Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 682 Green-tailed Centipede

In fact, Mo Xun already knew what to do.

He wanted to fight for this day, just to use the terrain to arrange some formations, which could play a role in restraining one or two.

At the same time, at least keep some backup for any situation that might arise.

He first looked around the square.

This seemed to be a place for martial arts practice and exchange. It was very open and flat. Except for the twenty or thirty stone drums half a person tall placed in the middle, it was empty.

But when he focused his attention on one of the stone drums, he was slightly stunned.

Because next to the stone drum, there were actually two carved thick stone chains extending out.

He finally remembered where the familiar feeling in the iron chain secret room came from.

These two stone chains are almost exactly the same as the heavy iron chain in appearance, except for the different materials!

This is a bit weird!

Even if there are carvings on the side, they should be drumsticks, how could they be iron chains?

Mo Xun glanced at Xia Muyao, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the side hall to recover, and then looked up in the direction of Zisheng Tianjun outside the barrier.

This place is isolated from the divine consciousness, and Zisheng Tianjun can only judge by sight if he wants to find them.

In other words, as long as they are careful, the two can easily avoid each other's detection.

Mo Xun reached out and touched the stone drum beside him, and then felt the stone chain under his feet.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but he always feels that these stone sculptures are not simple.

I saw a flash of green light in his sleeves, and when he was about to use the same trick to put away the stone drum and stone chain, a strange scene appeared in front of him.

Perhaps it was affected by the magic power of the green gourd, the surface of the stone drum actually cracked inch by inch, forming a dense crack.

Mo Xun was startled and quickly dodged and stepped back.

At the same time, the surface of dozens of stone drums, as if they were cracked and peeled, gradually fell off pieces of green stone skin.

Then, a rumbling sound came from my ears.

Xia Muyao in the distance suddenly opened her eyes, and in an instant, she came to Mo Xun's side.

When she saw the scene in front of her, her reaction was almost the same as Mo Xun's.

A bizarre idea came to their minds at the same time.

Could it be that these stone drums... are alive?

"What happened?"

As the two talked, they had retreated hundreds of feet and stood at the edge of the square with a vigilant look.

What happened?

Mo Xun also wanted to know what happened?

He just had a little greed, but it seemed to trigger some mechanism.

Could it be that these are some kind of treasures sealed in the stone?

And then he accidentally lifted the ban and was about to break out of the stone?

"These stone sculptures may be strange, you and I will hide in the main hall first."

No matter what it is, facing such a situation of unknown fortune and disaster, Mo Xun's choice has always been to hide as far as possible.

Even if there is really a treasure, we have to wait until the dust settles.

Anyway, there is a barrier here, so I don't think this treasure can fly out.

But before the two turned around, another surprising scene appeared in front of them.

Dozens of stone drums faded their green stone skin, revealing a black appearance, and then they were neatly spliced ​​together to form a long string.

In a burst of black air, the stone drums slowly changed their shape, and in a few breaths, they turned into a huge centipede.

The body of this centipede was as thick as the stone drums before.

At one end, it was dragging two thick black iron chains.

It turned out that the stone drums before were transformed from the body segments of the centipede.

Mo Xun now finally understood that the thing imprisoned in the iron chain secret room before was probably this ugly thing.

Presumably, this beast broke free from the iron chain and ran out after the owner of this place disappeared.

But the question is, why didn't the other party leave in one fell swoop, but turned into a stone drum in the square?

Soon, his question was answered.

The black air dissipated, and the centipede dragged its clumsy body and slowly twisted its body, like a huge black python with nearly a hundred legs.

Every time its body twisted, a sound of armor rubbing could be heard by my ears.

Along with it, there was a low and rough sound coming from its mouth.

It was like a giant who had been sleeping for a long time and just woke up from his sleep.

"Damn it! How could it be this guy?"

Hearing Sanqing's panicked voice, Mo Xun hurriedly asked: "Do you know this thing?"

"This beast is called the Green-tailed Centipede. You can tell from the name that it is a character that is not easy to mess with. Not only is its armor extremely hard, but it is also extremely powerful. The black mist it sprays is extremely poisonous and can corrode the inner core of other monsters. For you cultivators, it will also hurt the golden core and the primordial infant."

Sanqing paused and then said: "The key point is that this guy is very vengeful. If you offend it, even if you chase it to the ends of the earth, it will eat you."

Mo Xun looked at one end of the centipede, and there was indeed a piece of green at its tail.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Is it considered an offense to touch the other party's tail just now?

The Green-tailed Centipede was twisting constantly, slowly raising its huge head, and its two long tentacles looked a bit like dragon horns.

When most of its body was suspended in the air, it was about three or four feet high.

Dozens of legs and feet as thick as an adult's arms kept dancing in the air, which made people's scalps numb.

But the next moment, something strange happened!

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck in the air without any warning.

With a loud bang, it hit the top of the green-tailed centipede's head.

Before it could react, its thick and long body fell heavily to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

The feet of the two people also trembled.

Then, another lightning struck.

Amid the wailing, the green-tailed centipede was obviously awake this time, and hurriedly dodged and escaped in the lightning in the clear sky.

But the two thick iron chains on its tail were like two heavy hills, and every move seemed extremely difficult.

In this way, every few breaths, a lightning struck in the sky.

And the green-tailed centipede would follow with a miserable hiss.

Seeing this, Mo Xun and Xia Muyao were not in a hurry to hide.

It was obvious at the moment that even if this beast looked intimidating, it was difficult to move at all because of the iron chain.

Mo Xun's previous doubts seemed to have been explained.

Presumably, the imprisoned centipede was going to leave this place after escaping from the secret room, but the original owner imposed some kind of restriction in the barrier, causing it to turn into a stone drum in order to escape the lightning attack.

Not long after, the green-tailed centipede seemed to be enraged, suddenly raised its head with a flash of lightning, roared towards the sky, and sprayed a stream of black viscous venom from its mouth.

This venom was like a sharp arrow shot out, heading straight for the barrier in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun secretly said in his heart that it was bad.

Because the venom went to the place where he and Xia Muyao had entered before.

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