Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 671 Dark Magic Phase

Before Tan Tai Yi arrived, a golden seal had already covered Zi Sheng Tian Jun's head.

At the same time, an invisible thread in his hand went straight to Zi Sheng Tian Jun's waist without anyone noticing.

At the same time, a bronze mirror flew out of Xia Muyao's body.

A sharp green light suddenly shot out from the bronze mirror.

Several different attacks came almost at the same time.

Seeing that Zi Sheng Tian Jun was about to be submerged in the golden seal and green light, he was not panicked, but laughed wildly.

"How dare a mayfly shake a tree? It really doesn't know how to live or die!"

This voice was full of energy, as if it came from the horizon, and the sound shook the world!

Immediately afterwards, Zi Sheng Tian Jun suddenly became ethereal, and then split into two, turning into two black airs, rushing towards Tan Tai Yi and Xia Muyao respectively.

Fortunately, the reactions of both of them were not slow.

In mid-air, the golden seal of Tan Taiyi stopped moving and smashed down on the black gas.

On Xia Muyao's side, the bronze mirror glowed green, as if it had turned into a green sun, with countless dazzling green lights shooting out, completely blocking the way for the black gas.

The golden seal fell, and its powerful power caused the lake water below to splash into huge waves several feet high.

Just at the moment of touching the black gas, spider-web-like cracks appeared on the surface of the golden seal.

Under the backlash, Tan Taiyi spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and the whole person exploded and retreated repeatedly.

The black gas was hit by the golden seal and first disintegrated.

But soon, it condensed again, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Tan Taiyi's side and surrounded him in a black mist.

In the mist, only the sound of golden swords and the flashing of rosy clouds could be heard.

On the other side, Xia Muyao was also surrounded by black gas at this time.

The red figure shuttled back and forth in it, and from time to time there were cries of pain after being injured.

This voice came from Xia Muyao and Zi Sheng Tianjun.

The scene in front of him suddenly turned into the lake, with two huge black gas surging and rolling, and various magic powers and treasures shining. Even if you can't see the situation inside, you can imagine the tragedy.

Powerful magic power impacts continued to overflow from the black gas.

Under the influence of these magic powers, huge rubble fell from the surrounding cliffs from time to time, and the lake below seemed to be boiling.

Within a radius of thousands of feet, water vapor filled the air and dust rose everywhere.

It was just a fight between three people, but it created a formation of millions of people charging.

Fortunately, this was an open space. If it was in a cave, I'm afraid that the mountains would collapse and the earth would crack as soon as the struggle started.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for killing you all!"

Hearing Zi Sheng Tianjun's gritted teeth, Mo Xun outside the battlefield was really speechless.

It's already this late, and he's still talking ruthlessly.

He might as well use whatever means he has as soon as possible.

Mo Xun was somewhat curious. A great cultivator was forced into a bitter battle by two Yuanying early stage cultivators. Could he really be so weak?

At this moment, something strange happened in the field.

The originally clear sky suddenly became overcast, and in an instant, the whole world dimmed.

"Dark magic form, formless and invisible!"

As the chanting like a spell came out, a huge foot suddenly stepped out from the dark clouds.

This foot was similar to the previous giant hand, both of which were condensed from black air.

But in terms of size, it was several times larger.

It was as if a giant was standing on the sky that could not be seen.

Every time the big foot took a step forward, the whole earth shook.

With a loud bang, as the foot fell again, a figure flew out from the black fog.

It was Tan Tai Yi!

But the current owner of Tan Tai Manor was in such a state of embarrassment.

Not only did he lose an arm, but his aura was extremely weak, his body was covered in blood, and his hair was disheveled.

Tan Tai Yi obviously wanted to withdraw from the battle, but just as he was about to flee, a huge hand suddenly stretched out from the black mist and swept across, just like slapping a fly.

With a bang, a ball of blood exploded.

In the blood, a naked baby flew out, and the baby looked like Tan Tai Yi.

In the baby's hand, there was a storage bag.

With a whoosh, when the big hand fell again, the baby seemed to have teleported and just avoided the crisis.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was shocked.

Tan Tai Yi's body was actually destroyed!

The hand fell into the air and quickly turned into black gas. Then, it condensed and gathered again at the place where Tan Taiyi's Nascent Soul appeared, carrying the power to kill everything and grabbing towards the Nascent Soul.

Tan Taiyi's face changed, and he quickly used the Nascent Soul to teleport again.

Such a scene was immediately performed on the field.

A black hand continued to dissipate and condense, and a naked Nascent Soul quickly dodged left and right in the black gas, forming a stalemate of mutual game for a while.

As for Xia Muyao on the other side, the situation was not much better.

Although she was not as unlucky as Tan Taiyi, she was also struggling under the hands and feet of the black gas.

Whenever Xia Muyao wanted to leave the battlefield, she would always be blocked by the giant hands or big feet that suddenly appeared.

In just a dozen breaths, Xia Muyao was already injured all over and was shaky!

The two people in front of them were like fighting beasts trapped in a cage by a group of giants. They could not fight or run away.

Mo Xun was secretly shocked. It seemed that this should be the true strength of Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch!

A late-stage great cultivator was indeed extraordinary!

To be honest, Mo Xun had no choice in this situation.

Even if he wanted to save her again, he didn't have the ability to do so.

"Look up!"

Just when he was quite anxious, the mechanical sound of Yu Tianjian suddenly came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

He subconsciously raised his head, and when he was wondering what was going on, Yu Tianjian continued, "He is hiding inside!"

Although Yu Tianjian didn't say it clearly, Mo Xun guessed that this must be Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch who was casting a spell.

But what did this mean?

Did he want him to sneak attack?

Don't joke, I'm afraid he would be slapped to death by a big hand before he even got close to the area where the black air was.


Mo Xun opened his mouth, and was a little confused for a while.

Fortunately, Gu Yutian has now transformed into a sword spirit, and has lost most of his intelligence, so he won't beat around the bush anymore.

"I'll help you kill Yijian, and you'll rebuild the Tianjian Sect for me!"

Mo Xun felt a little embarrassed when he heard this request again.

Since Ye Ping refused the inheritance last time, he almost forgot about it.

There are really too many things in these years.

He had to find resources to practice, and he had to be busy fulfilling his promise to Gong Yang. Later, it was Ye Ping's matter. By chance, he came to the Wan Yao Ruins Palace again, and he couldn't spare any energy to think about these things.

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