Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 672 Peach Heart Pill

Just when he was hesitating, a big hand appeared out of thin air on the battlefield and struck Xia Muyao firmly.

Xia Muyao was immediately smashed into the lake below like a kite with its string broken, and there was no movement at all.

Mo Xun felt anxious and said quickly: "Okay, I promise you, but I am not from Xihezhou. I'm afraid it won't be long before I have to return to my original place and rebuild the sect there for my seniors. Is that okay?"

Jade Sky Sword replied without any emotion: "Yes! As long as you can pass on the mantle to me, it doesn't matter where you are. But if you want this sword to recognize you as its master in the future, you must kill the two people I mentioned. Eighteen people!”

Mo Xun then remembered that there was such an additional condition in the request back then.

"make a deal!"

After Mo Xun finished speaking, a white light suddenly flew out of his body and shot straight into the sky!

The moment the white light penetrated the dark clouds, a scream of pain amidst the roar of Purple Saint Heavenly Lord was heard.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hands and feet condensed by black energy collapsed.

The mana aura emanating from the dark clouds also became chaotic at the same time.

"Junior, I want your life to be worse than death!"

Amid the threats from Purple Saint Heavenly Lord, the Jade Heavenly Sword returned to Mo Xun's body.

Mo Xun, on the other hand, had already used the spirit wind to change and rushed towards the lake where Xia Muyao disappeared.

But at this moment, a Nascent Soul emitting a faint golden light flew towards him in a hurry.

Seeing the storage bag in Yuanying's hand, Mo Xun's mind suddenly moved like lightning.

Then his eyes condensed, and an invisible sharp thorn flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's his secret skill, Divine Consciousness Thorn!

After Tantai Yi's physical body was destroyed, coupled with the battle just now, he had already panicked and had no choice but to choose a way.

Caught off guard, there was a buzz in his head, and then he briefly lost consciousness.

Mo Xun was overjoyed, stretched out his hand, took the storage bag in the other person's arms, and threw it directly into the green gourd.

When Tantai Yi came to his senses, Mo Xun's whole body had already submerged into the clear lake water.

After a moment, a splash of water appeared on the lake, and Mo Xun, holding Xia Muyao whose life or death was unknown, flew away into the distance.

At this moment, a sharp black energy suddenly shot out from mid-air and hit Mo Xun's back accurately.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Mo Xun was knocked flying a hundred feet away.

He held on for his last breath and said with difficulty: "Let's go!"

The Sanqing in the body understood, and then turned into a strong wind, and the two of them disappeared without a trace in an instant.

I don't know how long it took, but a drop of water fell and happened to fall on Xia Muyao's long eyelashes.

She slowly opened her eyes, her vision was hazy. After a long time, she slowly got used to the dimness.

It seemed to be in a humid cave, and the sound of gurgling water could be faintly heard in my ears.

Another drop of water fell.

Only then did Xia Muyao see clearly that it was the water vapor condensed on the stalactites above her head.

There was a faint shimmer all around, coming from some tiny silver particles on the stone wall.

This thing seems to be a rare material called Tianjing Silk.

Presumably this place should be a raw material mine for producing sky crystal.

But why is she here?

She clearly remembered that she was fighting hard against the evil thief, and then...

After a brief recollection, she finally remembered the scene before she fell into coma.

Just when she was wondering how she got here, she suddenly felt soft under her body. When she turned her head, she realized that she was lying in the arms of Mo Xun, who was seriously injured.

"It turns out it's him!"

The absurd scene from many years ago suddenly appeared in front of me involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, her cheeks turned red in a rare moment.

After being stunned for a long time, she finally came back to her senses and sighed in her heart.

I don’t know whether he is lamenting his own experience or the bad fate in front of him.

She can't explain now what she was thinking at the time, that she would actually be with this person...

She just looked at Mo Xun quietly, her eyes full of complexity.

If it were her previous personality, how could she tolerate the man who possessed her Yuan Yin remaining in the world?

But she didn't kill anyone back then. Now sixty years later, what can she do?

After a long time, she sighed again.

"What a pity, I don't know your name yet!"

She slowly climbed up with difficulty, trying to mobilize the magic power in her body, but found that her meridians and Dantian were damaged to varying degrees.

Looking at the injuries on Mo Xun's body, they were no lighter than hers.

No one in this world has a heart made of stone, and Xia Muyao is no exception.

Seeing Mo Xun being so seriously injured because of her, Xia Muyao's eyes showed a rare softness.

"Actually, you shouldn't have gotten involved!"

She didn't know what method Mo Xun used to rescue her in the end, but she could definitely guess that it definitely cost a lot of money.

A Dan-Jie cultivator saved someone from the hands of the late Nascent Soul, but no one would dare to believe it if he told him.

But this humble man in front of me did it!

When looking at Mo Xun's cultivation again, Xia Muyao was briefly surprised for a moment.

If she remembers correctly, the other party was only in the early stages of forming the elixir sixty years ago.

She knew that there must be a secret in Mo Xun, otherwise he would not be able to use the magic power of Nascent Soul teleportation with the cultivation of pill formation.

"It would be great if you were a Nascent Soul cultivator!"

Xia Muyao muttered to herself, not knowing what she suddenly thought of.

Putting aside those inappropriate thoughts, she habitually reached for her storage bag, but found nothing.

Then she remembered that now, not to mention the storage bag, even the few treasures on her body were lost in the previous life-and-death battle.

Then she looked at Mo Xun's waist.

She clearly remembered that the other party had the "Hun Tian Shen Ye" healing medicine on him.

And there was more than half a pot!

Almost without thinking, she took off Mo Xun's storage bag.

After her consciousness immersed in it, she couldn't help but be a little speechless.

I didn't expect this kid to be a small rich man with so many spirit stones.

I just searched it several times, but didn't find a drop of Hun Tian Shen Ye.

Could it be that it was used up?

Xia Muyao couldn't help showing a bit of weirdness in her eyes. How many life and death must a person who can use up so many healing medicines have experienced?

As a second choice, she could only take out dozens of bottles of pills from it.

What made her curious was that Mo Xun not only had a lot of spirit stones, but also a lot of various pills.

"He is indeed a rich guy!"

She opened a bottle at random and first put it to her nose to smell it, and her eyes lit up.

It turned out to be the "Purple Mansion Blood Serum Pill"!

You know, this kind of pill has a good healing effect even for Yuanying cultivators.

But when she poured the pill into her palm, she was a little stunned.

Because the shape was actually a cute peach heart!

She looked at Mo Xun again with a strange look, and the man in front of her made her more and more confused.

Fortunately, although the shape of this pill was strange, the spiritual energy it exuded was the same as the Purple Mansion Blood Serum Pill.

Then, she first ate two pills herself, and then fed two pills to the unconscious Mo Xun.

But when the pill melted in her body, Xia Muyao suddenly froze.

And Mo Xun, who was still in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes.

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