He saw with his own eyes that a huge level 6 blood lizard beast was torn into two halves in mid-flight.

But he didn't realize what happened at all!

He finally understood what the danger Chi Yan had mentioned before was.

"Don't make a fuss, it's just a space crack!"

Mo Xun's face showed some doubt. He had heard of space cracks before. Even in the secret realm of the God's Tomb many years ago, there was a space storm, but it was not so outrageous.

"This place should come from a broken upper realm. It's normal to have space cracks!"

Mo Xun was even more confused after saying this.

"Do you mean that there is more than one upper realm?"

"Of course, but I can't explain it to you now. One day when you ascend, you will know it!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth and suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to ask.

But in his heart, he seemed to understand something.

The space storm at that time was of low-level plane, so its power was limited. This place was originally in the upper realm, so the plane strength was naturally higher, so this space crack was quite terrifying.

But what good would knowing this do to him?

He was a little afraid to move now, because his consciousness could not find any abnormality at all.

In other words, he had no way of distinguishing where there was a space crack.

Sanqing saw his thoughts and said complacently: "Don't worry, although this saint is only a soul, when I came down from the upper realm, I crossed the void. This space crack can't be a problem for me!"

"Are you serious?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it!"

Mo Xun took a deep breath. At this point, it seemed that he could only choose to believe it.

But this time, Sanqing did not lie.

When passing a space crack, thanks to Sanqing's reminder, Mo Xun barely avoided it.

He also threw a magic weapon at the seemingly empty place, but it was torn to pieces!

While Mo Xun was still in fear, he was also secretly thankful for his luck.

It seems that the trip to Youfeng Valley was not in vain.

With this layer of protection, Mo Xun felt much more relaxed, and his speed gradually increased unconsciously.

In the next half day, he encountered several unlucky people who died tragically in the space cracks. Among them, there were not only monsters, but also human cultivators. He had seen one monster spirit.

Although such a place can be entered by people above the Jindan stage, if you don’t have some skills, you can only rely on luck.

However, danger and opportunity do coexist!

In just half a day, he found a medicine valley with spiritual herbs, which contained dozens of rare spiritual herbs.

In addition to these, he also found two pieces of refining materials.

This place is simply a lost treasure.

"By the way, fellow Daoist, what is the vitality you mentioned before?"

Since coming here, Mo Xun has not only felt the rich spiritual energy, but also faintly sensed some other things.

Sanqing asked in surprise: "You don't know the Yuan Qi of Heaven and Earth?"

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly. To be honest, this was the first time he heard of it.

"But it's no wonder. Your realm is too low now. You have to wait until the late stage of Yuanying to touch a little Yuan Qi. Once you enter the God of Transformation, you must change the spirit into Yuan. The realm after that is to cultivate Yuan Qi. It's just that your lower realm Yuan Qi is thin and can't produce above the God of Transformation. That's why so many cultivators want to ascend."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and then asked curiously: "What realm were you in before?"

Sanqing smiled mysteriously and said proudly: "A height you can never reach!"

At this moment, a powerful mana fluctuation came from a distance.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he quickly fell from the sky.

From the breath, the person coming is definitely above the Yuanying.

Before he could hide his body, a rainbow light passed over his head.

The other party did not hide his whereabouts, and his breath was disordered. He was obviously in a hurry, as if he was running for his life!

Mo Xun was just about to say that it was fortunate that he was just passing by.

But in an instant, he frowned.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the person who just flew by had a familiar feeling.

How could he be familiar?

Just as he was thinking, another ray of light flew by in the air.

He was still a Yuanying cultivator, and judging from the pressure and momentum, he was at least in the middle stage of the Yuanying, but he seemed to be injured as well.

What surprised Mo Xun was that this person still had a familiar aura.

What's going on?

He could count the Yuanying masters he knew on one hand, and two familiar people came to this wild and foreign land at once.

He recalled it in a flash in his mind, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

"Zi Sheng Tianjun!"

That's right, he was definitely not wrong. The person who just flew by must be Zi Sheng Tianjun without a doubt!

Why did this old man come to the Demon Sea?

If this person is Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, then the one who was running away in panic seems to be about to come out!

No wonder he felt that breath just now, like it was emitted by a woman.

A charming picture appeared in his mind involuntarily, in which there was a charming and beautiful woman.

That was the first time that Mo Xun felt the joy of love!

He didn't know how the two met in the ruins palace, but he could simply conclude that the woman was probably here for revenge again.

But this time, not only did she fail, but she was about to lose her life.

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, then used the Spirit Wind to change and chased after him.

He left an illusory afterimage on the spot.

But no matter how fast he was, how could he catch up with the Nascent Soul cultivator?

He could only use his spiritual sense to tightly lock the two people's breath.

Fortunately, there were many cracks in the space here, and even if the two had a way to dodge, they didn't dare to fly at full speed.

But it was different for Mo Xun. With Sanqing reminding him, he could use his full speed without hesitation.

With one plus one minus, the three of them formed a tug-of-war stalemate in the air.

But Mo Xun could clearly feel that the distance between Zisheng Tianjun and Xia Muyao was gradually shrinking.

He knew that he was definitely exposed under such a pursuit.

His heart was now somewhat dominated by emotions, causing him to lose his previous rationality.

According to his usual character, even if he was helping, he would definitely plan before taking action!

But at the moment, he could not care about so much.

With this in mind, he not only did not hide his tracks, but also spread his consciousness completely, trying to provoke the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch who was already a little crazy in front of him.

His purpose was simple, that is, to make the other party discover him, so as to attract attention and win a chance for Xia Muyao to survive.

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