"The armor of this place is a good material for magic weapon. If you want it, go get it yourself!"

Mo Xun was waiting for her words.

He didn't get the spiritual herbs and medicine, but he could get the armor of the beast from the upper realm, which was a kind of compensation.

Next, Mo Xun didn't mind the dirtiness, and directly took out the beast bone blood knife, and began to cut the black shell on it, and even collected some of the venom that flowed out.

This delay lasted for more than an hour.

Until they were sure that this place was no longer of any value, the two of them broke the barrier again and disappeared in the same place.

As for the four iron chains, he took them into his pocket without hesitation.

The iron chains should have been restricted by the original owner specifically targeting the green-tailed centipede, otherwise it would not only attack the beast.

He couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

If the next time he fights the enemy, he splashes the black blood of this beast on the opponent, I wonder if the iron chain will work the same way!

In mid-air, Mo Xun immersed his consciousness into the storage bag given by Xia Muyao.

When he saw the things inside, he couldn't help but show a strange look on his face.

To be honest, there are a lot of good things inside, even far more than the two of Tan Tai and his son, but there are very few precious treasures.

Without thinking too much, you can guess that the good things were taken away by the woman in advance.

It's called a reward, but in fact it's what people have left.

Even so, he is still quite satisfied.

Apart from the various treasures, the spiritual stones he has now are probably enough for a medium-sized sect.

But with his current realm, many things cannot be simply exchanged for spiritual stones.

For example, the bottleneck of the late stage of Jindan.

Until now, he doesn't know how to break through.

Maybe there are similar pills, but he doesn't know!

Although it was picked by the other party, there are still some rare treasures.

Mo Xun even found a treasure that made him feel familiar and unfamiliar.

The reason why I say familiar is because he has a similar one.

This thing is a palm-sized dragon-shaped white jade, lifelike!

The one in his storage bag was almost identical, and he still remembered that there were three small characters engraved on it.

"Tongbao Jue!"

That thing was obtained from a gray-clothed man who wanted to kill him after he came out of the Jiuxuan auction.

He clearly remembered that the other party was the golden-faced messenger from Wuchang Tower.

Tongbao... Jue!

Mo Xun muttered to himself, could it be that this was originally a pair?

Looking at the jade dragon with a carved dragon and painted beard on one side and the smooth jade dragon on the other side, he immediately thought of this possibility.

As for the strangeness, it was because he had not figured out what it was until now.

After thinking for a while, he threw the thing into the green gourd together with Zisheng Tianjun's storage bag.

Now that he was with Xia Muyao, it was obviously not the time to think about these things.

The only thing that made him feel regretful was that there was no experience of cultivation in it.

In fact, he wanted to borrow Zisheng Tianjun's Yuanying to study it, but he was afraid that this woman would not agree.

Half a year later, the two came to a canyon with few people.

For several months, they have been running around in every corner of the ruins palace, and encountered some dangers along the way, but with the joint efforts of the two, they finally avoided them safely.

The biggest trouble here is the void cracks scattered everywhere.

However, with Sanqing by their side and Xia Muyao's own Nascent Soul cultivation, it has no effect on them.

It's just that after so long, the two have never met the little demon king named Cha Shan.

Mo Xun knew that once he left this secret realm, Xia Muyao would part ways with him.

Without such a helper, he was not sure about dealing with Cha Shan with his own strength.

So there was not much time left for him!

For now, the only way was to try with Tianxu Flower.

According to Zan Wu, the purpose of Cha Shan's coming here was most likely for this healing spiritual herb.

But after so long, maybe people had already collected enough Tianxu Flowers, and as for whether it would work, they could only make the last effort.

Fortunately, he was not idle in the past six months.

Not only did he find a large number of Tianxu flowers, but also, while resting, he refined various formation flags to deal with the situation, and followed Sanqing to learn the Heavenly Runes.

Now, he can understand the contents of the seventy-two golden pages.

Among them, there is indeed the method of drawing the boundary-breaking talisman.

However, with his current understanding of space, many places are obscure and difficult to understand, and it is not possible to comprehend them in a short time.

Fortunately, with the foundation of the formation, there are some similarities with the talismans. As long as he is given enough time, he can always see some ways.

As the saying goes, something is better than nothing. Although it is still a mess about how to return to Southern Xinjiang, there is always a direction.

Next, if nothing unexpected happens, after completing the Gongyang matter, he will return to the East Region on the one hand, and go to the place where he was first teleported to find clues, and on the other hand, he will concentrate on studying the talisman and make two preparations for this.

Mo Xun exhaled a long breath of turbidity, and roughly calculated that he has been here for more than two hundred years.

Back then, he was just a rookie who had just established his foundation, but now he is already in the late stage of Jindan.

Half of the time has passed since the promise made to Fairy Yuehua.

Most of the people I once knew have probably returned to dust.

I wonder if the battle between Taoism and demons in Southern Xinjiang has come to an end?

Unconsciously, his thoughts returned to Xiaoling Village, Xunyang County, and Guyue Gate!

In order to expand the medicinal fragrance of Tianxu Flower, Mo Xun also specially arranged a formation, and used his alchemy attainments to stimulate the medicinal effect of this thing, trying to make it spread further.

In fact, he knew that this was a method with little effect.

The vastness of Wan Yao Ruins Palace was far beyond his imagination.

To find someone in it is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

However, since he made a promise, he would not be perfunctory. Even if he left here in the future, he would find the other party's lair.

"Just wait here. If he doesn't show up before the ruins palace is closed, you have helped me, and I will also accept your favor!"

The two sat cross-legged on the edge of the formation. After this period of recovery, their injuries were almost healed.

It was just that after a long period of running around, his face was a little tired.

Xia Muyao glanced at him lightly.

"I'm not helping you for the sake of gratitude!"

Mo Xun was obviously used to this woman's cold attitude.

"No matter what, I still have to thank you!"

Xia Muyao opened her mouth, but she was hesitant to speak!

If she really wanted to say thank you, Xia Muyao should actually say it, but she couldn't open her mouth anyway.

The two of them waited like this for a full half month.

Just when they had given up, a black shadow suddenly rushed over from the distant horizon.

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