Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 675 Tiansheng Palace

Mo Xun turned his head to look at Xia Muyao. Although this woman seemed cold and ruthless in many things, she seemed a little moved at this moment.

It seems that as long as you are a human, you can't avoid greed!

What's the original intention under this greed?

But let's not say that even the side face of the other party gives people a touch of surprise.

The delicate face and perfect figure really fit the saying "Ban Ji's posture of continuing history and Xie Ting's posture of chanting snow"!

It's just that the coldness exuded always keeps people away from it.

"Fairy Xia, do you recognize the formation in front of you?"

Xia Muyao glanced at him, then tapped her feet lightly, like a light and beautiful butterfly, flying towards the palace suspended in the distance.

When she came to the front, she stopped.

She first touched the isolation light shield outside with her hand, and then suddenly exerted force, as if she wanted to force her way in.

But just when Mo Xun thought she would succeed, Xia Muyao's face suddenly changed.

Then a huge force came, and Xia Muyao was knocked back by the recoil.

Mo Xun wanted to catch her, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't make a move.

He just watched the other party bounce back in embarrassment, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he stumbled and almost fell.

"Are you okay?"

Xia Muyao snorted coldly and quickly took a drop of Hun Tian Shen Liquid.

Mo Xun was bored again, and could only focus his attention on the defensive formation in front of him.

He first circled around the suspended palace, but the more he understood, the tighter his brows frowned.

He could only feel the traces of the formation fluctuations, but he couldn't even find the eye of the formation.

This way of setting up the formation seemed completely different from all the formation methods he had come into contact with.

He even attacked with the Golden Rainbow Halberd, and the recoil force almost injured his meridians.

Then he tried several times around the palace protection formation using the boundary-breaking bug and the formation-breaking method, but there was not even a crack in the palace protection formation.

In fact, he felt it was difficult the first time he came into contact with this formation.

Apart from anything else, he did not detect much spiritual energy from the formation.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of formation, it needs enough spiritual energy to support it.

Although the spiritual energy here is abundant, there is not much in this formation.

This made him think of the vitality mentioned by Sanqing.

If I guessed correctly, this formation should be maintained by the vitality around.

This also explains why he couldn't find the center of the formation, because he couldn't feel any vitality at all.

Even though it was the lowest existence in the upper realm, it was impossible for him to start.

It was like a dimensionality reduction attack!

But soon, he thought of a stupid way.

And this method can only be completed by him.

Although he couldn't feel the vitality, Sanqing could!

In the next few hours, Mo Xun held the jade slip in one hand and simply drew a distribution map of the energy of the whole formation according to the energy fluctuations in different directions described by Sanqing.

What he had to do was to indirectly find out the formation composition through the strength of the energy around him.

As long as he could find the eye of the formation, he could deduce the weak point, and even enter it cleverly without destroying the foundation of the formation.

Mo Xun focused on this for two whole days.

He didn't say a word and didn't move a step.

Even Xia Muyao, who was standing next to him, was a little touched by his energy.

"It turns out that he is also a formation master!"

Xia Muyao gently stroked a storage bag in her hand, and her thoughts returned to the battle not long ago.

If it weren't for the encounter in the Wan Yao Ruins Palace this time, she thought she should have forgotten this man, right?

What touched her heartstrings was the courage of the other party to save her at the risk of his life even though he knew he was no match for her.

She suddenly smiled and thought Mo Xun was stupid.

A Jindan cultivator actually dared to take the initiative to provoke a Yuanying late stage cultivator.

If this kind of person is not stupid, what else can he be?

She suddenly remembered Mo Xun's reaction when she took a small half pot of Hun Tian Shenye.

She felt at that time that this man was too stingy.

The first time they were together, the other party actually used dual cultivation in a despicable way. He got so many benefits from her, so what's the harm in compensating her?

In the end, she had to take out some high-level spirit stones to exchange.

But what happened this time made her a little confused again.

Not only did he risk his life to save her twice, but he also gave her so many things.

"What kind of person is he?"

Unconsciously, even Xia Muyao herself did not realize that she was becoming more and more curious about the man in front of her.

And between men and women, curiosity is often the source.

Once curiosity arises, you will try to understand. The more you understand, the longer this person will occupy your heart.

Over time, it will develop in two directions.

One is disgust, and the other is love.

What Mo Xun didn't know was that while he was concentrating on deducing the formation, someone had been looking at him curiously.

On the fourth day, Mo Xun, with bloodshot eyes, suddenly raised his head and looked at the formation in the distance with burning eyes.

He suddenly jumped up and flew to the rainbow in the sky.

After circling in the rainbow for half an hour, he took out a formation flag and hit it into the surrounding void in different directions.

Then a strange scene appeared.

A crack slowly appeared above the palace that was originally surrounded by a faint light, and the seven-color rainbow light in the sky suddenly twisted and shot towards the crack.

The whole rainbow, as if it had turned into a guiding ray of light, extended directly to the front of the palace.

Mo Xun was delighted. He did not expect that he would succeed.

"Fairy Xia, let's go in together!"

Xia Muyao was somewhat surprised. She did not expect that this great formation of the upper realm would actually be broken by Mo Xun.

As soon as the two jumped into the crack of the light shield, Mo Xun put away the formation flag, and the rainbow above his head immediately returned to its original appearance.

This whole space was like a huge crystal ball.

At this time, the two people inside were like two snowflakes in the crystal ball.

As soon as he entered it, Mo Xun felt an extremely strong aura coming towards him.

It seems that this so-called Yuanling vein should produce aura while releasing Yuanqi.

Or there is a certain connection between Yuanqi and aura.

"Tiansheng Palace!"

Standing under the towering main palace, three large characters in the distance first caught their eyes.

Then there were hundreds of white jade steps leading to the palace gate.

As for the left and right, there were two side halls guarding the four sides.

In front of the main palace and the side halls, there were different stone sculptures of mythical beasts.

In the middle, there was a flat and wide square. The center of the square was empty, with only a row of stone drums.

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