Mo Xun has now used all his skills.

As for San Qing, he has also used his speed to the extreme.

But even so, the distance between the two is slowly closing.

In order to create confusion, Mo Xun even used several escape talismans to carry his own breath and escape in other directions, but he did not deceive the cunning Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch.

While swallowing the elixir to restore mana and heal injuries, he took out pieces of soul-nourishing wood and threw them to San Qing in his body to restore the lost soul power.

He threw the escape talismans in his hand one by one as if they were free.

Those formation flags and magic tools that he refined for self-destruction were also constantly placed along the road, just to slow down the opponent's speed.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is now using spirit stones to prolong his life.

The value consumed almost every moment is at least 10,000 spirit stones.

As for the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch behind him, he was almost going crazy.

He had seen rich people, but he had never seen such a rich one.

How many treasures does this person have?

Thinking of this, he not only did not give up, but instead aroused a stronger determination to win!

A treasure that can make the Jindan perform Yuanying teleportation, Xuantian True Fire, treasures, and the inexhaustible array flags and talismans...

Zi Sheng Tianjun had a sneer on his face. He really wanted to know what other surprises Mo Xun had that could surprise him.

In Zi Sheng Tianjun's opinion, Mo Xun must have a great background.

It is even possible that there is a powerful force behind him.

But so what?

Even if the other party is the son of the Nine Star Sect, he will not let go.

He even thought of the incident that year. Perhaps the appearance of this person was not an accident.

Maybe that bitch had already hooked up with this boy.

At this moment, let alone Zi Sheng Tianjun, even Tan Taiyi, who was following behind, felt a little incredible!

He didn't understand why a great cultivator would hunt down a junior who had reached the Jindan stage, and he didn't understand why his son would offend this famous supreme elder.

He was able to catch up because of hatred.

On the other hand, he was thinking about the soul tablet.

Perhaps the second one was his main purpose.

If his son died, he could still be reborn, but if he didn't take back the soul fragment, it would very likely ruin his future.

The three of them, each with their own thoughts, quickly shuttled through this place full of space cracks.

Unknowingly, even the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, who had been here several times, didn't know where he was.

After passing through a hole in the middle of the mountain that looked like a gate in the sky, the three entered a very beautiful place.

There were thick red clouds on the horizon, and the surroundings were like clouds and mist in the fairyland.

There were cliffs that were thousands of feet high all around, extending to the end of the clouds.

Under this peak was the green and blue lake, reflecting the mountains and cliffs on the side.

But what was puzzling was that there was not a single plant here.

All the green hills stood there bare, but they didn't make people feel desolate at all.

It seemed that this place should be like this!

But at the moment, Mo Xun had no mood to appreciate these.

Even though he used so many methods, the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch behind him kept chasing him.

He had spent a lot of energy to accumulate his assets for several years, and almost half of them were consumed.

As for the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, it was obviously not easy.

He really didn't expect that the arrogant young man would carry so many talismans and formation flags.

It seemed that they would never run out.

At this moment, not only was his face full of fatigue, but his mana and blood were constantly consumed.

What was even more annoying was that there was a tail behind him who was always thinking about him.

Since entering this place, Mo Xun has slightly changed his strategy. He no longer just rushed towards the distance, but circled along the rock wall in this valley-like place.

This was a plan he had planned earlier!

The premise of this plan must be that Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch is already irritable and has consumed too much mana.

Mo Xun is not sure whether such a time has come, but he can't wait!

Just when Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch was ruthless and burned his blood to increase his speed again, Mo Xun suddenly stopped and stared blankly, as if waiting for him.

When Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch approached, Mo Xun suddenly threw out a formation flag and shouted: "Get up!"

Then, the light and haze flashed within a thousand feet, forming a chain of self-destruction formation with a wide range.

This is the last family in Mo Xun's hand, and he took it all out at once.

The reason why he had to wait until the other party was irritable was to better conceal his original intention.

As for how much damage this killing move composed of hundreds of small formations could cause to Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, he didn't have much confidence in his heart. The only expectation was to delay it for a while, so that he could leave the other party's spiritual awareness range and buy some time.

Then, a series of deafening explosions were heard echoing in the valley.

The place where the green mountains and green waters were originally was suddenly like a huge firecracker was lit, and the rumbling sound was endless.

The green mountains were shaking, and the green waters were boiling!

Within a thousand feet, it was as if hundreds of Jindan cultivators were attacking at the same time, and a dazzling glow bloomed.

Looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, Mo Xun was overwhelmed with emotion, and a trace of grim smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because there was a killer move hidden in it!

He suddenly shouted: "Explode!"

The center of the formation immediately erupted with a magical impact no less than that of the Nascent Soul.

Judging from the fluctuations that spread out, this impact not only contained the power of Zisheng Tianjun himself, but also a strange breath.

This breath came from the explosive Yin bead in Mo Xun's hand!

What was funny was that the original owner of the explosive Yin bead was hiding far away at this time.

Tan Taiyi frowned, and he naturally recognized this familiar magical fluctuation.

You know, in order to refine this self-defense treasure for his son, he stopped practicing for two or three years, and almost condensed twice his magical power at that time into that small bead bit by bit.

In other words, once this bead is activated, the lethality it produces is no less than his current full-strength attack.

But before he had time to think about it, his consciousness swept to Zisheng Tianjun's carelessness, and half of his body was stained with blood.

His eyes lit up, thinking it was a good opportunity!

Tan Taiyi made a decision almost instantly, and his figure suddenly disappeared, rushing towards the shaky Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch in the formation.

He had only one goal, the storage bag on Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch's waist!

Mo Xun was delighted at the same time, and he didn't expect that his plot was successful.

But just as he was about to use the escape technique to leave, he suddenly felt a lightness behind him, and Xia Muyao disappeared.

Mo Xun's heart sank, and he knew without thinking that he was probably used by this woman!

Presumably, the other party was not unconscious at all, and had been pretending to be unconscious all the way here, probably waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill.

Sure enough, just as Tan Taiyi rushed towards Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, a red figure in the air also flew away from another direction.

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