Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 676: Gongfa Pavilion

Other places have different pavilions and towers, and there is also a circle of waterways similar to moats surrounding them.

The water in the waterway is gurgling, and it has not dried up yet.

The two looked at each other, and they saw shock in each other's eyes.

Because their spiritual consciousness could not leave their bodies here, and their cultivation was suppressed to only 10%.

As a cultivator, this is the most feared thing.

Although the cultivation is suppressed, at least some mana can be used, but the spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate out, which means that the magic weapon cannot be controlled.

If there is any danger, won't it be waiting for death?

Mo Xun hesitated a little. From what he saw now, this place should be the cave left by a great predecessor.

But since it is a legacy, there should be no living things.

But from the clear water flowing in the river, this place does not seem to be a dead place.

Before he figured out the problem of mana and spiritual consciousness, he did not agree to rush in like this.

But before he could speak, Xia Muyao had already stepped onto the steps.

Mo Xun opened his mouth, but finally swallowed back the words that were about to come out.

A woman was like this, which made him look timid.

However, while keeping up, he still communicated with Sanqing and Yutian Sword, as well as Xuantian True Fire in his body.

At the same time, while keeping up, he threw out a few formation flags without leaving any trace.

If there is any danger, at least keep a backup.

The first place they went to was naturally the main hall.

As for their purpose, it was even clearer, that is, to find treasure.

Thinking of the remains of the upper realm, Mo Xun was uneasy in his heart, but also somewhat expectant.

Fortunately, except for the barrier just now, there were no traces of formations inside.

When they arrived in front of the palace gate, the two huge stone sculptures standing on the left and right made the two stop for a short while.

On the left, there was a bird covered with scales and burning with flames.

"This is the scale of the Phoenix Flame Eagle!" Sanqing explained.

On the right side, there is a hideous beast lying on the ground with a huge tortoise shell on its back.

"This is the Four-Elephant Dark Turtle Crocodile!"

Mo Xun asked curiously, "Are they all divine beasts?"

"No, at most they have a little blood of divine beasts, just like this dark turtle crocodile. You have heard of Xuanwu, right? There is a trace of its blood in it, but it is already very mixed."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and couldn't help asking, "Daoyou is so familiar with these beasts, Mo Xun, this place originally belongs to your upper world?"

"Not necessarily, each interface is not completely unconnected, so there are often certain similarities."

"According to what you said, our world may also be connected to other lower worlds?"

Sanqing smiled and said, "Theoretically, it is!"

Mo Xun was curious and reached out to touch the dark turtle crocodile in front of him.

But the moment he touched the stone sculpture, he was like being electrocuted and suddenly took two steps back.

Xia Muyao asked hurriedly, "What's wrong?"

Mo Xun looked at the stone sculpture carefully again, and said with a lingering fear, "This thing seems to be alive."

Xia Muyao was slightly startled, and also touched it with her hand.

Soon, she showed the same surprised expression on her face.

But no matter how they looked at it, the two sculptures in front of them were clearly stones.

"It should be injected with a trace of divine thoughts by the previous owner, but it doesn't matter, it's just used for deterrence!" Xia Muyao said thoughtfully.

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully, which should be the explanation.

After this experience, he couldn't help but be more careful.

Even if the cave of the great power has been abandoned for thousands of years, sometimes they can't easily get involved.

As soon as they entered it, the two people who were full of expectations suddenly showed disappointment.

In the huge palace, there were only three things.

A table, a tablet, and an incense burner with only incense ash left.

However, from the tablet, the two knew the origin of the palace's name.

"The Holy Lord of Heaven, the Supreme Lord of Haoque, the Great Sage of Guangling, Nan Qianqiu!"

Mo Xun blinked his eyes, what a long name.

Seeing this tablet, he suddenly realized a problem.

This palace is called "Tiansheng Palace", which should be the Taoist temple of this Nan Qianqiu.

But as the saying goes, there is no tablet for a living person, could it be that Nan Qianqiu is dead?

Since he is dead, who is offering this tablet?

Luckily, Xia Muyao answered his question soon.

It turns out that in the world of immortal cultivation, in addition to setting up tablets for the dead, there is another kind of people who can also enjoy this treatment, that is, the ascended cultivators.

In fact, in a sense, flying up means death in this world.

The two then focused their attention on the back hall.

According to Mo Xun's habit of not leaving empty-handed, he would most likely take away the table and the incense burner.

But the existence of the tablet made him give up immediately.

If there is a powerful soul hidden inside, it will be troublesome.

Going around the side to the back hall, there are dozens of stone chambers in a row.

The door of each secret room is tightly sealed by restrictions.

Seeing this, the two immediately became interested. If it can be guarded so tightly, there is a high probability that there are good things.

Without saying a word, they each took out their magic weapons and started to attack.

Fortunately, this restriction is not at the same level as the palace protection formation outside. In just one stick of incense, they blasted a gap.

But after entering, they were dumbfounded again.

Because there was only a cushion on the ground, it was just an ordinary secret room for cultivation.

What was even more speechless was that this cushion was extremely ordinary.

For the next period of time, they spent almost all their time breaking the restrictions.

But every time, expectations turned into disappointment.

Until one of the secret rooms, it was finally a little different.

First of all, the appearance of this secret room was not much different from the previous one, and the restriction at the door took them half an hour.

As soon as they stepped in, their faces changed at the same time.

When they realized something was wrong and wanted to retreat, the door behind them had disappeared.

And what they saw in front of them was all pitch black, as if they were in a space completely independent of the outside world.

Before they could react, a group of light spots suddenly floated in the air.

These light spots changed from dark to bright, from small to large, like the stars in the night sky.

After about a few breaths, the light spots slowly turned into fist-sized light balls, which were scattered and suspended around them.

There seemed to be some small words engraved on each light ball.

Mo Xun looked closely and found that they were the names of the techniques!

"Eight Consciousness Returning to the Origin Method", "Spirit Sonne Displaying Technique", "Sky-lifting Opening and Closing Technique"...

There were so many that there were hundreds of them!

This place was actually a technique pavilion!


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