Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 681: Each with their own agenda

The so-called boundary-breaking, in a sense, is the ability to break open space and realize the great magical power of crossing the void.

Since the interface of this talisman can be broken, maybe based on the principle, a space talisman can be drawn to return to southern Xinjiang.

Seeing Mo Xun's hesitation, Xia Muyao thought it was because he was greedy for treasures, and then said: "I have a way, maybe I can try it!"

Immediately afterwards, Xia Muyao told the story that led the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord into the urn.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. The idea was good, but there were many variables in its implementation.

First of all, how to lure the other party to take the bait is a big problem.

Secondly, will this Sky-Qing Beast listen to them?

If the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord comes in and this beast is just a threat as it is now, it will not help!

Another point is that this beast doesn't know anyone now, and he will definitely attack indiscriminately when the time comes. If he doesn't succeed in stealing the chicken, he may even get involved.

Finally, the attack power of this beast can suppress the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord?

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Xia Muchao asked again, "What do you think?"

Mo Xun thought to himself, could this woman have the idea of ​​luring the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord here and then die together with him?

After a moment, he said in deep thought: "Fairy Xia, I think we should go out first and then discuss it in the long run!"

Xia Muyao was not a fool and immediately heard the concerns in Mo Xun's words.

Then a bitter smile appeared on his lips.

"That's right. This matter has nothing to do with you in the first place. As for how to deal with him, I will figure out a way myself."

After saying that, Xia Muchao turned around and left.

Seeing the other party's unreasonable behavior, Mo Xun had no intention of stopping him.

Even if he slept twice, there was no need for him to risk his life.

Furthermore, in addition to that time in the Tomb of Gods Secret Realm, he had already saved the other party three times. Even if it was a loss, it was almost repayable.

But at this moment, Sanqing spoke again.

"Promise her!"

Mo Xun naturally understands Sanqing's thoughts. It can be said that the three of them have their own agendas now.

Xia Muyao wants to fight the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord, Sanqing wants the fire-holding beast, and as for him, he wants to take a look at the remaining two side halls before the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord arrives.

If you have time, drop by a few of the previous exercises secret rooms.

As for Purple Saint Tianjun coming in, if you can beat him, then fight him. If you can't beat him, just run away.

"Fellow Daoist Sanqing, please tell me first why you must get this sky-holding beast?"

On this matter, Sanqing had to conceal it.

"Although this little guy is just a distraction, it is of great benefit to me. As long as I can fuse it, I can not only greatly increase my soul power, but also restore some of my original essence. At that time, I can transform into a human being and I can temporarily escape. your body."

Mo Xun asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid that the bloodline will be messed up after the fusion?"

"Hehe... you don't understand this. Not only will it not happen as you said, but it will also make the bloodline of this feather in my body even stronger. Moreover, my life and death are unknown now. In the future, I Whether he can return to the Sanqing clan is still unknown, so naturally he can’t care so much.”

Mo Xun's face showed something strange.

At first glance, this may sound like nothing wrong with it, but after thinking about it for a moment, it seems a bit off.

This guy gave him the feeling that he wanted to stand on his own and get out of my control.

Of course, it's none of his business.

Even if the other party really has something on his mind, as long as it doesn't affect the cooperation between the two of them.

Seeing Xia Muyao leaving, Mo Xun glanced at the huge sky-holding beast and then carefully backed out.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​consciousness, he was still communicating with Sanqing.

"What specific ideas do you have in mind?"

Facing such an unfamiliar behemoth, Mo Xun really didn't have much confidence in his heart.

His current magic weapons and weapons are basically useless. Even if he wants to subdue this monster, he doesn't know what method to use.

Sanqing introduced with a smile: "Qingtian Beast is best at fire attacks, but this is just a distraction, and its power is not one hundredth of the original one. You have Xuantian Fire, even if it can't defeat it, it's still difficult to hurt. Come to you, according to my judgment, this beast should have one of Qingtian Beast's destiny, as long as you can get it for me!"

"How does this fire compare to the previous Heavenly Fire Flame Road?"

"Is this..." Sanqing hesitantly laughed dryly.

"It's hard to say, but fellow Taoist, don't worry. This time you are doing something for me. I will do my best. I dare not say anything else. At least in terms of speed, I can ensure that no one here can catch up with you."

Mo Xun smiled coldly in his heart.

I'm afraid it's not that it's hard to say, but it's that I dare not say it!

As soon as Xia Muyao came out, she went straight to the square where the two of them first landed. That was where Mo Xun found the weakest point in the formation.

You don't need to think about it to know that the other party most likely wants to help Purple Saint Heavenly Lord break through the barrier from the inside.

In this case, the method of entry is undoubtedly exposed.

Mo Xun couldn't help but cursed the stupid woman in his heart and quickly followed her.

If he was let in so obviously, it would be strange if people didn't doubt him!

He hurriedly stopped in front of Xia Muyao and whispered: "Xia Fairy, I agree to help you bring him in, but you and I have to discuss how to do it specifically."

Xia Muyao looked at Mo Xun with cold eyes.

"What to discuss?"

Mo Xun pondered and said, "How about this? Let's go around the remaining two side halls, and then pretend to get the treasure and leave. I'm sure that Zi Sheng Tian Jun is eager to get the treasure and will definitely not let us go. When I open a hole in the barrier, he will definitely come forward to stop me at all costs. You and I will lead him to the medicine garden just now, how about it?"

Xia Muyao seemed to see through Mo Xun's thoughts and said, "You still want to use me to help you open those restrictions!"

Mo Xun's words were obviously full of loopholes.

Once Zi Sheng Tian Jun saw that the two had obtained all the treasures, he might not come in at all, but choose to wait outside.

Facing Xia Muyao's sharp eyes, Mo Xun's face suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment.

To be honest, he really had such an idea.

But in his heart, he also decided to help the other party afterwards.

After a moment, he could only sigh and say, "How about this, you wait for some time, let me study the formation here, and see if I can secretly sell him a flaw in the barrier. I believe you also know that if we are too deliberate, this person may not take the bait as you and I imagined."

Mo Xun said this time, it was indeed what he really thought.

Although Xia Muyao was blinded by hatred, she was not completely brainless.

The problem now is not to simply put Zisheng Tianjun into the barrier, but to lead him into the designated side hall.

"How long do you have to wait?"

"At most one day. If I still have no clue by then, you can do it your way."

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