Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 693 Fighting for the Body

Or the combination of these two can kill even a small demon king comparable to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul?

When he looked at Xia Muyao again, she was panting and floating in the air.

It seemed that this sword had almost drained all her strength.

Mo Xun's mouth moved, and before he could speak, Xia Muyao's weak voice came first.

"I help you, not to make you feel grateful!"

Mo Xun was a little surprised for a moment, why did he suddenly say such a sentence.

And what does this sentence mean?

Shouldn't the two of them celebrate now?

He suddenly thought, could it be that the other party's abnormality just now was because of his previous words?

Xia Muyao threw it casually, returned the Jade Sky Sword, and then slowly fell down, taking out a bottle of pills from the storage bag.

Xia Muyao's condition at this time was really not good.

Not only was her face pale, but her breath was weak.

Mo Xun thought to himself, it seems that the price paid for this sword is even greater than he expected.

Maybe he used some kind of secret technique that hurt himself!

As Cha Shan was seriously injured, the green evil ghosts in the air turned into feathers again.

Mo Xun's mind moved, and the nebula disk flashed white light and returned to his body.

He slowly walked to Xia Muyao.

"Are you okay?"

Xia Muyao glanced at him lightly and did not answer. Just as she was about to sit down and rest, something strange happened!

A ball of green light suddenly shot out from the deep ravine not far away.

The two of them frowned, and a bad premonition rose in their hearts at the same time.

Then, they saw something suddenly fly out of Cha Shan's body, which was almost cut in half.

It's the Yuanshen!

Mo Xun was about to speak, but he stopped in a hurry and shook his head.


What flew out of the bloody mess was not the Yuanshen, but another Qinggan beast!

But this one had silver eyes, and there were three conspicuous bloody tumors under its neck.

It was the standard silver-eyed Qinggan he knew!

What was going on?

Could it be that this beast was a female, and gave birth to a cub when she was dying?

I have heard of other secrets in space, but I have never heard of those who have hidden secrets in their bodies.

Just as he was wondering, the body of the newly-flying Qinggan grew bigger and bigger, like a ball being inflated.

But the body floating in the air was shaking constantly, as if it was experiencing a strange spell.

Both Mo Xun and Xia Muyao were a little overwhelmed by the scene in front of them!

Fortunately, they were all experienced people. After a brief shock, they decided that no matter what it was, it would be better to kill it in the cradle before it took shape.

The two looked at each other, and Xia Muyao took the lead in jumping up, and the bronze mirror flew out at the same time, shooting out a sharp silver light.

Mo Xun relied on the magic power in his body, and the Jade Sky Sword in his hand slashed down without hesitation.

After a rumbling sound, in the flickering glow, the green stem not only did not suffer much damage, but also became a little bigger.

In just a few breaths, it was more than ten feet wide.

The two were dumbfounded at the same time, especially Mo Xun.

His sword was not much weaker than the previous one.

But just now he could clearly leave a wound on its wings, but this time it was like a solid cut on pig iron, which made his palm numb.

Could it be that this newly appeared green stem body is stronger than the previous one?

After failing to hit, the two retreated repeatedly.

After the tossing just now, neither Mo Xun nor Xia Muyao had recovered their mana for the time being.

If they fought hard, they might not even have the strength to escape when they encountered danger later.

While Mo Xun swallowed two pills, he was already thinking about retreating outside the formation.

With the help of the formations arranged earlier, even if there are unexpected situations, at least there is something to rely on when advancing or retreating.

But before he could take any action, a strange voice suddenly came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is my body!"

Although it was strange, Mo Xun still recognized it.

This person was none other than Cha Shan's old enemy, Zan Wu!

He was also the initiator of this matter, the blood of the Sanqing clan.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What did you say?"

"After I was plotted against by this person, I had to abandon my destroyed body. I didn't expect that this traitorous beast would take my body for himself and refine it into this appearance. This beast must be fusing my body now!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he immediately couldn't stay.

No wonder that body was so strong, it turned out to be the great demon king Zan Wu.

Just imagine, if it was really successfully fused by the other party, wouldn't it be another strong man comparable to the late Nascent Soul?

Even though he was a little weaker in strength, he and Xia Muyao could not easily deal with him.

However, he thought of a way in a flash.

"Fellow Daoist Zan Wu, you are now in the body of the Yuanshen. Can you return to the Dao body and fight for the control of the body?"

Sanqing's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, Zan Wu, go quickly. If you succeed, you will not only get your revenge, but you may also be resurrected!"

But Zan Wu hesitated.

"But my soul is weak now. I am afraid that even if I fight with it, I will probably win less and lose more. Even the last Yuanshen may be swallowed by it."

Hearing this unambitious words, Sanqing was immediately annoyed.

"Asshole, how could this Saint have a descendant like you?"


To be honest, Mo Xun couldn't stand it anymore.

Zan Wu was a great demon king before, how could he not have this courage?

Now he finally understood why Cha Shan was able to defeat Zan Wu with the power of a little demon king!

"But that's bullshit, don't embarrass this Saint, as for the soul power, I'll give you some!"

After a while, Zan Wu was trembling with fear, and was thrown out by Sanqing together with the beast armor.

Then, a green light was seen sinking into the body of the green dry that was getting bigger and bigger in the air.

Xia Muyao asked in confusion: "What is that?"

Mo Xun did not answer her directly, but said: "You and I will retreat outside the formation first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun turned into a rainbow light and flew out.

Shortly after Zan Wu disappeared, the Qinggan beast that had expanded to nearly a hundred feet suddenly stopped trembling.

But then, it fell directly from mid-air and hit the ground with a loud bang.

After Mo Xun briefly explained the situation to Xia Muyao, he immediately attracted a strange look from the other party.

But now was not the time to discuss these things, because the huge Qinggan beast in the formation suddenly rolled violently.

It rushed to the sky for a while, and then crashed into the ground.

The valley, which was already in a mess, was ruined beyond recognition in an instant.

The key point was that the formation arranged by Mo Xun was actually broken by a single blow!

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