Xia Muyao was also stunned by this scene.

She looked back breathlessly at the green-tailed centipede struggling and roaring on the ground, and then looked at Mo Xun with a strange look.

She stopped with lingering fear only after she was sure that the beast really couldn't get up.

Then, the body of the centipede gradually shrank, and in a few breaths, it returned to its original appearance.

The ferocious and terrifying momentum before was dissipated in an instant.

The black mist swirling around the body also faded a lot, but the black blood overflowing from the body surface was getting more and more.

After a while, it was limp like a pool of mud.

"Is it... over?"

Xia Muyao still couldn't believe it. The beast that could destroy even the late Nascent Soul body was so easily subdued?

At this moment, she ignored how Mo Xun brought out the two chains.

The two waited for half an incense stick in the same place. After confirming that the beast had lost much breath, they looked at each other and approached.

But he still stayed far away, fearing that the beast would attack him before dying.

"Is he dead?" Mo Xun asked uncertainly after a long time.

Xia Muyao shook her head, obviously unable to judge.

"How about... you go over and take a look?"

Mo Xun turned around and left on the spot when he heard this. He was speechless about this woman. She would do anything for revenge.

There was something more important waiting for him at the moment, which was the treasures in the ruins.

Although the palace collapsed, the treasures should not be destroyed, right?

But when he carefully searched among the rubble, he didn't even find a piece of magic weapon fragment.

Finally, he had to accept a reality.

These palaces should be similar to storage instruments, and they form a space inside.

Once the outside is destroyed, the space inside will collapse and disappear.

Even the previous Gongfa Pavilion, the Gongfa secrets with starlight inside, have no trace.

By the way, there is still one thing, that is, the tablet with Nan Qianqiu written on it.

Seeing this, Mo Xun's mood was really indescribable.

A good cave in the upper realm was ruined beyond recognition!

It can be said that fortune and misfortune are interdependent. He had accidentally released the evil insect before, and he thought things would turn around, but who knew that the result would be like this in the end.

But in general, it was not without gain.

Sanqing got the fire amber of the sky-supporting beast, and he also gained several skills.

And the most valuable thing was the 72 golden pages.

Seeing Mo Xun's unhappy face, Xia Muyao suddenly coughed and appeared behind him. As soon as Mo Xun turned around, a storage bag flew towards him.

"A reward for you!"

Touching the storage bag with blood stains in his hand, Mo Xun's eyes lit up immediately.

Without thinking too much, he could guess that this was probably from Zisheng Tianjun.

He suppressed his excitement and did not check it immediately, but asked: "Is he in your hands now?"

"Yes, I will make him suffer the most painful torture in the world!"

When he said this, Xia Muyao showed a ferocious look at the corner of her mouth, but soon, she returned to her usual appearance.

But in Mo Xun's opinion, she was less cold than before.

Maybe it was the relief after the great revenge!

Mo Xun asked curiously: "Do you really have such a big hatred between you and him?"


"Can you tell me?"

This was the first time that Mo Xun showed curiosity that had nothing to do with him. I don't know what he was thinking, but he blurted it out.

Xia Muyao glanced at him lightly, and her eyes fell on the rainbow outside the barrier.

After a moment, she slowly said: "He killed my master!"

Mo Xun frowned and asked: "Is it that simple?"

Xia Muyao turned around suddenly.

"How complicated do you think it is?"

Mo Xun was slightly stunned. He couldn't answer this question because he had never had a master. But he thought that it should be no less than the affection between flesh and blood.

Just as Mo Xun was about to speak, he heard Xia Muyao continue to talk to herself: "Master has only had one person in her heart in this life, that is Yi Guangling, but this bastard betrayed her just for the possibility of advancing to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. He deserves to die!"

Mo Xun nodded gently. Even if he didn't need to listen any more, he could guess roughly.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Not to mention the advancement of the Nascent Soul, even the foundation-building pill in the Qi Refining Stage can make fathers and sons turn against each other and husbands and wives become enemies!

In the hearts of most people, the Great Dao is immortality!

As the mainstream consensus in the world of immortal cultivation, as long as you can live forever, it is worth it even if there is a lot of blood on your hands.

"Anything else you want to ask?"

"What is your true identity, Xia Muyao, or Nalan?"

Xia Muyao turned her head and looked at him.

"Is there a difference?"

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled, still the same answer.

If he remembered correctly, the other party should be in the body of the other party now, but the other party didn't want to say more, so he could only stop at this topic.

Suddenly thinking of something, Mo Xun hurriedly said: "It should be a while before this place is closed, what are your plans next?"

"My purpose of coming here is to kill him. Now that the matter has been completed, I will find a place to heal my wounds first, and then go out when it is closed."

"In that case, why not do me a favor!"

Xia Muyao raised her eyebrows.

"What favor?"

"I helped you capture Zisheng Tianjun, and you also helped me kill someone!"


Mo Xun said calmly: "A demon king, whose strength is probably between the early and middle stages of the Nascent Soul."

Xia Muyao asked in surprise: "Did you offend the local demon king?"

Speaking of this, Mo Xun's face showed a bit of unnaturalness, and he really didn't know how to explain it.

He could only blame his bad luck. He originally went there with the attitude of picking up treasures, but in the end, not only did he not leave anything behind, but he also got into trouble.

"I guess so!"

In theory, Mo Xun has saved her several times, and this time he helped him capture his enemy. This request is actually not excessive.

But what Xia Muyao thinks specifically, it is unknown!

After all, when the two had sex last time, the other party wanted to kill him with a sword.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Xia Muyao replied: "Okay!"

Mo Xun felt relieved. With such a strong foreign aid, this matter became much easier.

The three Qings in the sea of ​​consciousness laughed at the same time.

"It seems that you are a man of your word. In that case, I will reluctantly help you for a while, and then I will go into seclusion after the matter is done!"

Mo Xun ignored this guy who took advantage of him and turned to look at the green-tailed centipede in the distance where the black fog had dissipated.

At this moment, there was no movement at all, as if it was deader than dead.

"What should we do with that thing?"

Xia Muyao followed his gaze and frowned slightly, as if she felt that the pitch-black mass was too disgusting, and then turned her head back.

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