to achieve Nirvana.

As for Nirvana, it was actually what Mo Xun called advancement.

According to San Qing's speculation, this Purple Void True Fire should have been brought here by its previous owner for Nirvana advancement, but that person died in the cave for some unknown reason, and finally left this technique, on the one hand, waiting for inheritance, on the other hand, to find a home for his True Fire, but no one expected that even the Purple Void True Fire would fall.

But no matter what the reason, this is a good thing for Mo Xun after all.

True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor... Mo Xun couldn't help muttering to himself.

According to it, once the Xuantian True Fire advances to the second stage, it can allow the owner to condense a layer of True Fire Armor, which can block the attacks of all fire attribute magic weapons in the world.

When seeing this paragraph, the surging in Mo Xun's heart is really hard to describe in words.

He wanted to summon Chi Li to give it a try, but when he thought about the little guy who had just swallowed the Purple Fire Crystal and needed some time to refine it, he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"Chi Li, you should rest well in my body for this period of time!"

After that, Mo Xun rolled up his sleeves and put away the Xuantian True Fire.

Then he carefully read the skills on the stele with great interest, and then left the place quickly with a satisfied smile.

Just as he came out of the cave, he was a little dumbfounded.

In this vast sea of ​​fire, how could he get out?

Fortunately, he soon thought of the jade map.

According to his speculation, the Purple Void True Fire that appeared in the Liangyi Sect that year probably came from here.

Then as long as the location on the map is found, the problem will be simple.

Next, Mo Xun spent more than four months in this red world.

At this time, the Lixu Palace was closed, and there was only one and a half years left.

During this period, Chi Li finally completed the Nirvana advancement, and the overall color was completely changed to purple flames.

What puzzled Mo Xun was that the lightning arc on his body had completely disappeared.

This was a pity, after all, lightning was more effective than simple flames in dealing with demons and ghosts.

However, Mo Xun was quite satisfied.

On the day when Chi Li came out of retreat, Mo Xun used the "True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor".

When the gorgeous armor condensed on his body, the whole person seemed to have turned into a god cast by purple flames.

He felt that a punch in this state could definitely crack the ground even if it could not collapse the sky!

Who on earth could create such a mysterious vine frame technique?

At the same time, his second level of Sky Fire Escape could finally begin.

In the following year, he was not in a hurry to leave, but immersed in practicing escape techniques again and again.

In this land of fire, once Chi Li ran out of firepower, it could be quickly replenished. It was simply an excellent place to practice fire-attributed techniques.

The only pity is that his physical strength is not enough to exert the full effect.

However, escaping two thousand miles is enough for him now!

It's just that the time is a little short, and the mastery is slightly insufficient.

Until this day, when he took a step forward, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Then, he saw a strange world!

This is a place with misty mist and extremely rich spiritual energy. What is presented in front of him can be described as "clouds and mountains surrounded by fog", just like the legendary Xuanxiao Danque!

Mo Xun was slightly stunned.

Is he... coming out?

Could this be the Wan Yaoxu Palace?

Just when he was a little confused, Sanqing's confused voice suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Eh? Why does this place look a bit like the upper realm? No, no... Although the vitality of heaven and earth is strong, it is mixed!"

Mo Xun asked in surprise: "Fellow Taoist, are you saying that this place is similar to the upper world?"

"It's a bit like it, but not like it!"

Mo Xun's heart was really in a state of turmoil at this moment.

It seems that there are rumors from outside that this place leads to the upper world, which is not unreasonable.

If given the chance, he really wanted to pry into the secrets of the upper world.

But now, there is only half a year left before the Xu Palace is closed, and there are not many things he has to do next.

First, look for the Jiangyun Fairy Fruit, and then set up a large formation to lure Zha Shan out through the Tianxu Flower.

None of these are easy to achieve.

"Fellow Taoist Sanqing, what happens next is up to you!"

Sanqing chuckled, naturally understanding what Mo Xun meant.

"Don't worry, as long as there is some kind of fairy fruit here, I will definitely help you find it, but on your side, don't forget to promise me!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly.

In fact, it is two things, but the most important thing at the moment is the Jiangyun Fairy Fruit.

After all, Cha Shan's lair is there, and even after leaving here, it's not impossible to find him.

As soon as he thought of this, Mo Xun immediately turned into a ray of light and flew towards the distance.

But before he had gone very far, he almost broke into a cold sweat.

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