Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 687 Strange Iron Chain

Returning to Mo Xun's body, San Qing hurriedly said, "Hurry up, this space can't hold!"

As the shaking under his feet became more and more violent, the cracked ground began to collapse piece by piece.

In fact, San Qing didn't need to speak, Mo Xun had already headed for the exit.

When he returned to the outside world, he was stunned again.

This... is this still the castle in the air he saw before?

As far as he could see, there was no trace of the jade buildings and the laurel palaces, all of which had become piles of ruins covered with bricks and tiles.

Even the main hall, which was originally magnificent, had been ruined beyond recognition.

Mo Xun was a little dazed for a while. It took him only a cup of tea from entering to leaving. How could it become like this?

Looking at the instigator in the distance, he secretly took a breath of cold air.

The size of the green-tailed centipede was obviously doubled.

It was so huge that it was three or four feet wide and dozens of feet long!

The whole body was surrounded by thick black smoke, like a huge tornado.

Wherever it passed, a cloud of smoke and dust flew up, and the whole earth was also shaking with its rhythmic rumble.

Black blood kept flowing out of its tail, and when the blood seeped into the ground paved with bluestone, it would corrode a charred deep pit.

The air was full of disgusting stench.

However, what surprised him was not this, but the fact that the target that the poisonous insect was chasing now was Xia Muyao.

As for the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, he disappeared.

Mo Xun couldn't help but look at the weak points on the barrier, and found no signs of damage.

In fact, it was easy to guess that Xia Muyao probably killed him, or took the old man's Nascent Soul, which led the green-tailed centipede to chase her madly.

The man and the centipede in front of him seemed to be those who would not care about the consequences for revenge.

He really wanted to ask Xia Muyao what happened, but his consciousness could not leave his body, so he could not communicate at all!

At the moment, there was a constant rumbling sound in his ears.

For now, he could break the barrier first, and then ask Xia Muyao to go out.

But in this way, the poisonous centipede would definitely take the opportunity to chase him out.

Once outside, the two of them could recover their cultivation, but who could guarantee that the green-tailed centipede would not increase its strength?

He wanted to persuade Xia Muyao to hand over the Yuanying of the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, but he could not communicate at all.

At this time, Sanqing's voice came again in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Boy, this saint will be in seclusion for a while. When I refine the fire amber, I will give you a surprise!"

Mo Xun was anxious when he heard this.

"No, wait until this matter is over!"

In this dangerous place, if Sanqing was gone, he would be like losing a pair of legs.

Sanqing naturally understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, in two or three years at the shortest, or even several decades at the longest, I will definitely wake up again!"

At this moment, let alone two or three years, Mo Xun couldn't wait even for two or three days!

"Sanqing Daoyou, don't you still want me to avenge Zan Wu? If you retreat, I can't do anything about this matter!"

After thinking for a while, Sanqing finally compromised with dissatisfaction: "Okay, I'll wait for a while."

Mo Xun's heart was a little relieved, and he hurriedly asked: "Do you have a way to deal with this stink bug in front of you?"

Sanqing smiled.

"It seems that you are really a sentimental seed, but I want to remind you that love has always been a taboo for our generation. When you are not strong enough, you will not only make mistakes yourself, but also may harm others. So sometimes, you have to cut it off when you are ready. When you achieve the great way, even if you marry all the women in the world, you will have the ability to protect them."

Mo Xun frowned.

"I have my own ideas on this matter. Fellow Daoist, just tell me how to deal with that beast."

Sanqing sighed with a tone of an elder, and his tone was full of disappointment.

"This beast is now in the third stage. Although it is extremely ferocious, this explosive power comes from overdrawing its essence, and it will not last long. You let the fairy hold on for a while, as long as it is exhausted."

Mo Xun looked up at Xia Muyao who was running around.

He thought this was a shitty idea!

Not to mention a period of time, he felt that Xia Muyao would be buried in the belly of the insect in the next moment.

And with the ferocity shown by the poisonous centipede now, how could it show signs of exhaustion?

Perhaps Xia Muyao would be exhausted before the green-tailed centipede fell.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Sure enough, most women with hot looks can cause trouble!

"Are there any other means?"


Sanqing pondered for a long time, and then said uncertainly: "Didn't you get two iron chains before? Maybe you can give that thing a try!"

Mo Xun's eyes lit up, he had forgotten about this.

"How to try?"

Sanqing said unhappily: "If I knew, I would have asked you to do it long ago, why would it drag on until now?"

Mo Xun couldn't help but turn his head to look at the center of the square.

The originally flat and neat ground is now full of potholes and scattered gravel.

Under a pile of bluestone, two pieces of black iron chains are exposed.

And the other end of the iron chain is connected to the bloody tail of the green-tailed centipede.

This iron chain is definitely not an ordinary thing. Since the original owner can use it to trap this beast, there must be a reason.

Thinking of this, perhaps it was a plan to try to save a dying horse.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with green light, and two thick iron chains flew out of his sleeves, and then with a bang, they fell heavily on the ground.

The bluestone slab under his feet was smashed directly, and two large pits sank at the same time.

Just as Mo Xun frowned and thought about how to use it, a strange scene appeared in front of him.

I saw that the extremely heavy iron chain actually floated up out of thin air.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, is this even the iron chain become a spirit?

The next moment, the iron chain suddenly flew away in the air and went straight to the green-tailed centipede in the distance.

At this moment, the green-tailed centipede was as violent as crazy, but it was not lost in mind.

When it felt the movement behind it, its body suddenly slowed down.

But before it turned around to check, the two iron chains in the air dragged two black lights and flew over its head.

The moment it saw the iron chain, the green-tailed centipede immediately showed a look of horror.

The roars that continued in his throat also stopped abruptly in an instant!

The whole world suddenly became quiet from the noise, and the earth stopped shaking for a short time.

The iron chain flashed two black lights in the air, and then accurately embedded into the two sides of the vicious centipede's head, splashing two handfuls of thick black blood.

Then, amid a scream, a rumbling sound rang in his ears.

The iron chain was like a heavy weight, dragging the centipede's head directly and smashing it heavily on the ground.

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